Monday, August 10, 2009

Communicating with spirit guides

Someone who didn't give a name asked, "How can I communicate better with the spirits. At times No. 14 has been used by the spirits to convey specific information and to indicate that there is misunderstanding or hesitation on understanding the message. Any tips?"

You try too hard the dearest one. It is often the path of least resistance. Let go. If you wish to choose one thing to be a sign or a symbol, those that surround you will abide by this. For their desire and great need is to have communion with you, in the growth of you--not for fun or recreation--but for your evolution. Sometimes this can be confused.

Choose or simply just trust that they are there. That way you will feel it and sense it and in time, the way will be made known to you. Communication with spirit is always there for you my child. Do you not remember when you were very small? Trust, my dearest one that you are not lost and this will be made clear to you.