Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The Experience of Oneness
This is a continuation of the conversation I posted on Sunday about oneness.
While you dwell in this dimension you are of the same energy. You vibrate at different rates, thus you choose different forms to manifest. But all are using the same raw materials I might say. Do you understand this?
When you say, “all are one” are you talking about all living beings, all creatures on this planet?
And we are all connected?
But we feel like we’re all walking around in separate bodies. I was just talking to Jane about this woman, Jill Bolte Taylor , who had a stroke on the left side of her brain and experienced the oneness. What an amazing message she is bringing to the world! But I feel that we cannot be in that oneness all the time; we’re here in bodies for a reason.
This being's experience creates teaching. Many of your great teachers have spoken of this. Many evolved beings will talk about the great joy and the peace they experience. It can be achieved. Oh it will always be tempered by the physical world, by positive and negative. But you can achieve this great state. What has it been called many times in your world? Nirvana.
It is…that love—uncomplicated, undemanding. It is about being.
This woman you speak of—it was for her own growth and learning that this occurred. It widened her view of life. Whereas before such a statement would have humoured her, she now has great compassion…and depth. She no longer wants to be what she was. She would never give up what happened to her.
But each being’s path is unique in this way. This just afforded her an opportunity to speak to others and because of who she was before others listened. But many have spoken of this very similar thing. They just weren’t heard.
They didn’t have the credibility that she had because she was a scientist?
Oh they had credibility; it was the society’s judgment.
Thank you.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Coincidences and the energy of oneness
Coincidence—happening at one time. If you understand (though it might seem a stretch of the oneness) that all beings are of one, that you all dwell within an energy that is one—then you will understand that the being has moved into the realm of being open to this. Not all people experience it. Call it whatever name you wish, it is that you are one with other beings. And thus you can perceive or draw them close at any time. You are separated in the vibrational state by certain elements. Some move slower than others, thus giving you form. But you are one in the dimension that you use to manifest a life, a path. Think of yourself as dipping into a tank. You being the spirit that goes into this tank of water. You are one with this water; you are still a spirit, yet still move still move through all of it, but you have form now. Coincidence—man’s way of trying to control and put parentheses around things. Limits to things, there are none. You have stepped into this realm of higher thought. You cannot leave it.
Thank you. Some people I guess are more open to it, or more aware of it—or pay more attention to it?
Some beings are more evolved than others, have had more lifetimes. Yes, they have different promises or tasks of learning. But all are one—the very new, the very ancient. While you dwell in this dimension you are of the same energy. You vibrate at different rates, thus you choose different forms to manifest. But all are using the same raw materials I might say.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Advice on what to pay attention to in order to proceed
Blessed Doris. Blessed, blessed Doris. You are surrounded by many that wish to help you. The greatest gift you can give yourself right now is to be still, to hear. You also very much need touch, physical touch. To achieve this you can go out to those that you can be still and receive touch from. Beginning at the feet and working up towards the heart, the opening. This is all part of a process that you actually know you need to go through. You know you need to be hearing and listening instead of speaking. For this being does come into your life--when you are ready. No longer should you be the one giving and doing for another. You must receive. For you this is a struggle: to receive, to willingly open yourself to receive the touch, to hear. I’m not surprised that you fight against these things. You’ve always felt that you must earn everything in your path. Achieve these things my dear, and you shall heal. Touch is very important right now.
This one is a mother hen. She constantly thinks about how to help others. Tell her to centre on herself right now.
That’s the most important thing?
I’ll tell her that. Thank you.
So often we feel guilty if we centre on ourselves and our needs. We feel it's somehow selfish to focus on what uplifts us. We tend to think we are worthy only if we're focusing on another. Yet in order to be whole we have to take the time to nourish ourselves both in body, mind and spirit. We need to do this first--and for ourselves. Only when we are whole can we truly step forward to give to others. Try taking some time today to ask your deepest self what would please you. Nurture yourself as you would a tender baby. Do this for yourself--you are worth it.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Message from a mother who has passed on
Christine says her beloved mother (Oma) recently passed on. She is greatly missed by all her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. I feel my mother's presence and her joy constantly as if she were with all of us. I have tried to explain this feeling to my sister, Mary, who often feels very sad because she misses Oma so much. Have you a message that could comfort Mary?
Dear, dear Christine, you’ve always been the one to teach and lead the way with this family. You’ve often thought it was your mother, but in truth it was you. And when they couldn’t abide by you they turned away from you, but you were always willing to embrace and love them.
This one has always struggled against everything. Likes things just to be clearly there in print or in some route that she can follow.
Are you talking about the sister?
Yes. Dearest one, tell her to ask for her own confirmation. Tell her that she must ask for truth for herself, for it must be only coming from within her. You could never provide truth for another being, or proof of that that you believe in. I know in many ways, all in this family have tried very hard to fit within limitations of an understanding. And each in their own way has broken free from it. Allow this one to find it. Know that she should seek and find her own truth, her own comfort.
Oh no, you mustn’t limit yourself in speaking of how you have found it. You have always been the leader. And perhaps by your calm, relaxed manner, and by the way that you seek to find your own truth, you will help lead the way for this one too.
A message from your mother: She wishes that she had spoken more clearly to all of you about who and how she believed. Being passive, to follow those of others, in truth it wasn’t her way. She is at very much understanding now that all is as it should be. That each of you are growing and moving forward. That these blessed grandchildren and great-grandchildren are all beautiful and radiant in their own light, each individual and wonderful. That you mustn’t ever be still or keep quiet when you need to speak. That you need to open your hands to help others, and that you must hear each other and be there for each other. That is what the grandmother wants them to know.
Thank you very much; I’ll pass this information on.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Feeling overwhelmed by supernatural experiences
This is a most blessed being, one that has evolved, heightened her vibration to the stage in which she can hear, and see, and be aware of other beings. There is nothing in spirit that can harm her. What she is feeling is the fear from beings that are not in spirit, but in a place of no growth; beings that have not crossed over. There, she must understand, she has all the choice to not tune in to those beings. She must surround herself in white light and simply say to the fear, “No. It does not dwell within me. It cannot be part of me. Go to the light. Be surrounded by those that can help you.”
Fear is the only way anything can harm you…and that is simply a vibrational state. She is feeling and perceiving the something that can harm her. It cannot. It is that fear that they dwell within, and it is not hers. Some beings are afraid to cross over; others are there by a choice of something they have done in a lifetime. They are drawn to her by her light. They seek help from her but it is she who feels their fear and their inability to grow and move forward. She must not fear them. They are drawn to her for help. But she can choose whom she wishes to help and can state very clearly that she has no desire to be in tune with them. These are not beings of the dimension she wishes to tune in to; they are dwelling in the physical world, where she is. These are not in the dimension of highly evolved beings: guides, angels, whatever you wish to call them.
So the beings she is feeling are people who have left their bodies but have not moved forward into the light?
And the fear she is feeling is their fear of moving forward?
So she can choose either to help them by telling them to move forward or she can say, “I don’t want to experience this. I want to go to the higher realms?”
Exactly. She can say out loud, “Stop. I do not wish this. I close myself to you,” if she does not want them to be near. She might use some ritual if it makes her feel better. It isn’t necessary. She has free will; she can choose.
If she wishes to help them, tell them to go to the light. Tell them that there are beings there to help them; that they must not fear. There is nothing to be afraid of; there is only love. They often fear because of choices they made in the path they were on. It has nothing to do with the realm that they be in now. They are choosing to stay in a place of no growth. Whether you are in a physical body or have left it, if you choose to not grow and move forward you stay in one place.
So, any advice to Freya about coping in the physical world?
She needs to embrace her life and not fear it. She needs to understand that there is only love, and that forward movement in her life is her life. She is choosing, as if liking and disliking this scary part. There’s a part of her in awe about it and liking it and a part of her that hears judgment from others that it is some great negative that can overpower her. It cannot unless she allows it to.
So she has the control.
Yes. All beings do. Your world is in a time where they are somewhat fascinated by this. There are many elements of entertainment that are fearful and create much that is not truth.
Yes, like ghost stories.
Is there a person that Freya might find who could help her?
It is more important that she should help herself. There are many that will help her but they will have their rules and regulations. Tell her she is strong within herself. And she is the wise teacher, and nothing can hurt her.
Thank you. I will tell her that.
So, it sounds like we can get stuck through fear of moving forward while we're in body and also when we've moved beyond the body. I am beginning to realize that the only thing we are really responsible for is our forward movement. I like the way the guide says that there is only love and the forward movement in our life IS our life. Something to ponder.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Decision to retire or to wait a few years
If you have to ask me it can’t be the right time. No, my dearest one, in fact you’re much too vitally needed at this time to be right in the middle of things. You’re about to be embarking on quite an exciting awareness. A being is coming into your life. Don’t change a whole lot at this moment. Just stay the course, shall I say? Oh, there’s plenty of time for a wonderful retirement. There is someone quite wonderful. Just stay put at this time. You’ll know when it’s the right time.
Ok, that’s very clear. Thank you very much.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Healing a relationship, healing yourself
Christine asks about her relationship with her son, John. She would like to reopen communication with him and wants to know if this is a good time to approach him. She is also concerned about her own physical health. She asks what is wrong with her, has the cancer returned, and how can she regain her health.
Blessed woman, you can most definitely speak to your son from your heart. And continue to do so. Allow him to have his need for jealousy and making noise. He just wants attention. So give it to him. Talk to him. And if he refuses, then find another way to communicate. Tell him you love him. Tell him he was the most blessed thing when he arrived in your life. Tell him that even though he is angry (and use the words that you have; you have great ability to use these)… Use the words that you know he is angry with you and he should tell you if there is anything you can do to change it. Tell him if there is anything you can do to re-establish this lovely bond, that you will do it.
Christine needs to speak it up and down and back and forth--and he will hear it. He needs to read it and hear it and have it said over and over. And this is the only way she can find peace within herself, because she needs to say it out loud.
As to her own health, her own being is the creation of some sadness and some feeling of helplessness about much that has occurred. Right now she is not choosing to heal her body but rather to be harsh and angry with it, and fearful of not controlling every part of it. At one point in her path, she decided to not trust any more and this has caused her a great deal of chaos within her being. And she does not like chaos. She loves to control and have calm and quiet. In fact, when she sees any chaos it makes her quite nervous. This is why she works overtime and pushes herself beyond limits, just to have some order.
Dear heart, many things that you manifest are from trying very hard to be in order when you live in a world that has no order. Be still. Be calm. Nourish your being. Choose for your being nourishing things. Choose for your being a healthful attitude. So often you, you choose not for yourself; you take on attitudes of others. You take on information that another bestows upon you. Wise one, your own truth must be found here--your own truth.
I know you worry that you are creating a cancer. A cancer is your own cells going chaotic. What did I tell you how you feel about chaos? Darling one, dearest one, be not afraid of your own being. Love your being and understand that your frailties, your weakness, your chaos is a wonderful part of you—a joyful giggly part of you. Love your being my child. Be not afraid of it.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
A man has questions about a father who died long ago
• Was James Trotter’s airplane shot down by friendly fire?
• Was he rejected by his family or did her reject him?
• Why didn’t Jean, his wife, contact them after the war?
• Why didn’t Jean tell Tim very little about his father?
• Was James Trotter a confident man or a maverick?
• Are his frailties similar to his son Tim’s?
Tim yearns to know his father. He wants to know if James Trotter has any messages for him.
Hmnnn.... Why does not Tim ask of me?
Well, that’s a very good question.
He fears. Tell this blessed one that he is strong. I know he seeks to find that father. He has many questions about him. And when he was very young he felt very close to him. Hmn. And he has been running through the many different emotions that dizzy him sometimes. It’s often that he felt he didn’t have direction; didn’t know what footsteps to follow in.
He is a kind and wonderful being. He needs to ask the questions.
I will tell him that. I will pass this information on.
Thank you.
It is possible to ask questions on this blog using a pseudonym or initials. The guides don't seem to have any problem focusing in on the person who is asking even without names. So please don't let a need for privacy stop you from asking questions.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Finding balance with responsibilities and your own needs
Stacy asks how to find balance in her life. She says she feels like she is floundering in responsibility. She is trying to play financial catch-up but she is losing a big part of herself in the process. She feels broken in body and spirit and is unsure how to find balance. She says, “I want to support my partner in gaining her health but feel I am l losing mine in the process. My question is how do I find balance in the chaos?”
Oh, such a caregiver she is. Yes, it’s true she feels she has sold herself for money but in truth she hasn’t. I know she wants very much to change. There’s such a wonderful position and work and everything and she is such a creative being. Such a beautiful being. She is not letting anyone down by truly allowing her being to grow. And she needs to embrace this and allow herself to be. Her partner will love her completely, completely by any choice she would make. She should not feel responsible for their growth in any way, but for her own. For truly that is truly all she can be responsible for is her own growth. And feeling broken and exhausted and tired—truly she’s feeling phony, like she’s not her real self right now. But that isn’t true either. She’s just very, very tired from many things: much moving, much caring, giving, taking care of, filling the other’s needs, and she’s put her own needs on the back burner. And so now out of desperation she’s trying to find a way to make herself feel better….
First of all she needs to just stop everything and see that she can breathe and be strong and radiant and laugh. Dearest one, I know she too is seeking and reaching and feeling the burden of finances, feeling that she cannot take the time for herself. But she can.
She can. There are many ways this can be done. She could do many different things. I know she feels all of this that she has already established, that if she should leave it she will be letting everyone down. Oh, it is an interesting cycle one gets into. But she could fulfill the needs for these things by taking a simple passion and turning it into something that could create money. Being so creative and interested in many things…. She’s a teacher. She’s a salesperson. She’s a wonderful being.
I want not to choose one thing for her. I want her to try on different things. She never has wanted to burden a single being in this life, in this path. She wants all beings to be filled with joy and is trying to keep everyone else happy, when in truth she’s forgotten totally about herself. She feels blessed in so many things and feels badly, but she’s not complaining, not to me.
Tell her: Blessed one take time for yourself right now, even if it means a leave of absence or whatever they call those things, some time away.
Her choice of work is very draining, a lot of emotional needs, ups and downs. And of course that financial gain is important but she’s blinded by all of it right now. Step away from it. She can do this. She’s not letting anyone down. In fact all beings around her will love her even more if she chooses to take this time for herself. Does that help you my dear?
I will pass that information on to her. I know it is difficult when we have rent to pay and groceries to buy and payments to make, to thing about stepping away from that treadmill.
Mhmn. But there are ways that it can be done. Shifts can be done. There are reasons for these burdens she created, to be needed. Being that that she has chosen as a career, she loved to see she was needed. She felt important. And it is true that she is very good at this. But now, she has grown. She’s feeling who she is a bit more, wants to step away. Take it.
Yes, we shouldn’t be locked in by those earlier ideas.
Allow others to grow too, to help to support her.
Yes, thank you.
Monday, March 9, 2009
The world financial situation and fear
Can you talk a little bit about the world right now and its fear around money and collapse?
Yes, because you see money is a tool. It does not have any persona. It does not have any density or liquidation. It is a tool, and when there is no substance to much that has been spoken and built upon it, of course it is not going to be there. It has been a creation of those that needed only material things and not the true substance of their growth. And of course it only pertains to the very rich and the very poor. Oh dearest ones, it is a time of returning to that that is real and solid. A time of knowing of the physical world and of trusting in the spirit that moves it. Do not fear. The greatest growth in the evolution of the spirit comes in times when it needs to stand on its resources and its trust with itself. And those that are fake and phony will be seen for it. And bless them their growth that they need to go through. And those that are solid and truthful, they still might have loss of money, but if they are solid they will trust and they shall be supported.
I’m seeing a return of people being more interested in growing things in the soil and working...
And the soil itself. To put attention to that that is at hand. That that you can touch. Is it not true that the beings have been talking about for a long time: take care of your little corner and the world will take care of itself. I know you see the dimension differently than I do but you will understand it the same way by using these words.
Thank you so much.
Jane and I were talking about just this yesterday. If you step away from the fear and anxiety about what the media tells us, you can see that the sun still comes up and things still grow in the earth. This so-called cataclysm can be a huge opportunity--not for financial gain--but for personal growth and change. Maybe we'll be inspired to find a different way to live on our planet. One that embraces nature and companionship and using our bodies to do real work and create real things. Of course there will be difficulties for many, but these difficulties open ways for each of us to grow, to evolve.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Going back to school and finding the right program
Drea Girl says for the past two years she has been traveling and now has decided to return home and settle. She is looking at going back to school at the end of this year but the funding may be difficult. She asks if this is the right time and the right program for her.
Dearest one, don’t be afraid. You want to be so perfect the very first time. I know you hold such value in choices and in everyone else’s choices. You wish to waste nothing and yet…. Sometimes when one sets out on an adventure in one direction and then it leads to another direction, one feels that perhaps something was missed in the other direction. You must not feel this. You must know that choices are made to help you into the direction that you go in. But you must stay open as it can change at any moment.
This education you seek is a good idea, but do not limit it to one area or one thing. Be understanding of yourself if you should find yourself a year or two down the road wanting to do something quite different. Perhaps it would be something that comes to you from an awareness that you weren’t even open to previously. Do you understand what I’m saying? I do not wish for you to waste time or money or effort, but oftentimes what you might think is a waste is absolutely the right thing. It might put you in the right place or time to meet with another being that will be important in your life. Do you see what I mean?
Move in the direction that you feel is your right way to go. Be open to all things present. Should you be all signed up and ready to go and then have an awareness that you need to move in another direction--follow what is right for you. You’ve been afraid to put down roots so I’m not surprised you’re afraid to entangle yourself into an education that perhaps you’re not truly sure you want to do yet. Oh dearest one, don’t be afraid of your desire to follow a path, to move forward. You have become disengaged with home and roots. And this is what happens when one travels, but you have become aware of the world in a way that you never, ever thought possible. You relish every part of it. You love your world and you want to help in many ways-- but you feel a little unable to at this time. Be still my child, be still and hear your own truth. You will find it.
Now I know you are talking about finances in a time when your world is swirling in fear over money. But there will be money to do what you need to do. Just be prepared to understand that all things must have a balance. If you borrow it in a realm of positive achievement, knowing that it is a good thing to do, then you will achieve this. If you borrow it thinking you are burdening yourself then dearest, it will worry a hole in your being. If you choose and love yourself under the light of growth and forward movement all will be well. You are a wise being. Trust, my dear. Trust in yourself.
Thank you, I think that will be very helpful to her--and to others.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Love relationships and feeling whole within yourself
Krista asks about relationships. In the past year she has had three relationships and they each ended because the guys lost interest in her. She says, “I’m beginning to lose confidence as I keep trusting and getting hurt. I’m confused and struggling with having hope about finding a lasting partner. How will I know when I can truly open my heart without getting hurt again?”
You can’t, my dear. You must open your heart because that is part of the amazing magic of you--that you trust and love. Love is never bad. Even though you may feel these experiences were negative, they were positive. For each of these beings grew from the experience, including you. You are a wiser and more wonderful being now than you were at the beginning of these three experiences. Because they did not have the result you expected you feel they failed. They did not. They had the result that was needed.
For in truth, they were not what you needed. You are an attractive, beautiful being filled with love. Try not to have an expectation of the outcome, but rather to fill the need of love, to have a partner that is one with you. Not in all ways. To be unique and exciting and different, you should never completely know the one that you live with for a long time. There should always be something new and exciting to find out, because that is what draws the two of you.
You are drawing into your life a most wonderful being. I know it is exciting to have one quite flashy and exciting that draws many to them. This being that comes to you is a blessed and beautiful soul, buy will be a little bit shyer then the ones you have met before. So be calm, be still. It won’t be quite as exciting, but it is what you need. In truth, beautiful light, you most definitely are going to have a long, long promise with this wonderful being. But you can attract many more before you meet. Be still my child. Enjoy the light and excitement of being with another. Love you have a great amount of. And when you are whole and feel strong within yourself you will direct it and give it as needed. Firstly love yourself—and then you will never be disappointed in another leaving you.
Thank you, I think that’s good advice for everyone.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Soul mates and partner relationships
Angelique has been married to a man for 8 years who provides for her and her two wonderful children. For a long time she hasn’t felt a connection with him though. Two years ago during a family crisis she developed a long-distance relationship with a working colleague who is married. She says they feel like soul mates, but he has now withdrawn from her and she is hurt and confused. She wonders if he was a soul mate and if he will come back into her life.
Firstly, my blessed child, the word soul mate (which is used so often) has a very strange understanding in your world. There are no soul mates. There are beings that have promised to come together, to learn, to grow. But there is no single mate in soul. There are many that you will be connected with, many times in one evolution.
Yes, this being you speak about had a very clear promise and the promise was complete. Of course, the bond was beautiful and loving. But do not be upset by it what is at hand. Rather be loving and thankful that this one did come when promised and did help and you survived it. And in time you will understand why.
For there are other promises ahead of you my child. Now let us talk about your partner that you chose to be with and to have children with, that you feel so disappointed about now. So sad, it is almost as if you closed the door on this one and I know in your heart you do not want this to be.
I want you to know that you are exhausted. You are exhausted from life and all of the busyness. You’ve carried a heavy burden; not only a financial burden but also you have been the leader in this family for a long time. The one to choose what to do and when to do it. So you are exhausted. Do not give up on this. But instead, examine it and realize it. What would you tell to your very best friend who is showing signs of such wear and tear? Take time. Take time to find yourself. And your self won’t be that same self again. It will be a rich, more tolerant, more encompassing being.
You are an amazing being with a great capacity to love. You are an amazing mother, a good lover. You know all of these things about yourself. But because you expected that it was a stagnant state, instead of a growing state, or a constantly moving state, you don’t realize how truly exciting you are and how you’ve moved forward.
This goes for your partner as well. He has moved but is afraid to show you who he really is. And so to rediscover each other, I want each of you to talk openly about what you are feeling. Hold each others hands, and look into each others face, each day for the next passage—oh give it a passage of ten days. I know you are busy and live in a constantly changing world. But take the time for this. For ten days each of you must sit together and tell each other something that you don’t believe the other one knows about you. Do not judge what the other tells you, but listen. If you do know that part of them, then at the end of their explaining it, say I knew this and I am sorry that I didn’t acknowledge this part of you. And I know this about that part of you. Do you understand what I mean? Share some part that you believe they don’t know.
At the end of the ten days, sit before each other and this time begin to say something that you know about the other that you think they don’t know. And do that for ten days. Bear with me, be patient. I don’t mean for you to make wondrous love after this. But after those twenty days by holding hands and looking into each others faces and by wiping tears and seeing each others faces, you will be closer then you ever have. That is when lovemaking becomes beautiful for that is what love is. When two bodies touch in unlimited need and you rejoice in love. Then blessed one, there will be no need for words.