Jane and Joanna work with spirit guides to bring their wisdom through to our world.
Jane is a gifted psychic who is able to connect with guides and channel their responses to questions. This blog invites you to submit questions for the guides. Jane will channel the guides and Joanna will pose the questions to them. Then we'll post the responses here. Please take a look at the sidebar for instructions on how to post a question.
RMW writes, "I was wondering about astrology and what we can learn from it. Do we choose our birthchart and our date of birth, for example? Why would a person choose to be born a Leo or Scorpio or born with venus in Pisces or venus in Aries?
I have always been into astrology and I can certainly see some evidence in my life. If you have any words on this subject, it would be very much appreciated."
Many things in the physical domain are controlled by it. That is why you are present within it. It creates an element of growth. It creates opportunities to be presented to you. In a way, I suppose you could say you choose when you will be born, but not the exact time. Those conditions are all due to the physical elements at hand. You do not choose the sex that you are going to be. And you cannot choose usually when the birth will take place. but you do choose the parents. When that great conception occurs, other then the spiritual one that happens much before the physical, well, that puts in play all of the other things to occur because of it.
So yes, the time in which you physically connect and are alive in a physical world is truly conception in the physical. But the birth also, because then the elements and you are one. Of course, it has an effect. And all beings must seek to find their truth, their way to try to understand their universe. Many things you will put in play because this is what you believe. Many things are truth about these studies, as ancient as they might be. No one thing rules your path though, except you. Remember that. Nothing controls you except you and your choices.
Robbie asks about jealousy and envy. He says, "I used to be very jealous when I was younger but I grown a little and and I know that if you love someone you grant them freedom to do whatever they want. I am absolutely ok with that, but why are there certain people who can really trigger these deep feelings in me? It eats away at me sometimes. It's over the smallest things that don't seem to have any meaning! And I dont even have a partner. There is this one person who I love dearly and even an image of her or words she once said can bring up enough pain to leave me stuck for days! How do we know each other? And are we helping each other to grow in this experience? Is there any other way for me to release and clear this pain or energy? Or is crying the best remedy? I could fill an olympic swimming pool with tears. It is so great that you can offer your guidance. Thank you."
Dearest one, if you were given a choice of never having experienced that loss, would you have chosen it? You need to see it from the other side. You have grown and you are an amazing being an you have not closed your heart to another love. In fact, many are attracted to you but you do not see it at this time. You’ve never had difficulty attracting another being. But right now, you want them not. You are finding somewhat pleasure in that that was. And you are feeling a bit that there is too much work involved with loving. Oh, my blessed one, you would choose to do it again. For you are a being of great light. It might be difficult to understand that you chose this, even the painful part. It was something of a balance. Does it hold you back from the growth you have yet to do? No. It enriched you and in time you will see that. Unfortunately, right now you are busy swimming in that pool. But you will bounce out one day and there will be a being with a warm, fluffy towel there to love you. Be at peace my dear. You do well.
Bobo writes, "Do you have any advice on balancing sexual desires? I feel like mine are out of control!
I havn't been with anyone for a few years but I know I dont need to. Is this natural or have I repressed it without being aware of it? I am aware that we all have to deal with these energies, but it seems to have taken over my life and it drains my energy. It feels like i am powerless in this situation and like something takes over me when I am attracted to the opposite sex! I practice some taoist techniques and they do help but right now it feels like theres no way out. I feel like i have some negative attachments that are impossible to move away from. If you have any advice I would be very thankful."
The joys of sexual desire. The joys of a physical body in all of its wonder in all of its beauty. When they are out of balance it does mean there is a difficulty at hand. It could be something you are avoiding and worrying about. In truth, it could be a job or it could be a relationship. When any part is out of balance you should pay attention to it. It is usually isn’t the very thing that is out of balance that is causing the disturbance. It is usually something else. A state of health mentally or physically, or a state of spirit. If you have a sexual imbalance, it is not sexual. It is usually emotional. A deep hurt, or an unfulfilled element of growth that needs to be attended to or paid attention to. Speak, find a trustful being. If you need to find help, seek it my dearest. There is nothing about the human condition that you should be uncomfortable about talking about. But find someone who will not judge you, that you find trust within and this will help.
Bobo mentions that he has these negative attachments that are impossible to move away from.
Nothing is impossible. You are choosing to stay in that place. You may not understand that, but you actually find comfort within that now. It is deep in the emotional centres. It has nothing to do with the sexual or physical parts of our body. You can move away if you are willing to help yourself.
Funtastic comented on the post, "In regard to the "Perspective on Events in the USA." She or he writes, "The guides say: And some [the ancient ones i.e. Martin Luther King perhaps as an example] will be hurt again because new souls do not understand about growth. And often when one shines very brightly these new souls will attack instead of listen."
But later in the same post the guides say:
"Love the beings that are in fear—and only love will return to you, my dear. For all beings, if they extend only love that is all that will return to them."
There is a contradiction because those who have loved have been hurt. It is not true that only love will return to you if you only extend love. Even Jesus the Christ himself was murdered because of his great love.
So, I want to believe what you say but it needs to be able to stand up to any examples that might refute it. Otherwise, your credibility is affected. This is not an attack but a desire to discern what is and what is not. Thank you. "
She is looking for truth and she must understand that she can only find her truth through her own path. I cannot speak for the Christ, but I know he felt love. I know he never blamed any of those and forgave them willingly at his moment of leaving. You must love all beings, the fearful, the anxious, the attackers and those that wish not to. It is not only Christ’s teaching you may follow. There are many of the Christ light: Buddha, Confuscious, and others.
These ones of the light are of a vibrational state to be that that they are. To love. even in moments of great.... well, call it growth; what you might see as a tragedy. For in that moment where his life’s blood drained from him, he grew and evolved to the state where he no longer needed a physical body to be present in any dimension. Loving other beings--Is this a test then? No, it is a vibrational state. It does not mean you will not have anger. It does not mean you will not have fear. It means, no matter what, you will each grow in your own process, or path, or whatever you might call it. It means that the very new souls in their exuberance and their careless ways are to be loved, as are the great and gracious, wonderful teachers that will give all to save the growth of another.
It is good to ask these questions, my child. It is good to be confused. It is good to have times when you do not have answers. For in those moments, all at once a deep knowing will move through you. When all that you have been is present and you will know your truth. That is the state of grace. That is loving all, judging not, loving all.
Gail says she's not sure if she's on the right path. She says, "I need instructions!"
You have walked a path that had such guidelines and limitations in many ways, and you know this. For the longest time you wanted to run away from all of those time-clock limitations, doing this, doing that and fulfilling this and fulfilling that. What did you fulfill for yourself? Freedom. And now what? What you have asked for is at hand. Embrace it. There is a great part of you needs to write things down. Begin by telling how you have evolved. It will be good practice for you. Is that instructions enough for you, my dear?
Maurice says, "I can't recognize myself no more. I'm lost in my love life, work etc... What happened to me? I'm always thinking about the past when it was more happy moments?
Why is it that this being thinks only about the past instead of the very moment that they be in? Often, it is because something is unfinished, incomplete.
So, dear one, address each situation and understand that you had choices. You took actions, so own them now and understand as to why you did these actions. And don’t be afraid to be in the moment of pain, or discomfort. Don’t be afraid to not recognize yourself. You have grown, you have evolved, you have changed. It isn't the case that that will be the only happy time. But you will not let yourself be happy right now for you do not feel it is complete. Be in it, feel in it, roll around in the pain of it until you are tired of it. And then stand and shake it off and realize you have grown. And your steps forward will be stronger, your love will be more vibrant and you more radiant. Bless you my child.
Donna asks if it would be in her best interest to move residences. She says, "Do I need to let go of what my former husband promised? Thank you."
No. There is an element of a promise at hand with you, my child. It is not so much of the physical world, but a spiritual one. I know that part of you wishes to be done with it and a part of you wishes to not be done. There is part of you angry at yourself for not fighting for yourself. You need to be willing to forgive yourself for this. It is not holding up this process.
When a being speaks words that create a bond, it becomes a reality. This cannot be broken. You know very well if you could be still and alone with that being that you would be able to converse and have communion. But so much is clouded, so much is distorted. You know not where you belong in time and space with this one anymore. And, in truth, you are still stuck in that place in time. But it is not yet time to release from it. This might seem a burden to you, but I think you will understand it in time, parts of you does already.
Pam Case writes, "The other evening a call came in from a ‘private’ caller. Usually I do not answer these calls because they are most always selling something. For some reason I decided to answer the phone. The caller asked if I did energy healing. I was leery, but told him yes. He asked if I saw auras, or what type of healing did I do? I asked for more information about him. He then told me that he was living in Tibet and that my phone number had come to him 2 times in meditation. I could tell that it was an international call.
He said that he wasn’t selling anything, that his name was Pradush. He simply wanted to tell me that I am doing very good work for the world. He said that I’ve really transformed much in the past couple of years and that this year was going to be even more transformational for me. I thanked him and we said our goodbyes.
I like to believe that I am doing good work through my astrology and pendulum clearing work and teaching. My question for you is ‘Was this call for real’?
What you must ask yourself my dear, is how does it make you feel? This should be your answer, not that judging talk. Let the moment appear. Whether you believe consciously, subconsciously, spiritually, physically, this message came to you through the wavelengths. Judge it not, but say thank you. You do not have to do anything with it, but know that a being has reached out and you have heard. Worry not the manner in which it came to you, but be still with it.
K asks about a pain and hardening in the right leg that is causing discomfort. She says, "What is the cause and how can I heal this problem and prevent it from happening again? It is a simple issue or significant? I am very active and love to run. Will it aggravate this issue if I continue to be so active? Thanks and love."
Pain is a message that a body is trying to convey to the conscious brain and then, in turn, to the spirit. A communion is needed--not so much your leg to your soul, but your whole body needs to stop and be still for a while. Do not push through these things. That is not the way to address pain, you must hear it.
You have already been to several different places and they are giving you their different advice as to what the problem is. And, you are not happy with any of them. And so, you need to ask your body what it is trying to say? Are you perhaps not hearing that it wants to not run? You do not want to hear that. Why do you run so, my dear? Walking is an amazing thing. You can run at any time but be sure that walking is achieved without pain. Love your body my child. The deep pain within this leg does speak to you. Listen to it. You are hearing the answers even if you don’t want to.
Elizabeth asks about her fear of speaking in public. She says, "I''m working on letting my fear go, breathing like you said, and it's working. But I'm scared of speaking and it's affecting my job. I just freeze. Why do I have such fear of speaking? How can I get over this?
Yes, dear one. Your fear lies within your vibration. It actually comes from previous existence. The words that you spoke in a past existence caused great destruction for you. And so it is not surprising that you might, at certain times feel that a key has opened up this past existence. You probably know, my dear that you’ve been having some thoughts that don’t even belong on this path. They are from that lifetime.
And so, how to heal it. The way to do this in the present is by healing the feelings. By asking yourself, why does my heart race so when I am about to use my vocal chords? Speak to your heart, breathe deep, calm your thoughts. Actually, I think would really wonderful for you to use laughter at a time like this, for the very act of laughter gives the nerves a little extra energy to relax. Talk about your fear of speaking. This can be a wonderful tool because you are not alone. Many beings feel that they are so judged, or watched when their words come forth. In truth, beings are more worried about their own words and not yours so much, my dear. So, to address this, stand and practice. Practice all the time. And give your words sound in the quiet of your own time and love them. You have a lovely voice. Your truth is good, my child. Do not fear it. And know that what you fear is in the past and it shall never happen again. Be in peace dear.
MAK writes, "I'm an avid follower of Eckhart Tolle and, like him, feel that human consciousness is shifting at a rapid pace and will force humans to evolve in necessary ways. There is also much speculation surrounding the end of 2012 regarding humans and the Planet Earth. Do you foresee any significant changes after 2012 and will they be beneficial for both the planet and humans."
Yes, to all of your questions, my dear. There is much ahead. 2012 is a number created by mankind to give structure and control through these things. The amazing physical dimension was created for your growth. It would not do for your growth, for it to disappear. There will always be upheavals and changes and movements, for that is the constant element needed to create growth. Be not afraid, but embrace it with great excitement. Know that all beings are growing and changing, a new age, a new thinking, a new dawn. But you are present in it at this very moment. Do not fear what is ahead. It is now.
Eckhart Tolle is a wonderful teacher, a blessed being of light. He has come to teach that all things are possible.
Is he one of the ancient ones?
Yes. But you are even going to see brand new radiant beings evolve and become ancient. And, at first, very few will follow, or listen. They will wonder how such a new being could have such wisdom? But, it can be. So, doubt not, but hear all and trust that you will know your own truth.
Anonymous writes, "I would like to ask for guidance. I have been feeling so sad, depressed, and apathetic lately. I feel that my life has no meaning or purpose, and I feel like I am wasting my life (and I understand that it is a precious gift to be here). I have no creative outlet for myself, and I think it would be healthy. I want to feel passionate and excited for life, but instead I feel hopeless and useless. I feel like I don't even know myself well enough to know what I would like to do creatively or what I would feel passionate about. I know that you can't just tell me what to do, but could you suggest any steps I could take to find my passions and purpose?
Also, I find myself fearful and obsessively worrying that I am not putting myself in a position to have children at some point in my life. Do I have a "promise" to have children with anybody? Am I leaving the door open for this?
I know I have asked a lot, and I am extremely grateful for any guidance you might offer. Thank you for this opportunity to ask for help, and much love and gratitude to Jane, Joanna, and all the guides who work with them."
Oh, my blessed one. You say you are feeling you do not have a purpose and yet you give such love to others through that beautiful light that you be. Every being you touch, you lift. I know perhaps you might think you are somewhat invisible, and thus without purpose. Old beings, or ancient beings such as yourself, often feel that way. And then they remember that yes, they have a physical lifetime to have the physical pleasures, to grow.
In many lifetimes you’ve had many children and it is natural for you to wonder where they are now. There is a reason this has not occurred yet. Do not blame yourself for this. Do not think that the choices you have made have held up the works in some way, dear. Everything is about growing and moving forward. And you are doing beautifully.
And, remember, those time times when you are feeling the least forward movement, are often when you are actually moving faster then you have any idea. And know that your beings of light that surround you are holding you dearest, when you feel so alone. Take a moment, breathe deep and remember that you are as important as every part of this physical dimension. Your place and space you take up within it has great purpose. As you look about you, you will see it. I thank you for caring for others. Now, look into the mirror and care for yourself. And if you choose another mirror, see your reflection in the eyes of those that love you and you will know you have great purpose. Remember, when you feel you don't know your purpose, just take the next step and it shall be revealed to you, probably after you have completed most of it.
Blessed one, fear not. You are in the right place at the right time. Do not fight against time. Know that it is a blessing. I love you my dear.
PM writes, “I know that he came into my life for a reason and that I have moved on but I would like to remain a friend. Is he not able to continue a friendship with me? I feel somewhat at a loss because we have something very special. I, at times feel that it was me that turned him away? I am confused about this one.”
No, my dear one, you did not choose to have this unhappiness in your life. But you chose to grow and to learn and my blessed one dear, you must confess you have grown. You are wise. But you are the most amazing being because you desire to trust again. You talk about friendship but truly you want that love, that deep abiding trust with another being. And that will be, as you slowly open and make a place for this new one. And you will arrive there when you judge not, but openly accept another being close to you. To trust that loving is worth any of the pain it might cause in its growth. You will do well, my child. You are love.
MP went on a diet last year and lost a lot of weight. She says, "It's been a year, and I have gained a third of it back. I'm struggling with keeping the weight off. I'm exercising, and eating healthier overall, which is positive. What do I need to do to free myself of this struggle in order to live a healthier life, at a healthier weight, and feel good about my body."
Dearest one, your focus is on the fear of gaining weight. So you are unconsciously telling yourself you must gain weight for this state of being to continue. Release this fear. Surrender to the fact that you are a beautiful being. Embrace that that you are and you will stop focusing on that that you eat, or do--and just simply revel in the joy of being. You are truly an amazing being and you have achieved much success, but it does not need to be this great weight upon you. Dance, laugh, find joy. Eat that that is nourishment for your being. Read that that is nourishing your brain. Listen to that that lifts your soul and you will find a balance, dear one. You have many beings that speak that what you resist, persists. You are conveying something to the universe that you truly don’t want. You want to find balance and joy and not have to worry. For worry is not your choice. Dance my child. You are the end of the rainbow.
Jan Jan feels she is being pushed back on a path she thought was blocked. She says, "I allowed things to just Be the last few weeks of 2009 and although there were some pretty tough moments we got through it. But I seem to be constantly at loggerheads with a close family member, its a very volatile situation and I feel like just giving up on this person. I am trying very hard to just let it BE, I bless the situation and the person but sometimes it all comes crashing down and all I want to do is just lash out in anger (verbally not physically). I value any insight you may have.
Dear heart, dear heart, there is great grieving within you and you are not as radiant as you could be. Lashing out is not what you want to do, and you know that it is wrong for you. Take time now to love yourself, to see yourself strong and whole. You know within yourself that you are a good, a wondrous being. If there is something that antagonizes you, be still, and examine it. Often times the thing that is the most irritating is something you need to learn from and something that has part of you within it.
Be patient within yourself, little one. Some parts are not willing to move forward, or to take a step forward in growth. Have humour and love. Be patient. You know your truth, blessed one. Lashing out only makes you feel bad. It is as if drinking the poison to hurt someone else; it will not help you my dear. Be still, love yourself. And in time you will forgive, you will love. Most importantly, you will be willing.
PF asks how it is the guides can tell us things like, for example, there is a new person or job coming when it is we who make choices to get to that place and different choices will bring different results.
She says, "Sometimes I feel like I am experiencing a life that has already been lived. I know it is difficult for us to understand "time" and how it is possible that everything is happening at once. Some say all our lives are happening at the same time. If this is so, then how do we have new and old souls. Sorry, lots of questions. I don't expect to be able to completely verbally understand it but some words from you, I'm sure, would help. Thank you.
Creation never stops. Of course there are some brand new beings; not to say they haven’t been in other dimensions at other times. There is truth in this. I am sure some of you have met people that you thought were from another planet. These are some of the new ones.
Understanding of new and ancient has nothing to do with age. It is a vibrational state of being. It is a continuum. When these beings re-unite with the Mother energy, or God, it begins again in a different domain, a different dimension, never ending. But being and growing and teaching and learning are all one.
You are the one that sets the promise to meet again with another being to complete something that you have yet to learn. Perhaps you shared a path with in a past life with this being. Perhaps from many lifetimes ago. Or perhaps none. But know that you will find a being, whomever they might be. A guide might tell you they are coming for you have set a promise (a task of learning). You have opened a valve so to speak. And so this energy will flow in that direction to you. It is your choice as to when and how. You will never change that they will come, just the conditions that surround it.
AJ Adams writes, "I am looking for advice on how to convince my daughter that doing her homework is something that has to be done. She is very intelligent, "gifted and talented" as they label her. She is in middle school now, and we've struggled with this for several years. The work she turns in to her teachers is always near flawless, but sometimes she just doesn't want to do her homework. Zeros will kill a good grade in a big hurry. We've taken away privileges, but this doesn't seem to bother her. She doesn't need "stuff." I'm not a fan of spanking nor would it work on someone with her reasoning capacity. She is the neatest person, beautiful soul. She is such an easy child in every way. I just can't seem to make her understand "I'd rather not," isn't going to work. Advice?"
Dearest one, you are asking an ancient, ancient being about homework. No. You are a parent who helped to bring in this most beautiful light. Be with this being, rejoice in the shared moments. Don’t put this labour upon it. Tell her that she must do it and it is her responsibility. But that you and she will share time each evening that has nothing to do with that. The joy of being together, this is what she is demanding from you. To not be burdened by the worry of expectations. You are right, she is very intelligent. She will do her homework. She will blossom and shine in the radiance if you give her time that is not restricted to any one thing, except simply the joy of being together. Sing, dance and laugh. Enjoy my dearest. Enjoy the love you have.
This blog has been transferred to another website. All the posts from here are duplicated there and we are posting responses from the guides on a daily basis. Please visit us at http://www.circleswithincircles.com.
If you post a question to this blog, please check the Circles within Circles site as that is where the response will be posted. At this point, the response time is three to four weeks.
About the posts
Most of the postings here are transcribed word for word from a dialogue between Joanna and one of several spirit guides that are channeled by Jane. The guide's words are in gray text and Joanna's words are in blue. Occasionally we will comment on one of the dialogues to add or clarify something. These comments will be in green text.
Circles within Circles CD available
This CD offers the experience of being in the presence of four different spirit guides. The guides talk about who they are and how they connect with us, as well as ways to communicate, living in chaotic times, life promises and soul evolution. Click on the cd image to go to our website for more information.