Thursday, December 27, 2007

Children's expectations and listening to your own voice

Judy asks first whether she can leave her current job. She feels she is finished with it but her youngest son wants to go to private school and she would need to continue working to pay for that. She wants to know if the school a good choice for him.

This dear one (Judy) needs to just separate from all for a bit. To truly think about what is important to her. What is her passion? Who she is, what she needs to do. She has been busy jumping from here to there trying to fill the needs of everyone else except her own. And so she now feels very frail and very vulnerable, and unsure about her choices and her actions. Because she is not solid in herself. She needs to take some time to think, to laugh, to be. It doesn’t mean she needs to go somewhere and be indulgent, but rather to be internal, to feel her inner voice. She is feeling very weary about many things and overwhelmed in some things. And it is time to truly listen to her own voice. For the choices that she has been making for a long time were made simply to stop a certain noise from happening. And now it’s time for that noise to be stopped--by her choosing. I mean the noise of expectations of others and not herself. She’s been living a life under another beings umbrella instead of her own.

Children are wonderful--great gifts. And you give them a great amount of love and nurturing and guidance—but they will be who they need to be. It matters not what school this one goes to. This one right now is very much into his own power and is very strong. And it will help him to be wherever he is, if she can be totally clear on who she is with him—a mother that he loves and adores. And she will support him in every way. But will not accept his putting the responsibility for all his actions on her. She needs to know that being a mother is the most important thing right now for her. To be strong, consistent and loving.

So just because her son wants to go to a different school doesn't mean that she has to send him there?
It sounds as though she’s not sure what he needs.
He will find friendship and camaraderie wherever he goes. What he needs is to have a mother that is strong--and not just giving. She has abided by the needs of these children completely. And wanted only for them to be happy and seen and heard and accepted. She is wanting everything for these children that she didn’t have for herself. But that is not necessarily what these ones need. They do need a strength and a power, and a rootedness. They need her to be strong and still she needs to teach to find the strength within themselves.

And how does she do that?
By being it. She is being all over the place, instead of being still and being strong. She is looking outside to find things to fix, instead of being strong.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Choosing the right path

Darcy has worries about the path she has chosen. She wants to know if she is on the correct path for her life.

This one is weary. This one feels very weary and wonders if there is some path she has been walking beside and missing something great and important. No, this dear one is not missing anything. There are certain things that have occurred in this one’s life that she now needs to take time to understand. And to understand that the choices she makes now would be different from the ones that she made before. For she has grown, grown through these elements and learned through these things that happened in the most recent past. She needs to look at them, to take time to truly see all that is, hear all that is, to be the growth that has taken place. And to understand that her truth and the choices she will make now will be different. That she is not going to repeat old patterns. That it is time, most definitely, for some new things. And there are some very new things on her path. She will not feel so weary and so tired in time. It’s appropriate now. It’s not unusual that certain things will weigh heavy on a being. But there is joy ahead when she truly sees her path and what it offers her. Every lifetime has a time when you look at your path and go, “Oh what am I doing here?” And the truth is, it is only a very small fraction of the true path that you be on.

Sometimes it feels impossible to change; we feel stuck on a path, or imprisoned on a path.

But it is never impossible to change anything. For you simply look at it a different way and you’ve changed it. You open a new understanding and you’ve changed it.

Yeah, sometimes it just takes a shift in the way you look at it.

You know many people who might view their life as nothing and yet you would see their accomplishments as huge. And others you might think “Oh that doesn’t seem to be much” and in there they are just filled with light and love and perfectly happy.

It’s not the external trappings, I know that. Any other words for Darcy?

Dear, dear Darcy. There is light, there is love, and there is wonder for you.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Marriage, separation and children

Now I have a question from Christine. The question is about her daughter’s relationship with her husband. She wants to know why he is not returning home to her and the children. She wants to know if this is a marriage that can be saved or if they are better off apart.

This being, this husband, is very overwhelmed. Is very afraid of not being able to be what is needed. Feels unable to fulfill what is expected. This one struggles a great deal and has many deep questions within his body. He’s not sure who he is for himself, never mind for his dear wife. And she is very afraid and very needing and it is overwhelming when they are together. The unspoken things in the room create tension. The chaos is overwhelming. The chaos is a manifestation of that that is between the two of them—things unspoken, never directly. Both assuming things about the other and never speaking truth. Her heart is broken and so is his because neither can speak. As to coming back, there is nothing to come back to. This has never been a truth state. It was a continuum—something that carried on a long time and just resulted in…. Well, there was a promise, a most blessed promise. Children are wonderful and these are never a mistake or an accident, but a wonderful gift. And so let it be that this is what has brought the two of them together. And both can be magnificent parents, but until they can speak openly and honestly about who they are inside to one another, there is nothing to call a marriage.

Sometimes when people marry, the promise might simply be to have children then?
Oh, absolutely my dear. Sometimes that is one of the greatest purposes for two people to come together.
Yes, I don’t mean to belittle it; it’s a very special thing.
To facilitate the entrance of a being, to bring together nourishment and love, to help them to grow and be and learn and do what they need to do. That is a magnificent promise.
Bless these children. Tell them to be strong. Tell them to find joy in life. They are so sad.

It is always sad and difficult when your parents separate. It’s very hard on children.
And these children feel this. They are very much burdened by it. Tell the mother that it would be better for them to be clear about it. That daddy still loves them but that he just comes ones in a while. It’s very sad. For they are trying to make reasons why the two should be together.

So how can we best help children in that situation?
By never assuming that they don’t understand. They do. Speak it in simple and plain words. For they know exactly the vibrational state that Mommy is in. And she should say some days she is sad. And when she is happy she can say “Today I am happy” or “children you make me so happy.” But not to burden them with the responsibility to make her happy. Be very open and clear about how she is feeling because these children see her as a barometer. They watch every second that she be. And when she is in this chaos, they are feeling chaos—not grounded or safe. Tell this to her. And it is his responsibility to help the children feel safe as well. Not just the mother’s. It takes two, so tell them this.

Thank you so much.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Allergies, autism and other disabilties

Kristine asked about allergies and how they develop. She has a peanut allergy and wonders where it came from. This is becoming a common allergy. Why are we seeing it in so many people?

Food is now often an additive in many things in your physical world. It is true that some beings cannot take the vibration of this food (peanuts). It is often thought that there is more time to be in touch with one’s vibrational state that there are more allergies. These allergies are often conditions set up by not only the nervous system or the digestive system, but many times it is by the intellectual understanding of some things. Fears…many things are involved in allergies. It is information transformed into the immune system of the body of whether to react or not react. And this is often a complex system that can get very confused in a body that is extremely tired or stressed in some way.

That makes sense to me—if someone is stressed, they might develop an allergy. Their body may be telling them to slow down or watch out. But what about people who have allergies from birth?

Oh do not think a child cannot be born already stressed. Absolutely. There are many, many babies that come into this physical world already taxed in their systems and they do not have an appropriate, well-developed immune system. And so of course their system cannot handle anything except mothers’ milk. And sometimes the mother’s milk has many complexities in it that can cause them many difficulties.

Is that the only reason for allergies?

Yes, a body that cannot cope with a condition. There are many things though that create stress on the body. Yes.

Kristine wonders if we create weakened genes through diet that are then transmitted to the children.

No. Genetics is very difficult to weaken through diet. Genes are weakened through poisoning, mutation, and adaptation of the physical body. Genes are not weakened by diets.

What about additives in diets?

Poisoning. Yes.

So additives in diets could cause that. Would this be a cause for peanut allergies?

It is not so much a poison, but often if it is treated in some ways, it changes its vibrational state so it is not consumed in the same way so the body treats it as a poison.

Kristine also asked if childhood vaccinations relate to allergies. There are some parents who are concerned that vaccinations will damage their children.

Sometimes the children are more damaged by the neuroses of the parents than by the vaccinations. But I know this is not what you wish to speak of. There are some children that when these things are introduced into their system, they create a difficulty in their processes. They are taken as toxic and this causes some toxins to be built up in the body and there is a difficulty with it. Some children have difficulty with this and some do not. Again, be aware of the state of stress in the body of the child, the stage of growth, its ability to normalize what is introduced into it. The body works very hard to be accepting all things brought into to, to digest and to make positive all things that are introduced, whether it be food or these injections.

Most children do OK, but if a parent is concerned, do you have any guidance for parents who are trying to decide if it’s a good idea to get them?

If your child seems somewhat easily agitated, frail or bothered by certain things, then I think it would be wise to not choose to introduce anything that is very potent until their immune system is very well established. When an immune system is well established, you can ingest many poisons and have them be quite assimilated and release out of the body without too much difficulty.

Kristine also asked about childhood autism and the possible link to childhood vaccinations.

These traumas to a new physical body can cause this state, this difficulty. It is a difficulty to learn, to move forward, this autism. It is many different things. It is not just one. The introduction of these toxins into the body can cause this because the immune system creates an allergy and the attack and thus causes a toxic state in the brain. But also if the mother was very ill there can be a toxic state. Or if the child gets a very bad virus early in life it can cause this. It’s an interruption in the normal process of growth at a very delicate time of the physical cells.

So it happens after birth?

Not always. It can happen before birth.

Autism is sometimes connected with amazing abilities. I read about a young man who does incredible drawings that no one else can do. And yet he is unable to have a normal social interaction.

If a part of the brain is damaged it does not mean the spirit is damaged. No, the spirit goes to work and manifests through other parts of the being. And this is the part of the brain that shines.

Yes, some people can have problems, like Tourette’s, where they…

Misfiring in the brain.

Yes, and yet if they’re a doctor, they would never experience that when they do surgery…

Where they shine through the storm. The physical body is quite an amazing focus, or tool or manifestation. Many things are learned through many of its what what you might think is a weakness or problem. This creates the greatest growth for certain beings.

Of course. Yeah. So what can the rest of us learn about that?

For all beings there is love. I know you live in a time where you wish to control all things. And certain things you can. And if you make a choice to do so, then follow that path. But there are some beings and certain situations that are already in active motion, moving forward, before you get to make a choice about it. And then it is a choice of acceptance, of loving, and embracing that that is.

Yes, sometimes it is difficult for parents to see their children as limited…

Only if they try to measure them against some standard that truly does not truly exist against your spirit. You would not know how to measure a spirit. And these children often show them the true spirit that be present in them.

And I suppose it’s the same for children who are born with intellectual handicaps or Down syndrome.

Mnn. These beings are often very highly evolved ones who have chosen to come and teach the world about love--that the simplicity is the truth.

Yes, so much for us to learn--to get out of our heads some times and into our hearts.
Yes my dear.

So, going back to allergies, is there some way that people who have allergies can live more easily with them.

To laugh, to find joy, to relax. Most beings that are highly allergic are very stressed beings. They are very afraid and do go about their lives in fear. They need to enjoy life; they need to embrace it. Carry with them whatever they need in case of emergencies but they must trust that they be whole and well. Many of the things they feel allergic to…in truth it is the fear that they are allergic to. It sets up a domino effect in their beings. One thing creates another and then it’s all rolling forward and they can’t stop it. Trust.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Information about channeling

Here's where we do the channeling work.

Jane gets comfortable on the sofa and Joanna sits across the table from her. Jane then goes into deep meditation and Joanna waits quietly. After a few moments a spirit guide will come through and greet Joanna. She then asks the questions and records the responses.
You can view a video of Jane actually channeling guides on our website at
We also have a CD of conversations with four different spirit guides that can be purchased at our website.

Here's a response to Pat's question about fear and intuition. She had some dread about her partner's upcoming surgery and yet she didn’t communicate that. She’s worried that she didn’t follow her intuition, that her fear interfered with it.

She has not communicated many things with this being. She holds many things back in the understanding of protecting and helping this one grow. And in many ways this one doesn’t grow—but stays. She carries this one a great deal; makes many choices for him. Understand that his choices are important, that he needs to understand what he does. It was good that she didn’t speak it. It was good that she understands herself that she is not responsible for his growth, for his choices. It important now that she speak with love and clarity, that he understand what he is choosing. That he understand where he is in his path. Ask him “What is right for you? What is your belief? What is right for you. What do you know about your body and your spirit? Ask him to question these things in his path, not in blame but in love. Bring him forward in understanding of how his choices create his reality. It is a very difficult role to support a being, any being. But the bottom understanding, or the the top is loving them. Speak it out loud. “ I love you. I want for you growth. I want you to be happy. And I love you. And I accept all parts of you."

Yes, that accepting part is the hardest.

Often those that are closest to us, we want them to make our choices. But that would be our growth. Speak your love out loud. That will resolve many things.

This message reiterates what we so often hear from the guides, that (much as we want to) we cannot do the growing for someone else. And it's tough to remember that the person we care about has to find their own way to step forward.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Accommodating yourself to others needs

Christine asks if she will ever have a wonderful relationship with a man.

Yes. She has been a very accommodating being for others. And has never asked for anything for her own being. And it is with great pleasure I speak that yes, there is a wonderful being that she is to meet. And this being shall embrace the whole of her.

She says she had a relationship with Jim previously and wonders if it's a good idea for them to continue being friends now.

She cannot do anything but be a friend for that is her accommodating self. She will always feel his need and his pain, but he not hers. So she should offer that that she is willing to do. And she should understand that he will truly seek her to help his state of being. But he might not be understanding of her state of being. For that that was cannot be again.

May I speak about Christine’s accommodating nature? Early in life she wanted to please all beings. A very sensitive child, she never felt part of the whole, but more that she was always needing to do for others. Not that she was a servant in any sense, but perhaps more in servitude. She felt this as a small child and has carried this forward. She needs to understand that it can be released and that she no longer needs to live under this understanding. Being attentive to her needs, addressing her growth is very good for her.

It’s not an uncommon situation.

It affects many beings this way. And there is growth involved so it is never a negative. Understand that.

Supporting someone in ill health

Mike asked about a relative whose partner is in serious ill health and has difficulty accepting support. He wants to know about the dynamics of that.

This woman is not ready for the place of understanding and so Mike's understanding must be one of just simply saying “I am here when you need me or if in any way I can help you.” This being does not want to hear the information. As far as the relative in between, extend his support and love for him. That he is also there for him. As spoken before, you cannot do the growing for another being. You cannot do what they need to do for themselves. Healing must come from within. Mike can extend his love and his desire to help but he must not drain his being by worrying that he cannot get through. It isn’t that he has used the wrong words. It isn’t that he isn’t right, or in the right place, or good enough. It is that the being is not ready. And when and if is entirely up to her.

Monday, December 3, 2007

The new comet Holmes, where did it come from?

Ulla asks about this new comet, Holmes, and wonders why it’s appeared at this time.

It has appeared at this time to your scientists for it has traveled very quickly and is now seen. Many of these travel at a slower rate; this one has moved faster than the speed of light. It was created from a giant explosion of energy. Massive love that creates new planets, a place for growth. Another world. It is made up of gas, some solids. But it is like the birth of birth.

Does this happen quite often?


So it’s quite a special thing.

You live in a time of many very special things, of growth, constant movement forward. This is the result of that. You are seeing it manifested in gas and stone elements. But you’ll see it time and time again. For those who wish to see it. In all things in your world there is movement, there is growth there is change.

Tell Ulla to keep on questioning with her wonderful mind.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Is it possible to cure a genetic illness?

Rebecca asks for understanding of DNA and how we are in control of it. Can we cure ourselves of genetic illnesses?

Dearest Rebecca, has a very strong conscious understanding and a very deep, distinct need to control her body and a great strong fear of how others view her or judge her. In answer to her question about the DNA, that that is present in the body can be affected by the belief system of the conscious mind and so it can be altered and changed. The spiritual DNA or vibrational code can affect it as well

Spiritual DNA, that’s an interesting way of looking at it.

That’s what your vibrational code is. It is the sum of who you are, the many lifetimes. All learning has a vibrational equivalent. And this is what is contained. Unlike genetic DNA, spiritual DNA or genetic code does changes within the body, constantly.

As we learn and grow.

Yes, and your physical DNA can reflect this ability as well. It can grow and heal and change. And it can be limited and harmed as well. As to cure, that’s an interesting word. Is that a belief or is that a state of being? Trust. Understand what one is and where one is in life. Be that that you are. All of these things affect the condition of the state that your body is in. What it presents to you; what you need to learn from it. Every cell of the body has a voice. Listen to these voices. All conditions can be created. It is up to you. It has often been said that you are the captain of your ship. It is true. You control the learning and the growing, the choices.

And how do we listen to our cells?

The cells have ways of speaking. Their voices are often….well, there is a transmission of pain, an inability to use a part of your being. Its voice might sometimes be masked by several different things, from the eruption of a sore to cells taking on huge amounts of fluid to protect the body. Cells have been known to release huge amounts of fluid, to not absorb energy or nutrition in order to be heard. Do you see what I speak? See the body as
a great receiver, receptor, and transmitter of energy and information. Ask your body how it might speak to you and then listen. You may actually get words or you may get an uncomfortable feeling, a tingling of the skin, a lifting of the hair upon your body. Many different ways, but you must seek your own truth, find your own way. Judge it not by the measure of others, but let it speak to you in your own way. Develop your own truth, and through this communion, you will hear its voice.

Every being that has created a state of illness knows it. If you are very confused by that that is spoken to you, then accept what you know about yourself. Do not be willing to accept others opinions. Judge as you feel you be. If you are very afraid, then address that. For therein lies the answer.

And for Rebecca, she worries that if you feel you can heal yourself from something and are unable to do it, then you might feel like a failure or that you are not spiritual enough.

This idea comes from her own judging. There is no failure in life. Yes, there can be a state of “no growth” should you choose to be in it. But all things create growth. There is no failure. Should the being’s condition proceed, is what you want to answer. If by all means, the being has tried and still this condition continues, is this state a failure? No. It simply means it has not yet been addressed. The truth of the being has not yet been addressed. Some conditions are created for growth. If the growth is addressed, then it is healed. I think your understanding of healing and ours are very different. Healing is the enlightenment of the spirit in body--to understand itself, its place in being, its purpose therein. Address this rather than any disease. Address the state of the body.

Any further words for Rebecca?

To love herself. This is a beautiful being. She loves to bring pleasure to others. Tell her to judge herself not so harshly, to understand her being. She has lived in a toxic atmosphere in her early life and it is hard for her to be free of this. She should speak to herself of light and love. She finds great joy in being. Allow herself to do this.

She wants a simple answer; there isn’t one. Tell her that the DNA can be altered. Tell her that she can be that that she wants to be. Tell her that fear often motivates her and a distrust in trusting. Should she carry with her a pain from the past, she can try to address that pain. There is no one answer to anything but there are many answers to all. We are not trying to be vague but she is unique and wondrous hi her own way. She wants to believe. Tell her to put down her guard and believe. Tell her to be that beautiful naïve child that she is. And there is nothing wrong with that; there is nothing “failure” about it.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Connecting with family who are distanced

Vonna would like to know what to do to reconnect with her younger sister Joanne.

This dear being wants very much to touch the heart of her sister but must accept the fact that she cannot be that at this time with her sister. That it would not be a replacing of this dear child that she lost. Vonna needs to find a bond that is close and loving; she cannot be responsible if the sister does not wish it to be. She must accept and find light and love within others. There are many that are close to her.

She should extend her love to her sister but expect nothing in return. If in time the sister is ready…(though at this time there is a great fear of not being acceptable to the older sister). There is nothing the older sister need do, other than be unconditional with her sister. Tell Vonna to simply speak openly of her love and acceptance.

If she were to force the issue with this sister, it would not create growth but in fact cause some difficulty. She wants to mother someone now. She wants to have the love she had and she misses it terribly, but this is not what she had with her sister ever.

One is only responsible for one’s own path. One can shed light and love to others, but if they do not wish to join with you, you must accept where they be. Vonna can love her sister from her path and hope that one day they will have more. She needs to nourish her being, to grow, to be, and to love herself. Movement, expectation that light and love will be.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mind-cell-body relationship (healing)

Doris wanted to know how to alleviate her leg pain and whether she’s made the right decision about refusing surgery.

Dear, dear Doris must first understand what the pain in the legs means to her. She is very tired. She has been taking care of herself for a very long time. She often wishes that she could just be taken care of. And this radiates back to her in an understanding of who she is and where she is and how she is. She has to understand about how the mind-cell-body relationship is. When she wholly understands this and takes time for herself, and truly understands the process. It took a long time getting to where it is and it will take a long time for it to recover. There are many means and ways that she can do this.

Was she right not to have surgery? There is no quick fix. I know in your world it is often easier to have someone else do it for you but she must understand her feeling comes from within her. There are things she can do. She can wrap her legs early before she rises in the morning. She can massage them with sesame oil. She can take natural anti-inflammatories, which are in green foods and spicy foods. She shouldn’t take too much aspirin. She should eat fish and turmeric is very good. It is good for relieving inflammation. She has inflammation in the veins and the stress in her veins is from her understanding. She must realize that she is in control. She should eat no sugar or white flour, and avoid all wheat. Eat lots of green vegetables, rice, oils. And she should reduce the weight of her body for her legs. Most of the swelling in her body is protection--to protect herself from the world. She has often felt that she has to give so much. She needs to understand now how to be, to be that that she is—radiant and beautiful.

This is advice that is given to so many people. Is it that we forget or we are too busy? Why is it so hard for us to do that?

Often in the early stages of development, the conscious mind accepts an understanding of themselves that is contrary to being perfect love, growing and experiencing all things. The being comes to believe that they must fulfill the needs of others, or else that they are being judged and that they have to do or be or act certain way. It is a constant struggle to undo this, to un-remember.

Often it results in an illness or physical problems.

Yes, for there is only so long that cells can maintain an understanding that is contrary to what they came for.

So the advice to be that that you are is to let go of preconceived ideas of who you are and what you should be. To let go of those patterns and start to just be.

Often it isn’t just the conscious mind that accepts this understanding, but in the heart. That’s where the true understanding lies. It’s a need to go back to the time in the understanding where you absorbed it. And to realize what occurred. Realizing that this doesn’t belong. It wasn’t needed. It’s not a condemning or a condoning; it’s an understanding of who you truly are—an amazing being. Yes, there are certain promises, certain issues, certain tasks you will learn and grow from, but you do not have to be fighting constantly against the current by absorbing something that someone else has placed on you.

This is so common. Can counseling help? Or a process of some kind?

Understand that you have all the information you need in your body. Some of it is just not open to you. You have blocked it either by pain or by simply not wanting to move forward. You need to talk to it. You need to have a constant communication. Step out of yourself. See your body. Witness who you are. How you’re doing, how you’re reacting. Talk to yourself. Do it with love, with tenderness, with compassion. Know you are an amazing multitude of communities in one. Each cell has an understanding of what is needed. If there has been some misdirection along the way, you need to go back to it and say “where did this come from and how can I alleviate this?”

Give yourself permission to have the pain and to learn from it. Often people create an illness to be heard. They want someone to hear them and to see them. She can love herself and listen to her body. Tell Doris to put down her burdens. So often she has felt that she done all the giving and often she resists accepting love from others. She pushes love and tenderness away from her. It is there for her. Tell this dear one to be the light that she is, to open her heart to the many, to allow them close. She is loved.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Healing and willingness to make a shift

Pat has two questions. One is about fear and whether it overrules intuition. She had had intuitions about her husband’s surgeries but she didn’t act on them.

She has fear but she also understands that he must make this choice. And at this time he chooses the surgery. The outcome she well knows. She knows that this world is very heavy on him, stresses him. He has not changed his actions, his belief, his understanding. If the surgery could have cut out that and replaced it with a positive outlook so he could make choices that will support him, then yes, it would be successful.

Yeah, that’s the kind of surgery we all need. So how can we do that surgery?

It has not been developed yet.

Pat also wondered if her husband’s depression or anger interferes with his healing.

She knows that it does. This being needs to have someone other than his wonderful wife to talk to. He needs to have someone with whom he feels safe and confident--someone that will actually push him to talk about his life, his early life, his whole life. He knows he has some issues from early life. This state of depression is a result of a feeling he has about himself. He sees himself as helpless--he is not. But that’s how he has an understanding of himself. He needs someone with no judgment. (Not that his wife has--she adores him and loves him and is supportive of him but she has fear.) She’s afraid she is seeing him make choices that are destructive of his being and so there’s a part inside her that is frightened. She needs to separate from that and trust that he shall find a way.

She can help him find someone, but he must be willing. Before anything happens there must be willingness to look openly and wanting. He believed that there could be a magic bullet. Well, it took a long time to get into the state he is in so it’s going to take a long time to heal. You can’t undo it quickly, but first comes the healing of the attitude towards it. It’s not the actual cellular structures that change quickly but the understanding that lies beneath. That can happen in an instant.

So, a shift, and then it takes longer for the healing to occur?

Yes, to create the new cells and bring it forth.

So a counselor could help him make this shift?

He needs to understand that there are many choices and that he is the creator of this state he his in. Not in some anger, not in some destructive means, but in love and understanding of his being.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

How the Bible came to be and its relevance now

Kristine asked about the bible and religious texts and how they came to be. Here's what we heard:

The bible was first a series of beautiful songs and stories, and then it was decided that it should be written down. That's when the stories began telling people how to be good, and how to behave, and then eventually how to be controlled. Its beginning was blissful and wonderful--stories of light and love and joy and teaching of souls and how they evolve. Then it became understood that it could be used in order to control a great numbers of people. The control came from the people who were writing it down. And then it was translated, and in that translation, it was controlled a bit more. And this is the story of all of these books. They were begun by beings full of light and love and ended up being full of control.

It’s not negative, rather it's in how its translated, how its understood and how its read. And for those that need to have this great strong structure, it is that. And for those that need to move beyond it, it works for that too. And there are beautiful stories in it still.

Who is the devil? The creation of something evil that can control. There must be a very great “bad” in order to make people good. There is no Satan. There is no Beelzebub. There is light and love. It's life-giving; it offers great growth and forward movement. If you hold this book and your being feels inspired and lightened, it is good. If you hold this book and your being feels charged with condemnation and control, well—your growth will be affected by that. Perhaps it is not the book, but where you are and what you need. There have been wars over the words in these books that were meant to fill our hearts with light and love.

Also, beings should understand that what is being written now in other books of great life and love can help beings to move forward. Understand that the condition of the human being changes as they move forward. Old ways change. You wouldn’t be expected to wear the fashion of 100 years ago. So why would you be expect to follow a text that was used to control hundreds of years ago?

They are wonderful, these teachings. They open doors and they close them. Think of them as tools for choice, for learning, for growth. Like many things, they are both positive and negative.

Animals and reincarnation, animal guides and dreams

Andrea wonders if animals can reincarnate as different animals, specifically horses to dogs.

No, each is on their own path. Not all creatures need guidance from us. Many are much more evolved and they are very able to do their work without this. Some entities of these creatures do come back and teach humans from time to time; but for themselves they do not change their vibration.

She has dreams of riding a horse that she had a strong bond with, and wants to know if this is a guide for her.

She knew this one from a previous lifetime. This one and others too. She feels humbled by all; it is part of her work. A strong connection, pure love.

She wonders about the connection in the dreams as she has the same strong feeling when she wakes up.

The dreams allow her to become one with these creatures; to be disencumbered from all of the physical world; to ride free. This is a very powerful being. She has a great desire to help the many. A teacher. She must not let others counsel her in her dreams. She must let them speak to her. They were created by her for her needs. The feeling in the body is not a dream, but a remembering.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Juls asked about her family's future

Juls is concerned about her husband’s health and its effect on their future.

She needs to understand that he is truly the one who will heal. She is not responsible for his health. She is responsible for her choices, for her love for him. There is a part of her that is frightened, angry, worried, and she needs to release that. To embrace this gift that she has now. To trust that with each opportunity she will make choices that will fortify and heal her future, her life. That if she makes choices that are for her own growth, to her understanding, she will create for herself what she needs.

She also had a question about her son who is high school and has difficulty taking tests even though he knows the work.

Yes, he has great intelligence but he doesn’t always conform to the norms that are being tested in your world. He might be more comfortable with a different form of communication, perhaps with a teacher that would give verbal tests instead of written tests. She could help by speaking on his behalf. She has not done a lot of communication with the teachers. In fact has seen them as against him instead of for him. I believe if she tries very hard she can find a form to communicate for them to be with him. This is not something to hide, or say its bad or negative. It isn’t at all. In fact he has assumed the understanding that he is not very smart when in fact he is very smart. He needs to have it openly discussed. He is very intelligent and can do these tested expectations by verbal means.

Would the school be supportive of that? Sometimes they aren’t.

If the school will not support him then she needs to remove him from there and find a place that is. Everything should be taught in a supportive way. Not a place that is condemning but in fact helping, students to reach out and be the best they can be. She can find the support for him. She has done this in always. Tell her to trust in this one’s abilities.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A child's fixation on routines

Kristine asked about her son Robert and his need to have fixed routines. This was the response.

A radiant young man. What he does is totally normal and understandable. Young beings often want to control their whole universe and all the beings in it. They feel they are the centre of the universe and thus control it. And at this point when he is going out into the world and is somewhat fearful of the unknown for he doesn’t truly know it all, although he feels he does at this point. He will try to control all small things, and even the parents and other siblings.

What mother must do is reassure at every turn that he is loved. That he is the child and she is the mother and she will always protect him and keep him safe. He must feel from both his parents that everything is steady and secure, that their bonds are good and strong, and that everything is solid at home. And then he will have the wings to fly, and not feel he must control everything. He will always be somewhat of a fuss budget, but nothing that she needs to worry about. In fact, be full of laughter about it and even bring him to laughter and understanding that this is just him. Tell her it doesn’t mean he has a learning difficulty.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Technology Glitches

The two of us met on Sunday and asked the guides for responses to a number of questions posted in the past couple of weeks. The same two entities came through--one a gentle female presence and the other a lively fellow who calls himself "the professor." Sadly, though, I ran into a problem with my new digital voice recorder and was unable to retreive the recording. This is disappointing as it means there will be a bit of a delay before we can post responses. Jane and I will set aside some time this week to do some channeling and I'll ask these questions again (as well as any new ones). This time I'll use my trusty tape recorder so I can be sure to get a useable recording of the dialogue.

Look for responses beginning next week. And thank you to everyone for submitting such interesting and varied questions.


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Abuse of drugs, judgement, and states of "no growth"

Now I have a question about drugs. There are many people in this city and cities all over the world that take drugs like heroin and those kinds of drugs that make them forget their life, I guess. And it’s so damaging to our societies because they have to live a life of crime and they’re dragged down and the cities are dragged down. Is there a way of dealing with these problems? Is it the same thing? It’s growth, isn’t it?

Yes, my dear. These beings that abuse drugs are using them for the purpose of stopping growth. It is stopping everything. And that’s what these beings are trying to achieve—a state of “no growth.” They are afraid, they are so filled with pain that they cannot move forward. Some chose them out of just sheer experiment but found then that they could not move forward. It is a very difficult state in which to be in, and very often they choose to leave the physical world, because they cannot grow.

A state of “no growth” is the most dangerous state a physical being can be in. Whether it is put there by drugs or by choice, it is a dangerous state to be in. Society now shuns this and does not want to see them. Again, you talk of money; very often when there is a great need for money there is a great need for emotional tenderness or caring to happen in a society or a tribe. When the tribe or the group loses its centre and its deep love and caring for its humanity, it starts doing all sorts of obscure and strange things—eating its young, killing its young ones, doing all sorts of strange things. Aberrations occur.

In the unhealthy cell this happens as well. You’ll see this magnified many times in your physical world. Time and time again. Circles within circles. Think of your city as a circle, it has an illness. It has a cancer. It cannot cure it by moving it or shoving it out to the limits—that will just cause a difficulty in another place. Ah, so, it means—how does a society love? Go to the centre of its being. Oh what is the centre of a society’s beings—it’s mother, its child, its family. And then it works outside of it, its businesses, its organizations. Is the head (the mother) treating all the people in its business well? Is the head of the school treating all its children well? Is it being manifested through? Do you see what I mean? All of these things, they are one. So, a city must say to itself. Bring them to me. We will heal them, we will feed them, we will house them. How could any being be happy if its not living in a place of warmth. Not having anyone ever look them in the eye and say to them “you are important.”

As you have to say to all the cells in your body, that each one of them is important. That you love them. A head of a country must stay to its people, a head of a business must say to its people. The others, the animals, they do not have the same structure. They do not have the same disorder. You will not see all the members of a herd of cattle killing one because they are discordant. In fact they will often stand close watching them. They do not judge. They want to help them.

Yes, it’s this judgment, this feeling of separation.

Fear—it is centered in a need and fear is manifested.

There are too many people on this planet though.

And who says this?

Well, it seems to me that it’s very chaotic, but maybe it isn’t to do with numbers.

No, there are enough beings for there to be great growth, and this is what it is for.

Yeah, right. It’s always growth.

Yes, and growth can be very happy and pleasant too. It doesn’t always mean difficulty. It means embracing this marvelous opportunity, no matter what it is; to share a heart, a touch, to look into another eye. You know this.

So that’s what we’re here for?

Yes, to learn. And in a second growth and healing can happen. In a look deep into another that “Oh it’s alright. I’m here, you’re not alone.” None of you are alone.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Aids, drinking water, and life on other planets

We want to have some questions that are not just personal questions but relate to the state of the planet, and so we had a question about AIDS and why did it come? And why is it still proliferating, especially in Africa.

Well, there are many viruses present in your physical world. More than you have any understanding of yet. And these are very unusual structures because they do not harmonize with your physical plane. These viruses were created to create growth. This is a mutation of one, the one you are seeing now. It has jumped across lines where it wasn’t supposed to be and is now dwelling in the human physical being. Viruses came to create growth. And so this one’s mutation creates growth.

It’s so difficult to see innocent children dying and people suffering essentially because of ignorance…

Yes—and their responsibility is? To choose their path. At every point there’s a choice, my dear. It might seem that there wasn’t a choice. There is. This is not blame, not a fault. There are choices involved in all of these beings. And they are exactly where they need to be in their growing. Does it mean that they shouldn’t take a cure? No, of course not. And there are those that are working very hard to create something that blocks this virus’s ability to enter into the blood cell.

Yes, and there are drugs to help but people in Africa can’t afford them.

No, they can’t afford them but there are beings that can get it to them. And it is their growth to move in this way. No, the sick ones are not suffering at the expense of others’ growth. There is choice. They have other things they grow at as well. Each life is a microcosm of different vibrational growth—every thing, every action, every choice. I know it is difficult when you stand where you are to look at it. It is difficult for us to look at it. But we have to understand that they do move in their life, in their path, and do and choose, as they need to grow. It does not mean that you should not do what you can to help. It does not mean that they should not take the help. It means, what is evolving is as it should be. Not a deserving, not a punishment. Every element of choice is a gift. I believe you do not see this as we do, but even what might seem the worst thing is often a gift.

Yes, I know that some people have said that cancer was a gift to them, in learning.
And cancer states are their own cells that have turned inside out (although there are some viruses that cause it as well). When you understand that you and the cells are one—the cancer cell, or a virus cell, or a starving baby, or… You are all one. When all beings understand the oneness, this growing will be complete.

I think we have a long way to go.
I’m sure that all beings will proceed as they should, though there has been a remarkable growing in the last passage of time. So do not fear; there is more growth occurring spiritually now than there ever has been.

And what about the planet. Will it survive to sustain us? Will it run out of water?
No, it won’t run out of water, but will the water be drinkable? It is a closed unit that way.

I know, that worries me.
Water, in the past, has been what wars were over. And if you think of it as circles within circles my dear, you will see these wars again. There will always be a struggle to get that that is needed for those that need that growth. And there will be the great perseverance to find a way to provide it for those that need that growth. Will your great planet forgive and accept and grow? Yes. It is an amazing sphere. And new ones are being made all the time.

New planets?

And on some of them there are life forms learning as we are learning?

Yes, of course, very much the same.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Why are religions so antagonistic to one another?

We have right now, a number of different religious groups on this planet. And some of them seem to be so antagonistic to each other. I find it hard to see that when I believe that the principles behind them are the same. What can we do to keep those wars from happening?

There have been the great tribes forever my dear. And they will always (whether it be religion, whether it be a cow, or anything) there will always be those that wish to judge the other. And it is in the evolution and the great growth that you realize that the judgment isn’t needed. There is only one truth and that will be your truth. Do not expect another being to have it. Allow them theirs. That is the greatest truth.

So we should each seek our own truth?

Yes, so many beings have died fighting for something that is another being’s truth. And when they crossed over, they were so dismayed that it caused a great upheaval in spirit after some of your great wars and things that have occurred. There was a huge upheaval.

It’s interesting to note as well, that there’s increased spiritualism. You know, where they start doing all sorts of clairvoyance and interesting ways of spirit communicating into the physical world after these great disruptions. Because there is such disharmony in the spirit growth of those that do not wish to come back into the physical world to continue. I don’t know if you want to speak of this right now. But it is true that it’s nothing to be afraid of when a being is confused in spirit. Give them time. They may wish to stay there for a while, but they will come back.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Spirit growth for all life forms

Meluque asked a further question about whether spirit guides are involved in the life experiences of other organisms besides humans on our earth.

Each organism has its own path and so, their own structures in which to support them. The more evolved vibrationally, the more need there is for different support systems. As you can imagine, Mother Energy, this great force that moves through all of us--me, without a body, but a vibrational state, an orb or whatever you wish to call me-- I am one with this energy, but I’m still separate. I am not yet evolved to the place in which I can be one totally with this great and amazing energy. This great creator, this great life-giving force. It is the desire of all of the vibrational states to unite, to be drawn to this one energy. Total knowing, total simplicity. I can’t use words to truly explain what it is.

Do rocks have guides? Rock forms, vibrational forms. Do other planets have beings of life? Yes, oh yes. Other spheres, there are many of them. Other galaxies.

And so for each life form, there is spiritual assistance?

Yes, of course. You would not ever be alone.
And different organisms are on a different path, you said?
So a dog, for example wouldn’t evolve to be a person.
No. They don’t want to.

Yeah, (laughing) I can see why sometimes. So you’ve talked about how everyone desires that communion with Mother Energy. We have a glimpse of that feeling. I’ve heard the word “nirvana” used, or a feeling of oneness. Of course, we can’t really experience that while we’re in a body.
You can have seconds of that experience.
Yes, maybe just standing under a beautiful sky for a moment.
When you are filled with all that that is around you, when you are one with it, you are in this very moment.

And so, you spirit helpers then, are still evolving?
Oh, most definitely. Some very much. Some are universal beings you would call them, where they can be everywhere at once. Just like Mother Energy. Just like God, Tao, whatever name you wish to call that glue that holds us all together.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Eat foods close to the earth; find balance and harmony

The guidance for Kristine to eat wholesome vegetables made me think about what has happened to food in our society, especially those many products that have very little nutrition. It’s so difficult to eat well, and often costly. There are so many choices of unhealthy foods, refined products and chemical additives. I asked the guide how this happened. This was the response.

Evolution—not only of the food chain but of the spirit being. You know yourself there was a time when no food would lie rotting on the ground, when no fish would be tossed overboard if there were too much to be taken. Beings worked hard to bring forward what they needed. There was not the waste that we see now.

There is plenty of food in certain parts of the world and not enough in others. But it isn’t because the physical world cannot provide. There are those that have evolved great minds to create foods that taste very good but don’t have the earth in it. Your great Bible often spoke that you are made from the earth, and there is truth in this. But it is not so much the cells but vibration. To be present in the physical plane you must vibrate in a very harmonious energy with it. This energy is what feeds you. When beings move away from that vibration in feeding themselves, it will not nourish them. It sets up discordance with your earth--almost an allergy. So eventually with so many of these foods not close to your Mother Earth, there will be less ability to live from them. Do not worry about the toxins so much as the inability to live on emptiness.

Right, it fills your stomach, but it doesn’t actually provide much nourishment. Is that why there is so much illness now?

There is a lot of discord in the state of illness in your physical world. But for some time this has been the case. There is great sadness, a feeling of helplessness in the communion of beings. Many new souls feel very lost. They feel they are not mothered, that they are not loved. In this there lies a great amount of growth and a great amount of “no growth.” For you have seen babies that are on the brink of starving but because they suckle a mother’s empty breast they live--because they are loved.
And then there are people in a wealthy family who do not thrive, and end up being someone who causes harm, out of a great need for love.

I guess it’s always been like this?

It’s magnified now. A lot to do with your communications.

Yeah, we hear about all of those terrible things.

And unfortunately, those who are in control of this feel that this is what is needed to be heard. Instead of good things that occur, that help to lift the soul. The teaching of cooking and food, and gathering, and being together.

The media you mean? Yes, that would be much better. There is some of that.

You seek this and so you find it. Those who dwell in the negative vibration attract only negative vibrations. All things have a time in your physical world. All beings must
grow and learn all of these things. So don’t be afraid that things seem out of balance--you must be out of balance to strive to be in balance.

So if the world is out of balance, things will shift and come back into balance?

Yes. The most damaging thing is apathy. To not care is the worst state of "no growth" to be in. Deep caring is a good thing. If you choose to make harmony in your part of your world then you affect the whole. No raindrop is so small that it does not affect the vibration of everything.

Each of you is a magnificent raindrop. See the circles that go out around you. Each being you touch has part of your vibration on it. This is how you affect your world. This is true for everyone—and everything.

Guilt can create physical problems

Kristine wanted to know why ovulation is so difficult for her and what she can do about it.

There is guilt in this being. Guilt often comes from a deep need to be loved, to be accepted. There is a hormone imbalance, this is true. The master glands are very much tapped and exhausted so it is not surprising that ovulation can cause difficulty. There is some scar tissue and a small cyst is present. Mothers very often have difficulty in this area for they are filled with a desire to do more than is needed. Speak that guilt is not necessary. That she must verbally express her great need to be loved. Her heart is open. This one bleeds psychically for all beings. This is where the friction lies. The heat. Tell her to eat good wholesome vegetables and a certain amount of magnesium is important for her as well.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Overturn of Souls

You talked about the overturn of souls, could you explain that?

Present on this physical plane at this time is a great number of very new souls and a great number of very evolved souls. Great growth has occurred on your physical plane due to an amount of individual growth. This leaves a vacuum present, and a need for those that are the teachers, the lawmakers, and the ones that change things. So right in the middle, where many of these laws get changed and new thoughts are brought upon this world, there is a void. And so it is very understandable that old souls have difficulty raising new souls. And that new souls have difficulties being contained. And that old souls being born now are very often being lost in the shuffle as being obscure and different. Overturn of souls this. There is a great movement. It causes some chaos, caused great growth and great disasters. All of which are necessary in your physical world.

Just going back to this idea of changing the schools to meet the needs of young people now, the way these things change is so painfully slow and requires money. Governments worry about resources and are stuck. I’m not sure how we can become more creative and break through that. It seems almost impossible.

No, nothing is impossible. But it is up to the individual to seek their truth. You see, all things mirror the problem. All things must be. If you find yourself in a situation that no longer fits you, that causes you discomfort. That makes you feel you are no longer in the right place, then you must choose to move forward, to step outside of it. And that might be frightening at first. At first. But after you have evolved past that step you will question why you took so long to move forward. You all fear that such chaos will reign if people start to be that that they need to be. No. The opposite is true. There have been many surges of great growth in history. It did not cause the end of existence.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Children experiencing problems at school

Suzanne asked for help with her parenting. Her son is struggling with focusing on required school tasks and she wants to know how spirit views this.

This child is an amazing being. Much pressure has been put on him to be more than what he is prepared to be at this time. This child needs to play, to have fun, to giggle, to laugh. There are so many expectations and such deep love this one has for both parents. Wishing never to disappoint but needing a form in which to be free, to run like a wild, untamed being of great strength that he is. Tell the parents to not be afraid of this time, to embrace it. See it as a time for them to find some joy, some light, some love. They are filled with guilt, burdening this one on things that have nothing to do with him. Expression is an important part of this being. They have always taught him that and now that he is expressing in this way, they pull back with fear of what he expresses. Be not so afraid of him. Know that the centre of this being is filled with light and love and has great desire to grow forward but it frustrated by the stupidity of some of the beings that surround him. Be not afraid of them. I know--you want him to fit into a society that has certain expectations and norms. Well, I want you to see this child’s world is not the same as yours. He has different understanding of it and needs to express it. Give him time, give him space and most of all trust in his own ability to know what is right for him.

This frightens parents to hear this. They feel they do not have the control. Please do not see it as a control, but allowing a beautiful thing to shine, to be. Tell them to not condemn the child. Understand the child. Perhaps it is needed to come home, to be taught at home. Understand that the great need for this one to shine is within him as well. Parents worry a great deal. Trust is needed.

The guide's answer made me think of the great numbers of children in school now who are actually taking drugs to control their behaviour. So I asked why so many children these days are experiencing this attention deficit or hyperactivity?

It is an interesting thing that these ancient systems should still be trying to contain evolved beings. These are evolved beings that are coming into your world. They are very much surpassing the old system of teaching. And yet these beings are highly charged energy and need very different growth. Compassion. They shouldn’t be taught in great numbers, but singularly. They shouldn’t be drugged for that is only harming the great spirits that they be. I know—it is a difficult time to dwell in the physical world. Overturn of souls means changing all the old rules, the old books don’t fit. It is not chaos. It is calmly realizing that there is great growth at hand. And that these beings can teach what is needed, if you are still enough and hear what is being said.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Why are we so stuck on material things?

Many of us are worried about material things, so I asked the guide why we are so materialistic. This is the response.

To fill that space within that needs to be filled. All beings seek that deep love of self, of being, that connection with God, the universe, Tao, Mother Energy--whatever you wish to call it--your source, your center. It is radiant, it is large when allowed to be freed, but when held tight and limiting, and not allowed to be, to flow. The being in their conscious mind seeks to feed, to nourish, to clothe, to make comfortable all parts of their body. Sees from many things they’ve learned outside of it that these other things cause comfort for it and seeks them. Truth being, it is not food or clothing but the true spirit, its sense of being--the light, allowing to flow; the love, allowing to be. In your world right now there are many different concepts of love. It has manifested itself in much need and want, instead of in truth of being.

Be not upset by this. This is the probably the most natural occurrence and change to happen in the physical world. Some have spoken that this is the time of the devil. That is amusing to us. It is not the devil; it is just the human manifestation of growth. To find, to seek, the light—the beings’ greatest growth.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Breaking out of a circle of people who want you to always stay the same

Darcy asked when she would begin to make money like others above her do. She also wanted to know how to go about opening the circle that was spoken of. This is the response we received from a gentle spirit guide:

Firstly this blessed one must understand that the circle that was spoken of was a group of beings that surround her, a group of physical human beings. They be family and certain close friends that have a limited understanding of who she be. She is an amazing being. To break out of this, she might feel that she is constantly having to speak about who she is and what she needs to these ones. For they will have great desire to not want her to grow, to move forward, for it affects them in a different way. She does not need to break anything to change this circle. She needs to be that that she is.

It is a common experience that people are limited by others around them who want them not to change. It often is the way people find security, by making sure that all those stay the same. Nothing stays the same in your physical world, or in spiritual growth. You are not the same being you were but seconds ago. Every experience changes you--or it should. Your vibration moves at a certain rate and it quickens with every element of learning.

As to expecting money, it is entirely up to her. It is not the place of a being in spirit to say what that will be in the future. Grasped hands are very difficult to fill; open hands are much better.

Explain to her that she must be that that she wants to be, that that she is. To be it is to be it. To not judge herself or measure herself against others; to see them as wondrous creatures that can teach her in many ways. That she should glean from them instead of measuring herself against them. That in time, with her growth, that that is needed for her shall be.

This guide, like most we speak to, uses words in slightly different ways. They occasionally use archaic terms like "who she be" instead of "who she is" and we've decided to leave the words intact except in cases where it would be confusing to do so.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Musings on Dinosaurs and Growth

The answer to Meluque's question about why the dinosaurs disappeared spoke about the growth they offered others and the growth they accomplished themselves. This idea of growth keeps surfacing when the guides speak to us. No matter what the question or concern, the real core issue seems to be whether growth is taking place. Of course, it’s not just physical growth that they speak of, but growth of the spirit. So, I guess this means dinosaurs were here for their spiritual growth as well.

This answer takes us away from the physical or scientific reasons for the existence and disappearance of dinosaurs and moves us quickly into the spirit point of view. And that’s the amazing thing about the guides’ answers to questions. The core always returns to spirit, and to the idea of growth.

Most of us think about dinosaurs as scientific wonders; the guides see first their spirit and their opportunities for growth. Dinosaurs with souls--it's quite a new way of looking at paleontology.

Jane and I will take some time next week to address the follow-up questions that have been posted. Meanwhile, we'll all keep working on our own growth.


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

This morning we sat down and channeled responses to the questions that were asked. Two different guides came through and both were excited to be part of this process. Here the answers they gave us.

Kristine asked about finances

This entity has great stress on her being, and tries always to have control of every situation. That nothing be left unattended. It is a vibration of fear within this being that echoes above her at this time. She needs to be at peace within. She has great trust in self but not often in others. She must bring herself to the vibrational state of peace and calm, to fill the vibrational void that is around her. She often feels very alone. She is very creative. There is nothing that cannot be accomplished. Tell her to centre, to be one with her truth and all shall fall in place.

Money is simply a tool, an extension of learning. It is often given a persona in your physical world. It is these shadows that people put over them that limit or unlimit what they have or need. She fears at this time that it shall not be. Trust that it shall. She has the ability to create all that is needed. It is often thought that it is just the words, but it is truly the integration at the centre of the being. The vibration must be in accordance with the desire.

How to do it? By realizing that money is an extension of that that you are. Be it love. Be it light. If you are holding back then it shall not come to you. If you are free and open than it shall be there for you.

Darcy asked about her business

She understands she must be the one who must make the choices for herself. Being the head of her own business is very important. She has passed the time where she can do work under others. At this time there is a circle around her that has limited her in their concept of her. When she has broken past this limiting circle and reaches out to new beings, things will open. She should worry not about those who see her as she was. Trust that she has grown and moved forward. It is often through their own fear that beings wish others not to move forward. She must trust in herself and move forward.

There are many times she felt she had allergies and these are very much from anxieties. She needs to shine in her own light and to see her own strength. She will be drawn to this until she truly understands.

Meluque asked about dinosaurs

Like many of the landforms, these beings had a great purpose. They have spirits that were great and wondrous. Like all beings, they lived through their experience of growing and moving forward. You will learn by studying history that all things were not meant to go on forever. They did their growth. They weren’t killed off by meteors. It was in their DNA that they could not go on forever. They became unable to reproduce. This was part of their growth. Meteors have hit your planet and there was darkness. There have been these great hurtling stones that have hit your planet--a great and wonderful circle. They are a part of the original beginning of all physical planets in your spheres. Debris, you might call them. They hit your planet and dinosaurs were affected but it was never intended that they would continue forever. Their spirit growth had taken place.

Not everything must go on forever. Dinosaurs still exist in soul form, just as you exist, as a fraction of Mother Energy. Just because their physical body doesn't roam your plane, they have not disappeared. They exist as energy. They moved on to have other existences. Their energy has become united with others. Think about the growth these beings have created for other beings, paleontologists and others. Circles within circles. Dinosaurs weren’t just by chance; they had their purpose for their own growth and for the growth of others. It’s always for growth.

Tell this blessed one to keep seeking. Their inquisitive mind is wondrous and will help them move through a very happy path.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Welcome to a doorway to spirit wisdom

We are Jane and Joanna and we've worked together for over twenty years. Jane is a gifted psychic who has the ability to connect with beings who have previously lived on earth but who are now in spirit. She is able to be a channel for spirit guides. When she is in the trance state, Jane can allow the energy of the guides through so that direct conversation is possible.

Joanna facilitates individual and group conversations with guides (as channeled by Jane) and records the sessions. What we want to do here is to create the opportunity for a dialogue between you and spirit guides. If you have a question that you want addressed, just send it to us as a comment on this blog, and we will channel a response.

What kind of questions can you ask? There's no limit. It can be about relationships, problems in the world, situations in your home, the environment, job issues, pets, parents, life goals, career, education, health issues, past lives, religion, and on and on.

Joanna will ask the question on your behalf and Jane will channel a response. We will post the response here. Because guides sometimes use words in a different way than we're used to, we'll include the entire response and then our interpretation.

As a beginning, here is an exchange between a spirit guide and a small group of people. A question was asked about direction in life. Here is the response:

Yes, there is a need. You use the word "direction." Direction is needed upon this plane. But not as much as you feel it is needed. Yes, I will say one thing and mean the other. That's what I often hear complained about we on this side. We speak in circles. Hm hm. We are circles. We have come full circle. Thus we can give you a view that is different. Because we have seen it from the other side of the circle. All of you. All of you have had at some time a difficulty with that which you call a profession. And yes money. I liked gold coins better than your money. Your money is colourless but it has a purpose--because it is a tool. Just a tool, as your hands and your feet, as your beautiful tongues and your lovely teeth. To grow with, to nourish, to travel, to hold. Do not build this money up into something other than this. Yes, but you all think: yes, but with more of it, I would not think of it so much. In fact, this is not true. And you all know this. It is not simple to live on this plane. Yet if it were simple, what would you learn? If it were as is spoken of in the Garden of Eden, you would all be fat on fruit and not evolving. But in each and every one of you, now there is a search that has occurred that must be satiated. The quest to fill that part of your energy field with that of Mother Energy. That which you are, that that your sphere is, the very matter of your world. Everything is energy. There comes a time in the physical when it has been neglected. A space occurs and it must be filled with this. Call it God. Whatever word you wish to use. It is the energy of love. It is pure and simple.

So what this guide is saying is that direction is an action. We need to take on our lives as a "work in progress," knowing that it's this that creates an energy that makes us feel whole. This working through of something for ourselves is what plugs the holes we feel in our lives.

The guide here is talking about the idea of positive thinking but is looking at it from a very high perspective. From this perspective you are one with everything and so you can create what you need by moving it in the direction that you want to go.

Now it's up to you. If you have a question, post it here. We will ask it of a spirit guide and will post a response once a week. Don't be shy.