Sunday, February 28, 2010

What is truth?

Funtastic asks about what is truth. He says, “Hi Jane and Joanna. Thank you for this blog.
My question is: Is the information Hidden_Hand is providing at Above Top Secret true, in general? Is the God of the Holy Bible NOT the one prime infinite source from which all else is derived? Is what he speaks of regarding ruling families not being human beings but just looking like human beings correct?

To quote him/it, Your Creator, the one you have called 'Yahweh', is not "God" inasmuch as your bible refers to him as being "the One True God". He is 'a' Creator (or Sub-Sub-Logos) rather than the One Infinite Creator. He is not even a Galactic level Logos, but rather, is the Planetary Logos for this one planet. Our Creator, is the one you refer to as 'Lucifer', "The Light Bearer" and "Bright and Morning Star". Our Creator is not "The Devil" as he has been spuriously portrayed in your bible. Lucifer is what you would call a "Group Soul" or "Social Memory Complex", which has evolved to the level of the Sixth Density, which in effect, means that he (or more accurately "'we") has evolved to a level sufficient that he (we) has attained a status equal or arguably 'greater' than that of Yahweh (we have evolved higher than him). In appearance, were you to gaze upon Lucifer's fullest expression of our Being, the appearance would be that of a Sun or a "Bright Star". Or, when stepping down into a 3rd Density vibration, we would appear as what you may term an 'Angel' or 'Light Being'. " Is this true what he/it says? 

Namaste. We and you, be. We are all one in a great mix of an energy, a Mother, or for lack of words, a God. You are of this and you reflect it. You grow and you learn in an individual time in order to return to be part of the greater, thus to be spun out again like the most brilliant star. It is a closed circuit, but in fact it is one amongst many, as you are one amongst many; each level, each dimension being nourished by that from the other. There are so many levels that the truth lies within all. Seek the height, the dimension that nourishes you, gives you peace. You do not need to know all of it, all of the time. You can simply be and not seek all of it and have quite a good lifetime.

This dear one is very, very concerned about what truth is. And truth is a very individual thing, centred within the being’s conscious and subconscious vibrational code. It has to do with a frequency levels causes within a being. If you try to assume a truth that does not meet a criteria within you, it will cause you chaos.

Yes, you have all at times seen what happens one has to memorize something that does not fit. And you cannot do it. Whether it be of a scripture, or something a scribe spoke of. If it is not fitting for you, then it cannot and will not do. So truth is as individual as each of you are and should be.
Know that there is no one blanket that fits all. All things help to build it and create it. So do not sit in judgement that this is ridiculous and that is not. If it has purpose for some, then it has a purpose. This child, wants to be nourished by all manner of things and then be able to remember it. It is not possible. For your conscious mind will only contain those elements that feel right. Keep asking and know there that is great love for you.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Feeling lost and joyless

Gail says, "I am lost...can you help get me pointed in the right direction? No joy, no ambition.

Let the dust settle, dear. You haven’t given yourself enough time.  Great changes have taken place. Structure has diminished, freedom has opened up and yet it feels like a burden to you. You feel that you must fill it with something.  

Now you are needing time to walk, to smell, stretch and see.  You have moved forward farther than you believe.  It often is a great voice when one soul needs to find its place of growth. You have grown a great deal and it is just putting it all in place now that you feel this itchiness to do something, and yet you don’t want to do anything.  Always in the matter of life before you step into the next rung, there is a sense of wondering if it will be there?  Trust, my dear. You are not lost, just getting comfortable with the new you.  Life never stays the same for any length of time.  Rejoice in that and celebrate. Everything can be new and exciting in an instant.

Friday, February 26, 2010

State of the planet and other dimensions

"Anonymous" commented on something said about evolved beings moving on to the dimensions where they need to be for their ongoing learning.  This raised a question about whether these beings actually leave earth, and if so, where they go.

"Anonymous" asks, "Will all evolved beings leave? Will they go to a different planet? Will they keep the same human form once they leave? I searched the net for more info on this but little luck. Can you point me to some good sources where I can know more about this in detail? Thank you."

There are many sources. There are many forms of information. We can learn and seek them all. But only those that ring of truth to you, within your being, should you keep. You live in a time when there are masters of information of every kind. But remember that they each seek their own truth. It doesn’t necessarily mean it is yours.

Overturn of souls is a time when there is an imbalance. It is what you see right now. It is a time in your physical world where there are a great many very evolved beings of high vibration. And a great many, who are new beings, of a less intense vibration.  They are not better or less, but things are just a little imbalanced right now.

On your earth it is a time of great chaos, where the very new will pick up arms and fight and battle instead of speaking, or teaching, or waiting. The very evolved ones, who have been here many lifetimes, will be the ones to wait and see. These are not always the best teachers as they often  prefer to allow the space for each being to grow. But when you have a great number of new souls thrashing it out, great chaos can ensue.

And so, what is needed now are the "middle aged" souls--the  teachers, the good politicians, the people who will stand in the middle between the warring factions. That is what we refer to as the overturn of souls. It is a mixed up, back and forth, teeter totter time of chaos and wonder. These are, as the saying goes, the best of times and the worst of times.  And this is your time now.

As to other dimensions, it is true. There are many dimensions of a reality that you are only beginning to glimpse. In your lifetime, you will know of some of these; you will see more and new science will be created.  A science that will fill the gap for what is called a para-science and it will have a reality. For you will have created ways to understand and see other dimensions, black holes, worms, all sorts of things that have been spoken about for eons. They will become truth. Keep seeking my dear, keep seeking it and your truth will be made known to you. As to whether you are in a different form for a different planet, of course you are. Different planets require different needs for  a being to adapt to  the physical domain. Do not worry about that now.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Feeling abandoned by his spirit guides

Maurice would like to know why he has never felt or heard his spirit guides.  He asks, "Have they left me?  My life has been very hard all those years and maybe that's why! thanks." 
No, dear soul, you have not been left.  In fact, you are very amazing and you have done beautifully and your choices have been right.  And the growth has been amazing.  Dearest one, I hope you realize that life is not necessarily easy just because you feel you know your beings that surround you.  Life (or your time dwelling in the physical body in the physical domain) is a learning time and you must admit that you have learned a great deal.  
You are very wise.  You needn’t be sad about it for you have grown and you are richer and more radiant now than you have ever been.  There are many old sayings about times like this, when beings in the physical world feel abandoned, and in reality they have never been more assisted and helped. It is true when you do your work, it must be your work.  You are not alone my child and you have never have been.  Perhaps if you sit in quiet solitiude and thank yourself for the growth you have received and done, through your choosing, you will hear them.  You will hear them rejoice for the love you have found for yourself.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Interpreting a symbol from spirit guides

Lindsay ask about the meaning of a symbol from her spirit guide.  She says, "I recently asked for a sign, any sign to let me know he was there or to guide me on my path somehow. I wondered if I would even know how to recognize the sign, but within I received the most unmistakable sign, and it came in a very profound way! The sign came in the form of a universal symbol for breast cancer. Can you please tell me why my spirit guide chose to give me this symbol as a sign. What does it have to do with me and my path? Was it a warning? I would love to understand a little bit more about what this means for me. I was also wondering if you could please tell me my spirit guide's name. Thank you so much. Blessings to you all." 

Entities that guide are often reluctant to give names. Tell her to persevere and perhaps in time. There are thirteen of them, and perhaps one might give a name. As to the symbol she receives, she drew this to herself for fear. It is not a symbol that she needs to worry about, but can in fact, embrace. Know there is a certain condition in this symbol that everyone will be conscious and give love instead of fear (which is often attracted by this). She is going to change many things in the world and that won’t be all of it. When people create symbols, they are trying to create change. This is what I want her to know. She is a new thinker. And she must be told by those entities for her to believe it. She should work on the communication with her entities, her guides. Between her and them, they will find a way that is most convenient, or comfortable, or fulfilling for her.

She has never been one to follow another’s routines, or ritual. Seek it my child, it will come.

I am not very clear if that was a symbol that she created. or was it a gift from the guide?

Both. Part of her fears that. And when you fear. you draw it to you. For you are telling all that surround you that you need to deal with this, that you need to grow and so it was provided for her. The fear that it created helped her to grow. That, that she pursued was good. The confusion, growth. Do not be afraid of pain, but understand that if you fear something you will draw it to you. For fear is a sign in the body of something that needs to be changed and altered--for growth.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Concern about a grandson's travels

Anonymous asks about her grandson named Blaine.  He is 20 years old and very adventurous and just left to go to South America,starting in Mexico. He will come back to finish his studies. He will travel most of the time by himself. He is a very deep thinker and mature for his age but I am concerned for his safety. 

And is that not the natural state of being a grandparent?  It is parenting with the big picture.  Of course, because you have walked a path and know that there are things that can befall a being.  But do not dull his shiny being.  Know that this one needs to seek out his truth.  Always be there, never judging, but always listening.  And surround him in a cushion of light and love that you have for him and trust that his wisdom will see him through.  He is a good being, trust in this.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Soul connections and promises

Someone calling himself "I Have Made Mixtakes" asks about a relationship and a past life connection.  He says, " I ended a relationship in July because she had addiction issues, that she refused to see as a problem. While we were going out I had a feeling of a past life connection with this woman. On many levels I do believe that we were soul mates.

I am now having a great deal of trouble letting go. She is constantly in my dreams and even though I try to block thoughts about her they still come on a daily basis. It has been five monthes and I still in love with her. Was she my soul mate?" 

You have words in your world now that have nothing to do with spiritual growth and one of these is "soulmate."  Know that there are many beings that you can love, my child. Many.  And once you have a bond with someone, it does not just dissolve because you choose to walk away from them. It stays and it even grows. And it helps you to grow.

Do not be surprised that you still think of this one. You would be a lesser being if you didn’t.  Ask yourself if you truly want that one back again? The truth is, you were complete. You could call every being a soul mate if you were to exchange love with them, if you were to share the intimacy.  But there are many souls that come into your life for just a small time to help create growth within you and then resolve. And the promise can be achieved in a fraction of a second.  Or it can take a long time, depending on the work that is needed to be done. So instead of pining, or feeling sad, ask yourself what did you learn from your time with this one?  And what are you learning now about yourself?

Dear one, see your growth as a tangible, wonderful thing that you can put in your pocket and carry with you. For the next time you come across it, you will pull it out and say yes, I know this. It is good that you still think of this one as you are a gentle and loving being. Be thankful for who you are my dear. Love yourself.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Now is the time for love


Anonymous says, “I’ve been told that there is a love yet to be in my life; that this agreement was made before my life on this physical planet with this being. How will we find each other and why am I so impatient? I would like this to be now. What do I need to do to make this happen and if I can't do anything but wait for the universe to let it happen, what are we looking at as far a time line? I have gained tremendous growth and quite like myself and my present life but would dearly love to share my love with the right being.

This is truth that there is love for you.  But you have limited yourself. You have put expectations on it, the how and when on it, instead of allowing it to be and welcoming it into your life.  Stop worrying and start loving.  With everyone you meet shower them with the radiance of who you be.  Yes, there is definitely a being (in fact, more than one being) that you will love.  As for the timeline, you are asking someone who does not know how to deal with time.  Time is the limitation.  We want you to be limitless.  Draw it to be now.  Now.  Speak to this person that now is the time for love.  Whenever in doubt, now is the time of love.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Dealing with one who attacks you verbally

How does one deal with someone who is jealous, hot tempered, possibly delusional, paranoid to the point of seeing many things as some sort of conspiracy theory and sees "evil" in everything? What do I do with someone who attacks me verbally? Aside from completely avoiding them and sending them love from a distance what can one do?

Love them. When you send love and healing to one, you protect yourself as well. That amazing force moving through you to them, prevents any negativity from coming back. Just continue to love them. Judge them not. Baste them in the love you know so well. Perhaps it will soak in and will heal them. It is their choice.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Advice for a single mom about the father of her children

"One single mom" asks for advice about the father of her children. She says, "In the same breathe often he will proclaim this great love for his kids and how he misses them immensely and is so very sad he is apart from them - but he will also tell me he is too busy to see them as he has to work hard to provide for them, or that he needs to get away to clear his head because he is so unhappy. I do not appreciate his behavior. His communication skills do not make any sense and give me a headache. 

I have hovered over my children to protect them from his nonsense but now I am thinking they need to learn how to deal with his personality. They are strong but I don't want him to hurt them emotionally the way he has me. And I do realize that their relationship with him is different from his and mine. I am tired and overworked because he knows that I will do all the parenting and care giving while he tends to his own desires. Will my children be happy and feel secure and safe if they spend more time with him? And how many lifetimes have I shared with these two gigantic little ones? Many thanks and love."

This one has spent many lifetimes with these children, and not always has she been the mother.  As to the father, do not worry dear one.  Do not feel responsible for their relationship with him.  They will find it and it will grow. together--at the same rate.  Your frustration with this being is something that you must just, well, relax about.  You cannot be the one for all.  You can only be the mother.  Know that your children will be secure if you are secure.  Yes, and I know she seeks.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Confusion about cancer and how to proceed

Sandra says, "I was given a diagnosis of breast cancer Sept 07. I have opted to "treat" it alternatively and by seeing this as an incredible opportunity to grow and learn. It isn't always easy but in a dream, I saw it this way and I also saw a doctor doing a procedure on me where my body wasn't mutilated but minuscule samples were removed from my breast and lymph system. Well I found a doctor who does just this! My appointment with him was to be Jan 08. What followed were 2 years of postponements (he had the flu, his mother was in a horrific hurricane accident then died, machines breaking down, etc,) and then on he died of lung cancer.

Although I have never physically met this doctor, I feel like we know each other. I have talked to him in dreamtime and Sunday, not knowing he had died, I told him in a dream that I would do my best to be at his funeral if he thought it beneficial. I do not remember an answer. Is there meaning in all of this? I am feeling so sad and also discombobulated.  Please, if there is any guidance to help me learn, or understand. Sometimes I wonder if I truly don't require any surgery. What is it about cancer that someone like him dies and yet I feel fine?  Or am I fooling myself? Am I in denial? He had all the best medical care and I am looking at old emotions, old eating habits, developing spiritually. Oh dear, confusion!

This blessed being is feeling very cut off from the world. She has often felt adrift of it. More so because one she seeks has left her again. She is a very old soul and is confused as to why this has been created within her body.  She needs to dwell upon her own being and its happiness.   She has been so serious and she would even say this is true.  She has been finding it hard to laugh and when the laugher came, it was not truth, it was to make others comfortable.  So often feeling invisible in amongst others, not feeling part of things.

Blessed one, if you want to stay, make your presence known. Be that, that you are. Be conscious in body. Allow others to see the deep, emotional being that you are that you have hidden so well. Will this heal you? It will be the beginning. And in time you will know exactly what to do. There is not any one method. When you are truly conscious you will know what is right and what will do the trick.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wanting to help someone who has lost his way

Jessie asks about someone named Frank.  She says, "I was involved in a relationship with this being and it has now come to an end. Although I feel a loss in my soul, I feel I needed to let go. I want to love him but he is not ready to receive love from anyone. I fear he repeats the same mistake over and over again and I want to help him to see his worth and to find his way. Please tell me how the spirits can help him or how I can if possible. 

Indeed, it must be the entities that surround him that help.  It is not her responsibility to do so.  If she is frustrated with this, tell her to send her love, to focus it, to envision him in white light, happy, making the choices he needs to.  Dearest Jessie, I know you want him to want you, to need you.  But you need to take time now to allow, to strengthen your being, to radiate out that that you are and find the love that will fill your heart.
May I say one more thing to this dear Jessie?  When a bond is made with one in the physical world, or in spirit, and one chooses to not be in their physical presence any longer, it does not mean the bond diminishes.  In truth, it is still there.  It changes and grows. This is one of the most common things in the physical domain, to create growth.  It is not surprising that she still loves him and wants him to do well.  Part of her wants him back and part of her does not.  But she cannot be responsible for him and the choices he must make.  In other words, she cannot grow for him.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Moving to the light--words for one whose partner passed away

Kay says, "Thank you for your reading. I was overwhelmed when I wrote and asked was he angry.
He passed away in May 2009, and I was not coping, and could not feel him near, and life was so very hard, I just wanted some comfort from him, and felt nothing. I feared that he was not only done with this earth, but done with me too.

He laughed at my beliefs, in a good humoured way, and joked that there was no such thing as the hereafter. I am scared he was right, as I still do not feel him around. I long for him.

He waited so long for a transplant, and fought so hard, and in the end he was not himself because of the medications in the ICU. I know that, but his distrust shattered me then and still does now. I just need to know that he understands what happened, and that I had no control, neither did the kids. It was taken out of our hands, until the very end, when they let us just be, him and us to his journeys end. 

Dearest one, you have asked many questions here. You want to know that he is well, that he found his way. You want to know what you believe is true. You want to know that everything was done that could have possibly been done. Know that these questions are part of a great growth. It is still at hand. Nothing is over quickly in your physical world, except growth. It is the accepting and understanding of growth that takes all of the leg work.

This movement to the light was miraculous. He dances joy and he tried to convey it to you but you were so tied up in questions and unanswered things that you did not feel it. But in time he will help you understand that he truly understands what you are saying now and that it is not that different. Dear one, dear one, you have done well. Be at peace.

Does that mean you will stop growing? No. It means that your communion, your bond with that one, continues, but in a different way. There is a time when a being passes in your physical domain and transforms back to spirit. It is a time of learning and growing and understanding all that affects one’s life on themselves and upon others. Sometimes a being is quite unhappy with what they have done and wants to quickly move forward. Sometimes they are in awe of all that has occurred. And sometimes they are so joyous we cannot make them still. But know there is not physical pain. There is not a struggle in the same way, there is great clarity. You have a desire to have the most of information. Be patient blessed one. Be patient, it will come.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Help with a technology idea

Idea girls asks about a technology idea she has.  She says, "The idea itself is a gift I am so grateful for. It's an idea in progress but I can't do it alone. Would you please guide me in the direction for success or possibly direct me on how to hear my guides better so that they can help me figure out what to do. I don't know who to ask for help and I don't want to give up. There is a man who can help but he seems to want to stop me from succeeding. Why would he do such a thing when my intention is to help him financially and my whole family and make all of our lives more stable and create a service to help my community?"

Idea girl often feels she burdens others and in some ways is mentally creating all sorts of hurdles for herself instead of just trusting that there will be a way in which to put all of this together.  She is often very afraid to speak her deepest need and has learned this because many times in her path she has been made fun of, or belittled.   
Tell her to focus and she will know the way to do it.  That there are others that can help her with this.  She does not feel comfort with this one as he does not circulate with others to communicate.  She feels there must always be a giving in order to receive.  
Tell her that there is love for her. Drink it in Idea Girl by  breathing and by focusing on it.  In truth, you know that you are a good being.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Difficulty with a family member

JanJan writes that she seems to be constantly at loggerheads with a close family member. She says, "it's a very volatile situation and I feel like just giving up on this person. I am trying very hard to just let it BE, I bless the situation and the person but sometimes it all comes crashing down and all I want to do is just lash out in anger (verbally not physically). I value the messages and the insight that is given here as they have always helped me in the past."

Dear heart, dear heart, there is great grieving within you that you are not as radiant as you are. Lashing out is not what you want to do, so know that is why it is wrong for you. Take time now to love yourself, to see yourself strong and whole. You know within yourself that you are a good, wonderous being. If there is something that antagonizes you, be still, examine. Often times when something is the most irritating it is because there is something you need to learn within it and you are in some part. And be patient within yourself little one. Some parts are not willing to move forward, or to take a step of growth. Have humour and love. Be patient. You know your truth blessed one. Lashing out only makes you feel bad. It is as if drinking the poison to hurt someone else, will not help you my dear. Be still, love yourself. And in time you will forgive, you will love. Most importantly, you will be willing.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Haiti and the earthquake--growth for many

Anonymous asks if you could share some guidance to help explain why this earthquake in Haiti happened. Is there any higher purpose to this tragedy, or is this type of physical release of the Earth, a random event? So much loss and suffering for people that have struggled even before this earthquake. Thank you for any insight you can share.

What has happened as you know is this shift in the planet. The planet is made up of hardened crust that is cracked in areas and these plates shift and move and truly, it doesn't happen all that often. But, as your great Mother planet moves, sometimes it causes great destruction to that that has been built upon it. And thus a new beginning, a start over, much sadness, and much growth. It is difficult to see it as a good thing, but understand that they grow. That they celebrate, that they move forward. Everyone who takes part in the ending of this light and love grows as well.

All things on your planet are opportunities for growth. It is a hard thing to understand that you must learn these things. But it is truth. Opportunities for growth. There are in these places, new souls that have come and have evolved very quickly and this is a miracle. It is hard to understand but in such suffering, miracles are happening. They will speak of it in time. And for those who feel their lives are of little purpose, they are given an opportunity in to help, they in turn give in love of themselves and thus to others. Thus, a great gift. This is a time of gifts, a time of love, a time of great growth. For those that chose to leave the physical plane at this time, they are still very much there, part of the whole. Celebrate in the light.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Searching for a true purpose

Jessie writes, "I am a 38 year old woman who is searching to find her true purpose.  I am unsure of myself in my career and love life and feel I need to know what direction to take. Do you have any advice on how to find true contentment in either or both.  Are there signs I need to look out for?  I also struggle a lot with PMS and need guidance getting through it.

Dearest Jessie, first for your health, your PMS has to do with hormones, but it also has to do with diet, and rest and enough sleep.  You need to make sure you get very simple foods.  No fast food, or fried food, nothing too complex.  Your diet should be simple.  And you need to have a simple life in many ways, in many ways.  

Truly, my dear, there are many things you could do and be and fulfill many paths.  But you are going to be more than just one thing, so beware of that and embrace it.  Mostly important on your path, it will be much more about relationships than it is one career path.  It is the bonds you make with each individual that will feed you and nourish you the greatest.  I know you wonder about this, as you have the ability to love so many at different times.  Old souls do this, it is a good thing.

You are about to make a choice and you don't know if it is very right for you.  Remember that you change and grow and you've never really made a bad decision.  Trust yourself my dear. 

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Animal souls and factory farming

Andrea asks about animal souls.  She says, "I am very conscious of the cruelty that is inflicted on animals during factory farming. I would like to know if the animal soul chooses this experience. It is selfish in a way, as I would like to know if they are exercising their free will. I recently watched a film (Food Inc) which also showed factory produced animals and how they are "processed". I could see the pain in the animals' eyes and it really upset me. I know I can choose to not support this industry myself but not buying the products but how can we get this to stop? Surely these noble creatures deserve more respect. "

Yes, my dear.  There is a purpose.  The fact that you saw this film and grew--that was their purpose. Do you understand this? Some creatures come upon the physical world so evolved that their very purpose is to only to create growth for others. Whether that be to support their physical being or their spiritual being.  In that alone, they have succeeded. They are the individual.  Did they choose that path? Yes. Do they deserve better?  Yes. Have they done right? Yes.

They do experience pain. And, it is wrong to treat the creatures that you consume without respect and dignity. You must treat all beings with respect. There should be honour for every manner of thing in your physical world. For these creatures were created for your growth, amazing as that might seem.  But not to squander, not to inflict pain, not to hurt, or condemn in any way. So, you honour them; they honour you.

You, my dear, are a tiny teardrop that has ripples in the great ocean and can affect many.  This is what has happened to you, my dear. And so now that you understand, you can  choose to find ways to find a source of food that has been produced in the greatest of joy. That the creatures shall feel the sun and the earth beneath their feet. That they should not be penned with so many that they choose to fight amongst themselves. For they so love humanity and deserve grace and love in return.

Joanna's comment.  We've heard this from the guides previously that these animals give us the gift of food and it is our responsibility to honour and value their gift.  This means looking into the source of the meat, poultry, eggs and milk we purchase and choosing to buy from small farms that treat the animals humanely.  There are some sources of food produced in joy but it takes some looking to find them.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

New blog format and location coming

We are in the process of developing a new website that will be integrated with this blog. The new site will incorporate elements from the existing Circles within Circles website with the questions and answers from from our "Dialogue with Spirit Guides" blog. We've moved the archived posts (complete with photographs) over already and will soon be ready to transfer the rest of the content. Once everything has been successfully moved to our new site we'll start to post responses to the blog questions on the new website. Check back here for details about how this is unfolding.

Wondering how the brain works with spirit

Liindenn M.P. wonders how the brain works.  She asks,  “Why is it that scientists and neurologists can create spiritual sensations, and why is it that they seem to be so sure that all this proves that spirits are illusions that just brain products? I'm on the right path, but these guys seem to flatten my belief system to ashes, saying that love, laughter etc are all just chemicals in our brain.  I  guess they are to an extent, but until someone explains it, I don't feel as if I can reach my potential.   I'm poetic, and nature loving and I hope that once I stop nitpicking, I will be able to reach my full potential and love more.  Love and blessings.”

Dearest one, you are trying so hard to grasp and understand everything and never make a mistake.  In this you are similar to these scientists-- as they never want to make a mistake.  Yet, mistakes can be a great place to start learning.  

Trust that the grey matter, mostly made up of water and fat in the physical brain, has abilities to tap into that that is seen and that that is not, that that is already created and that is the process in which you will go and find what you need.  They have many ways of probing the brain.  It can, by great ability, bring up taste, smell, thoughts and feelings.  But, in truth my dear, what they seek to find is God--even though they are pushing at a brain to find it.  They feel it is a neuron, or a perhaps it is a chemical, a chemical bath that bathes the brain. They seek that that cannot be explained by poking the body but by seeing it, and by honouring it, by seeing the whole of its magic.  And each being that uses this energy that makes up the body is a separate being from that body.  

As you dwell in this amazing bath of warm fluid, that has an amazing way to reproduce itself, to hold you, you are as separate from it as your fingerprints are from the others.  But you have connected with it because you have created it.  And in that body you will learn and grow in all of the wondrous ways you have chosen to.  To bring science and spirituality, or God and scientists together will always be one of those connections that will have difficulty in your world.  As soon as you hold on to it, you lose it.  Be not afraid to believe, to trust in your belief until you choose to change and grow and move forward into a new belief.  It should never stay stagnant.  You are a magnificent being and you will find an amazing path to express yourself in.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Coping with people who want to make others unhappy

PF says, "There is a saying "misery loves company" and while is isn't always true it seems like often it is. Why do unhappy people seem to enjoy or want to make others unhappy? It makes no sense."

They don’t feel so bad about themselves if they think everybody else is miserable. It is a sign usually of a being who is not as evolved as they should be. But, I am not judging; it is not a place to judge.

Often they are just trying to find a way to feel better about themselves. And then, many beings take the cue that they must perhaps talk down their state of being so they don’t make the other one uncomfortable. It is a series of circles within circles of downward movement, actually. The best thing to do when you are with someone who wants you to be as miserable as they are is simply to say, "I am fine. I believe this certain thing happened to help me and yes it was painful, but I choose to be happy. I choose to see it as learning and growing."

It is quite amazing to see each element, positive or negative this way. To see that you can choose to be happy.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Advice about financial independence

Mary says she is needing financial independence and is not sure what route to follow. She asks, "Would it be a good choice to go into business with my ex-partner? I had been thinking to not go to University but perhaps I am wrong here. Any help/direction would be very much appreciated. Thank you."

There is a reason that beings are called ex.  It usually should be a symbol of  “do not go there.”  It isn’t that you couldn’t work with this one, but there are too many incomplete difficulties and you have grown past this.   It would cause a great deal of stress for you. You need to get going with the business.  You need to stop thinking about it.  You need to put it together and do it.  You have great creative ability to do all of it and the money will follow. You could certainly get other investors. You know if you ask it from the ex you will just be owing this one all the more. And that never did fit well by you. Do you not understand, dearest one, what you are battling against?  It is control.  And yet you are limiting yourself.  You are controlling your being too much by worrying about each step.  Open up.  Talk to those that will listen about this and they will direct you. Trust, my dearest.  You have all of the ability.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Lessons learned and yet to be learned

SLC writes, "I was just wondering also what lessons WR has learned from being in this situation with me, (again, only if it's not invading his privacy).

Lesson partly learned – not complete. Very little learned yet. A great deal of growth needed to take place and it has not occurred yet.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

When life is unravelling

I don’t know what is happening but I feel like I am unravelling.  My horse is very lame AGAIN, my car has broken down AGAIN, my relationship is really bad AGAIN. All of these things I dealt with less than a few months ago and they are coming back together. I want to believe that things get better but it is very hard right now. I don’t know how much of this I can take this time. Please give me some encouraging words. I most desperately need some. Thank you.  

You feel you have not integrated your two lives.  There is one side and the other.   And it is because of this back and forth that you are having difficulty.  It is not why your beautiful creature became unstable again or why your car is--it is because the energy is teaching you something, dear.   So, take a moment.  See the whole picture.  See what this situation is telling you and teaching you.  I know you are confused because you haven’t learned it yet.  So don’t think that is the answer.  Be still.  Breathe deeply.  Are you going too fast?  Are you pushing yourself in a direction that is not yours?  Ask yourself these questions dearest.   And you are truly doing very well.  Do not lose your wonderful ability to laugh and see the light.

Message from a cat

Ruth Anne says her dear cat Misa suddenly passed away recently.  She writes, "My husband found her downstairs; we had been watching the movie "It's a Wonderful Life". We have received so much love and joy from this wonderful cat, whom we call our daughter. We have given her so much love back and we have cherished every minute of her presence. Now, in our grief all we can think about how much we will miss her. I know she'll still be with us in spirit but we'll miss the chance to talk to her, stroke her unbelievably soft coat and just cuddle her. If she has any messages for us, we will really appreciate to hear them. Many thanks, blessed be."

Yes, she is fine, she is fine.  And it wasn’t an act of cruelty, it was an act of great love.  I know that might sometime seem so difficult at times, but all is well.

Ruth Anne is asking for a message from her cat.  Can animals communicate after they leave?

Of course.  They use their form of communication, why wouldn’t they?   All creatures have this ability.  The message is “yes, do so.”

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Big changes ahead

"G" asks about some big changes coming up in his/her life.  "My work contract is coming to an end and I don't have any work or income secured for after March 2010. Part of me trusts that something will come along, but I also want to make sure that I am doing all that I can to be open to opportunities. I'm not sure if my next move will be in a new organization, in a new town, back to school, overseas... it's one big question mark. Do you have any words to guide me through the next few months? I know to trust because the perfect thing will present itself, but is there something specific I should focus my energies on? Or is there something I can do to decide what to focus on? Thank you."

Such a creative being. In the past you have always created that that you needed. And so it shall be again.  So, allow your thoughts to roam and tumble and create and dream and it will all fall into place. It won’t stay that way forever.   It will change back and forth, up and down. You have come to this life to experience something very clear, oh, besides the promises. Those acts of learning that you must learn.

You were of great royalty in a lifetime where things landed at your feet, good and bad. But there is still an sense about you that there will always be someone there with a hand to help you. And that is true. I won’t tell you what it is you have come to experience, but I think you will be quite amused.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Leaving a marriage, was it a mistake?

Nancy Chanti says "Last year I left my marriage because I felt it was the right thing to do. My marriage was very hard I felt neglected and lost my self-esteem. I loved my husband very much but I could not understand why I was so sad in it. My ex-husband and I were seeing each other all year to see if we could see some change. Then I went away for 5 weeks and when I was away my ex-husband emailed me to tell me he found someone else and does not want to go on with me anymore. I am so sad about this decision. Now I want my marriage back and it is too late. I want to know if it was a mistake to leave him last year?"

No.  No dearest, it is not a mistake.  You were tired of playing the game.  And truly he is still playing games. Now you are wondering if it is the truth or some fictitious state in which you live in.  So, take a deep breath and understand your idea that all statements, or vows, or decisions must be written in blood, or chipped in stone and so it must be forever.  Is it true? No dear.  You grow, you stretch, you breathe, you move, your vibration heightens.  Your DNA becomes clearer and your vibrational code is very clear right now.  You are teetering a little bit.  You are a little confused, but you made the right choice.  Now, dust yourself off.   You are off the playing field now and you are about to embark on your own path again.  It is good.  Take your time.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Fear of negative spirits

Stuart Allan from Scotland asks about negative spirits.  He says, "I'm having problems with negative spirits in my life. How do i overcome these?  I've been taught to dance in a special manner but I can't do it myself as these entities take over my thought process.  Is this dangerous?  If I continue will it help to remove these spirits as my vibration increases?"

First my dear, know that there are no negative spirits.  Once in a while you will encounter a being that is not of the level of guide, or angel, or whatever you wish to call those of us.  And there are some beings that become trapped in their process and they are drawn to your light.  There is nothing to fear from them.  They cannot control you, although they might make you a little uncomfortable. But it is only because they are lost and need your help. Dearest one, nothing in spirit can ever harm you. It is only through fear in the physical world that harm might come.

So, your movements are very good, they are very freeing. But this is not going to be the only language which you will have. Be open to the changes that are at hand with you, blessed one.  You are truly an amazing spirit and you channel only that of the highest. Do not fear it. There is nothing in spirit that can harm you. If you encounter one of these entities that is confused and lost, communicate with it. Tell them to go to the light, that there are beings around them that can help them.  There is no need to fear.