Thursday, December 27, 2007

Children's expectations and listening to your own voice

Judy asks first whether she can leave her current job. She feels she is finished with it but her youngest son wants to go to private school and she would need to continue working to pay for that. She wants to know if the school a good choice for him.

This dear one (Judy) needs to just separate from all for a bit. To truly think about what is important to her. What is her passion? Who she is, what she needs to do. She has been busy jumping from here to there trying to fill the needs of everyone else except her own. And so she now feels very frail and very vulnerable, and unsure about her choices and her actions. Because she is not solid in herself. She needs to take some time to think, to laugh, to be. It doesn’t mean she needs to go somewhere and be indulgent, but rather to be internal, to feel her inner voice. She is feeling very weary about many things and overwhelmed in some things. And it is time to truly listen to her own voice. For the choices that she has been making for a long time were made simply to stop a certain noise from happening. And now it’s time for that noise to be stopped--by her choosing. I mean the noise of expectations of others and not herself. She’s been living a life under another beings umbrella instead of her own.

Children are wonderful--great gifts. And you give them a great amount of love and nurturing and guidance—but they will be who they need to be. It matters not what school this one goes to. This one right now is very much into his own power and is very strong. And it will help him to be wherever he is, if she can be totally clear on who she is with him—a mother that he loves and adores. And she will support him in every way. But will not accept his putting the responsibility for all his actions on her. She needs to know that being a mother is the most important thing right now for her. To be strong, consistent and loving.

So just because her son wants to go to a different school doesn't mean that she has to send him there?
It sounds as though she’s not sure what he needs.
He will find friendship and camaraderie wherever he goes. What he needs is to have a mother that is strong--and not just giving. She has abided by the needs of these children completely. And wanted only for them to be happy and seen and heard and accepted. She is wanting everything for these children that she didn’t have for herself. But that is not necessarily what these ones need. They do need a strength and a power, and a rootedness. They need her to be strong and still she needs to teach to find the strength within themselves.

And how does she do that?
By being it. She is being all over the place, instead of being still and being strong. She is looking outside to find things to fix, instead of being strong.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Choosing the right path

Darcy has worries about the path she has chosen. She wants to know if she is on the correct path for her life.

This one is weary. This one feels very weary and wonders if there is some path she has been walking beside and missing something great and important. No, this dear one is not missing anything. There are certain things that have occurred in this one’s life that she now needs to take time to understand. And to understand that the choices she makes now would be different from the ones that she made before. For she has grown, grown through these elements and learned through these things that happened in the most recent past. She needs to look at them, to take time to truly see all that is, hear all that is, to be the growth that has taken place. And to understand that her truth and the choices she will make now will be different. That she is not going to repeat old patterns. That it is time, most definitely, for some new things. And there are some very new things on her path. She will not feel so weary and so tired in time. It’s appropriate now. It’s not unusual that certain things will weigh heavy on a being. But there is joy ahead when she truly sees her path and what it offers her. Every lifetime has a time when you look at your path and go, “Oh what am I doing here?” And the truth is, it is only a very small fraction of the true path that you be on.

Sometimes it feels impossible to change; we feel stuck on a path, or imprisoned on a path.

But it is never impossible to change anything. For you simply look at it a different way and you’ve changed it. You open a new understanding and you’ve changed it.

Yeah, sometimes it just takes a shift in the way you look at it.

You know many people who might view their life as nothing and yet you would see their accomplishments as huge. And others you might think “Oh that doesn’t seem to be much” and in there they are just filled with light and love and perfectly happy.

It’s not the external trappings, I know that. Any other words for Darcy?

Dear, dear Darcy. There is light, there is love, and there is wonder for you.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Marriage, separation and children

Now I have a question from Christine. The question is about her daughter’s relationship with her husband. She wants to know why he is not returning home to her and the children. She wants to know if this is a marriage that can be saved or if they are better off apart.

This being, this husband, is very overwhelmed. Is very afraid of not being able to be what is needed. Feels unable to fulfill what is expected. This one struggles a great deal and has many deep questions within his body. He’s not sure who he is for himself, never mind for his dear wife. And she is very afraid and very needing and it is overwhelming when they are together. The unspoken things in the room create tension. The chaos is overwhelming. The chaos is a manifestation of that that is between the two of them—things unspoken, never directly. Both assuming things about the other and never speaking truth. Her heart is broken and so is his because neither can speak. As to coming back, there is nothing to come back to. This has never been a truth state. It was a continuum—something that carried on a long time and just resulted in…. Well, there was a promise, a most blessed promise. Children are wonderful and these are never a mistake or an accident, but a wonderful gift. And so let it be that this is what has brought the two of them together. And both can be magnificent parents, but until they can speak openly and honestly about who they are inside to one another, there is nothing to call a marriage.

Sometimes when people marry, the promise might simply be to have children then?
Oh, absolutely my dear. Sometimes that is one of the greatest purposes for two people to come together.
Yes, I don’t mean to belittle it; it’s a very special thing.
To facilitate the entrance of a being, to bring together nourishment and love, to help them to grow and be and learn and do what they need to do. That is a magnificent promise.
Bless these children. Tell them to be strong. Tell them to find joy in life. They are so sad.

It is always sad and difficult when your parents separate. It’s very hard on children.
And these children feel this. They are very much burdened by it. Tell the mother that it would be better for them to be clear about it. That daddy still loves them but that he just comes ones in a while. It’s very sad. For they are trying to make reasons why the two should be together.

So how can we best help children in that situation?
By never assuming that they don’t understand. They do. Speak it in simple and plain words. For they know exactly the vibrational state that Mommy is in. And she should say some days she is sad. And when she is happy she can say “Today I am happy” or “children you make me so happy.” But not to burden them with the responsibility to make her happy. Be very open and clear about how she is feeling because these children see her as a barometer. They watch every second that she be. And when she is in this chaos, they are feeling chaos—not grounded or safe. Tell this to her. And it is his responsibility to help the children feel safe as well. Not just the mother’s. It takes two, so tell them this.

Thank you so much.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Allergies, autism and other disabilties

Kristine asked about allergies and how they develop. She has a peanut allergy and wonders where it came from. This is becoming a common allergy. Why are we seeing it in so many people?

Food is now often an additive in many things in your physical world. It is true that some beings cannot take the vibration of this food (peanuts). It is often thought that there is more time to be in touch with one’s vibrational state that there are more allergies. These allergies are often conditions set up by not only the nervous system or the digestive system, but many times it is by the intellectual understanding of some things. Fears…many things are involved in allergies. It is information transformed into the immune system of the body of whether to react or not react. And this is often a complex system that can get very confused in a body that is extremely tired or stressed in some way.

That makes sense to me—if someone is stressed, they might develop an allergy. Their body may be telling them to slow down or watch out. But what about people who have allergies from birth?

Oh do not think a child cannot be born already stressed. Absolutely. There are many, many babies that come into this physical world already taxed in their systems and they do not have an appropriate, well-developed immune system. And so of course their system cannot handle anything except mothers’ milk. And sometimes the mother’s milk has many complexities in it that can cause them many difficulties.

Is that the only reason for allergies?

Yes, a body that cannot cope with a condition. There are many things though that create stress on the body. Yes.

Kristine wonders if we create weakened genes through diet that are then transmitted to the children.

No. Genetics is very difficult to weaken through diet. Genes are weakened through poisoning, mutation, and adaptation of the physical body. Genes are not weakened by diets.

What about additives in diets?

Poisoning. Yes.

So additives in diets could cause that. Would this be a cause for peanut allergies?

It is not so much a poison, but often if it is treated in some ways, it changes its vibrational state so it is not consumed in the same way so the body treats it as a poison.

Kristine also asked if childhood vaccinations relate to allergies. There are some parents who are concerned that vaccinations will damage their children.

Sometimes the children are more damaged by the neuroses of the parents than by the vaccinations. But I know this is not what you wish to speak of. There are some children that when these things are introduced into their system, they create a difficulty in their processes. They are taken as toxic and this causes some toxins to be built up in the body and there is a difficulty with it. Some children have difficulty with this and some do not. Again, be aware of the state of stress in the body of the child, the stage of growth, its ability to normalize what is introduced into it. The body works very hard to be accepting all things brought into to, to digest and to make positive all things that are introduced, whether it be food or these injections.

Most children do OK, but if a parent is concerned, do you have any guidance for parents who are trying to decide if it’s a good idea to get them?

If your child seems somewhat easily agitated, frail or bothered by certain things, then I think it would be wise to not choose to introduce anything that is very potent until their immune system is very well established. When an immune system is well established, you can ingest many poisons and have them be quite assimilated and release out of the body without too much difficulty.

Kristine also asked about childhood autism and the possible link to childhood vaccinations.

These traumas to a new physical body can cause this state, this difficulty. It is a difficulty to learn, to move forward, this autism. It is many different things. It is not just one. The introduction of these toxins into the body can cause this because the immune system creates an allergy and the attack and thus causes a toxic state in the brain. But also if the mother was very ill there can be a toxic state. Or if the child gets a very bad virus early in life it can cause this. It’s an interruption in the normal process of growth at a very delicate time of the physical cells.

So it happens after birth?

Not always. It can happen before birth.

Autism is sometimes connected with amazing abilities. I read about a young man who does incredible drawings that no one else can do. And yet he is unable to have a normal social interaction.

If a part of the brain is damaged it does not mean the spirit is damaged. No, the spirit goes to work and manifests through other parts of the being. And this is the part of the brain that shines.

Yes, some people can have problems, like Tourette’s, where they…

Misfiring in the brain.

Yes, and yet if they’re a doctor, they would never experience that when they do surgery…

Where they shine through the storm. The physical body is quite an amazing focus, or tool or manifestation. Many things are learned through many of its what what you might think is a weakness or problem. This creates the greatest growth for certain beings.

Of course. Yeah. So what can the rest of us learn about that?

For all beings there is love. I know you live in a time where you wish to control all things. And certain things you can. And if you make a choice to do so, then follow that path. But there are some beings and certain situations that are already in active motion, moving forward, before you get to make a choice about it. And then it is a choice of acceptance, of loving, and embracing that that is.

Yes, sometimes it is difficult for parents to see their children as limited…

Only if they try to measure them against some standard that truly does not truly exist against your spirit. You would not know how to measure a spirit. And these children often show them the true spirit that be present in them.

And I suppose it’s the same for children who are born with intellectual handicaps or Down syndrome.

Mnn. These beings are often very highly evolved ones who have chosen to come and teach the world about love--that the simplicity is the truth.

Yes, so much for us to learn--to get out of our heads some times and into our hearts.
Yes my dear.

So, going back to allergies, is there some way that people who have allergies can live more easily with them.

To laugh, to find joy, to relax. Most beings that are highly allergic are very stressed beings. They are very afraid and do go about their lives in fear. They need to enjoy life; they need to embrace it. Carry with them whatever they need in case of emergencies but they must trust that they be whole and well. Many of the things they feel allergic to…in truth it is the fear that they are allergic to. It sets up a domino effect in their beings. One thing creates another and then it’s all rolling forward and they can’t stop it. Trust.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Information about channeling

Here's where we do the channeling work.

Jane gets comfortable on the sofa and Joanna sits across the table from her. Jane then goes into deep meditation and Joanna waits quietly. After a few moments a spirit guide will come through and greet Joanna. She then asks the questions and records the responses.
You can view a video of Jane actually channeling guides on our website at
We also have a CD of conversations with four different spirit guides that can be purchased at our website.

Here's a response to Pat's question about fear and intuition. She had some dread about her partner's upcoming surgery and yet she didn’t communicate that. She’s worried that she didn’t follow her intuition, that her fear interfered with it.

She has not communicated many things with this being. She holds many things back in the understanding of protecting and helping this one grow. And in many ways this one doesn’t grow—but stays. She carries this one a great deal; makes many choices for him. Understand that his choices are important, that he needs to understand what he does. It was good that she didn’t speak it. It was good that she understands herself that she is not responsible for his growth, for his choices. It important now that she speak with love and clarity, that he understand what he is choosing. That he understand where he is in his path. Ask him “What is right for you? What is your belief? What is right for you. What do you know about your body and your spirit? Ask him to question these things in his path, not in blame but in love. Bring him forward in understanding of how his choices create his reality. It is a very difficult role to support a being, any being. But the bottom understanding, or the the top is loving them. Speak it out loud. “ I love you. I want for you growth. I want you to be happy. And I love you. And I accept all parts of you."

Yes, that accepting part is the hardest.

Often those that are closest to us, we want them to make our choices. But that would be our growth. Speak your love out loud. That will resolve many things.

This message reiterates what we so often hear from the guides, that (much as we want to) we cannot do the growing for someone else. And it's tough to remember that the person we care about has to find their own way to step forward.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Accommodating yourself to others needs

Christine asks if she will ever have a wonderful relationship with a man.

Yes. She has been a very accommodating being for others. And has never asked for anything for her own being. And it is with great pleasure I speak that yes, there is a wonderful being that she is to meet. And this being shall embrace the whole of her.

She says she had a relationship with Jim previously and wonders if it's a good idea for them to continue being friends now.

She cannot do anything but be a friend for that is her accommodating self. She will always feel his need and his pain, but he not hers. So she should offer that that she is willing to do. And she should understand that he will truly seek her to help his state of being. But he might not be understanding of her state of being. For that that was cannot be again.

May I speak about Christine’s accommodating nature? Early in life she wanted to please all beings. A very sensitive child, she never felt part of the whole, but more that she was always needing to do for others. Not that she was a servant in any sense, but perhaps more in servitude. She felt this as a small child and has carried this forward. She needs to understand that it can be released and that she no longer needs to live under this understanding. Being attentive to her needs, addressing her growth is very good for her.

It’s not an uncommon situation.

It affects many beings this way. And there is growth involved so it is never a negative. Understand that.

Supporting someone in ill health

Mike asked about a relative whose partner is in serious ill health and has difficulty accepting support. He wants to know about the dynamics of that.

This woman is not ready for the place of understanding and so Mike's understanding must be one of just simply saying “I am here when you need me or if in any way I can help you.” This being does not want to hear the information. As far as the relative in between, extend his support and love for him. That he is also there for him. As spoken before, you cannot do the growing for another being. You cannot do what they need to do for themselves. Healing must come from within. Mike can extend his love and his desire to help but he must not drain his being by worrying that he cannot get through. It isn’t that he has used the wrong words. It isn’t that he isn’t right, or in the right place, or good enough. It is that the being is not ready. And when and if is entirely up to her.

Monday, December 3, 2007

The new comet Holmes, where did it come from?

Ulla asks about this new comet, Holmes, and wonders why it’s appeared at this time.

It has appeared at this time to your scientists for it has traveled very quickly and is now seen. Many of these travel at a slower rate; this one has moved faster than the speed of light. It was created from a giant explosion of energy. Massive love that creates new planets, a place for growth. Another world. It is made up of gas, some solids. But it is like the birth of birth.

Does this happen quite often?


So it’s quite a special thing.

You live in a time of many very special things, of growth, constant movement forward. This is the result of that. You are seeing it manifested in gas and stone elements. But you’ll see it time and time again. For those who wish to see it. In all things in your world there is movement, there is growth there is change.

Tell Ulla to keep on questioning with her wonderful mind.