Barbara asks about healing from a relationship that ended. She has had dreams about her past partner and she feels loneliness and health issues with him. She says she’s been getting a feeling that she should send a message of well being. She asks why, if she’s supposed to heal and go on, is she is getting such a strong urge to get in touch with him? She wonders if they have telepathic communication between them.
Dear Barbara, when one has a bond with another being and one chooses to move away and separate from that one, the bond does not dissolve and disappear. There will always be a part of you loving this one. You realized that you could no longer live and dwell close to this one. It was destructive for your being. I’m not surprised that your heart will often be in tune with his needs and his wants. It is true this one has some health difficulties but it is not your responsibility to heal or to help this being. But do know that that love that you send to surround him will have an effect.
Does it mean there is a continuum for the two of you? Within this bond that was created a long time ago, it will always be. But as to actually being face to face and speaking in kind and accepting ways, this may not always be the case. For you are the one that has healed and evolved and moved forward; not so much the partner.
Telepathic is an interesting word. It is sensing a being. You are a very evolved being and will always be in touch with those that you have loved and have a connection or a bond with. It is a vibrational state created by the two of you, or by others that you are close to. You are a wondrous being. Be that that you are.