Saturday, January 31, 2009

Whether to pursue a relationship with an interesting man

KF asks about a most interesting man she recently met. She says, “It is obvious that we connect on many levels. I am eager to befriend him but at the same time I am anxious about whether to pursue a relationship of any kind with him. Could you help me understand our connection and ease any anxiety about his presence in my life. Thank you so much.”

This one must trust that all ways have been healed. She now can make choices for herself with a clear mind knowing that some will be right and some will not. This exotic being she has met is to awaken her. She has been on a spiritual path this one, as with all beings. This ancient being needs very much to seek out that which is right for her, to share the wonder of her path. And she has just begun to understand the wonder of her path and that she will be helping many.

Do not worry of how others judge what you choose; trust in your own need.

She needn’t fear that this being may seem wild or very different. She sees a very deep and gentle soul. All beings grow and move through times of great growth. Do not worry that this being has not grown as much as you have, dearest one.

Enjoy knowing and meeting. Be in no rush. You are a deep and loving being. Allow it to proceed.

Obstacles to doing spiritual readings for others

Kristine says she's been wanting to do spiritual readings for years, but she keep skirting it by working at something else. She asks, "Can you tell me why I would be avoiding it and how I can begin and where? My home, as cute and cozy as it is, would be a great place to begin, but it is very noisy, like there's a constant buzz in my head. I understand there is a great amount of water running under our house. Is there a way I can quieten this "noise" and ground our house better so I can proceed? Or should I seek another place to do this? Can you also tell me about my right hand? Thank you so much, love to you all!"

Busy, busy, busy--this being, this blessed one. It is not surprising that she has not found time to help in the spiritual growth of others. For herself, there are many that seek knowledge from her, that depend upon her for so many things.

One would never choose to drain a being’s ability until there is nothing left so that her own path is not experiencing what she needs.

The busyness about her home does not bother her. This being has evolved to a place where she could do spiritual enlightenment with any being at any time. It has nothing to do with the house. She needs to find a place to sit, to feel comforted but the obstacle is not with the dwelling, it is within her. She feels she must do these things to be loved.

Tell her that she is loved and is now in the process of loving herself. She gives this right hand great strength. She trusts that this is her hand to freedom, her hand to being, a hand of strength. She holds out this connection with the universe (God, whatever she wishes to call it) and holds on strong with it. This being is in the light.

There will always be many things in the physical world drawn to her and in time, when she can feel that the core within her self is strong, she will help many. Tell her to keep dreaming, with an understanding that she is a wonderful woman. Bless this child.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Moving to another place--or not

Becky has been thinking about selling her house for a few years and she says she's not sure where she would live if she does sell. She asks, "I am wondering if it is best to stay put, sell my house, live with my boyfriend Todd of 3 yrs, move from the city that I live in or build on my property. This also opens up the question if this is the man to share my life with."

This being has had many existences where moving of the home was quite frequent. It is a a time when the memory, an open door of all that she has and all that she has done is very clear to her. She now understands more about having a place, a sanctuary, a temple of love and peace. It is not that she is territorial, but it is very important for her that she be in a place that is hers-- whether she chooses to be with this man or not. Any home that she be in, she must feel her whole energy in it. In many ways she is very much like a turtle and can create a home wherever she needs to.

She fears being up-rooted, drifting like the sands that have moved beneath her feet in many lifetimes. She need not have this, if she chooses it not. I know in your physical world there is a feeling of instability. It need not be hers. She needs only truth for things to be, but still growing, moving and changing. The ocean represents what a great desert once was for her. Open spaces are important for this being. She needs to breathe deep, without walls. Imprisonment is something she would never be able to tolerate. For herself to seek where she has walked before is not necessary.

Tell her to trust in who she is, a radiant beautiful being that can create whatever she needs. Trust in her own being, her own choices, they be the right ones for her.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Information for a woman in a "healing crisis"

Angie is looking for information regarding the health of her mother, Karen, who just spent one month in the hospital. Most of that time the doctors were unsure what was going on. They found a virus (main symptoms extreme fatigue and prolonged fever) as well as a cyst on her kidney (cause unknown) that had previous infection around it. Angie asks, "Is this a 'healing crisis'? Is there something she should be doing or taking now to encourage her health? If possible, they are we hoping to learn the cause of this dis-ease as well as any possible remedies."

There is a very strong bond between these beings, very nurturing, loving, supporting. And both have great promises to do in the physical world. It is true, the being (mother) needs to move forward to make changes to heal her body. She has known for some time that she was uncomfortable with things, but always placed it in another being.

Now that her body has manifested this, it speaks that it needs to have rest. When the immune system chooses this path (oh, it may sound like this is a separate part of you and I do not wish for you to believe this).... The systems set up in the physical body are reactive and they react to the spirit’s needs. The spirit now needs to take action to move into a time of high energy. The body fears that it is not yet ready to do this because of all things that are still ahead.

It is a time of crisis healing, yes. Not just the body, but pulling together all that is learned, the maturation of the soul it is often called. The vibration shifts in every cell in the body.

I am not surprised that physically she feels drained, but her mind is amazing, magnificent. It is connecting to the spirit now. Speak to her that she needs to have time, time to walk the passages of her path in all of its wonder. Tell her that each part was great growth. Now she is bringing it all together, as if putting it all into a wonderful book that is her. Tell her to honour it, to not negate any part of it, but to rejoice and celebrate it. It is a time of celebration. No, not of wild dancing, but a true loving, adoration, admiration, loving of her being.

The cyst that was formed has many reasons. Many reasons. She knows of all of them. This is not a surprise to her. She has been looking outside of herself for permission for a long time, to be. She is now in the process of giving herself permission to be.

There is no one judging you, my dearest one. Be in the light; be well. Through this passage you will understand your great grace. In many ways you had to learn things first hand, to be in pain, to understand pain. To be in loss, to understand loss. To be in weakness to understand its great strength. Know you are loved my dear. And to your daughter who adores you so, love as well.

Bless you both.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Taking time to consolidate when feeling at a loss for direction

RGP feels she doesn't have any direction. She says she has been told many times that she should be writing or that she will write a book. She asks, "Do you see this for me, or am I to be doing something else? I don't seem to have any direction anymore. Just what is going on?"

When things feel as if they are standing still, it is often because it is a time to take account of all things. To harvest, to bring together all things that you have learned and grown and moved through. Is it a time to be still? Yes--so the essence of your being can be made clear again. If you move too quickly through this time you will often find at a later time that you will need to go back to it, to absorb.

I know in your world that things are moving faster and faster. In many ways, the spirit does this as well. You must take time out of your linear world to allow your spirit body dimension to catch up. So take this time to enjoy it, to be still. The greatest gift you are giving is your growth, your wonder in every part of it. Do not be so in a hurry to move forward. The writing of the book of you or the amazing mind that has the ability to capture the essence of other beings--you can do this if you first learn how you be. Rush not past this time my blessed one, enjoy it.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How to help a son who is in deep pain

Christine has had falling out with her son. She says, "I suspect he is in deep pain. Can you tell me the cause of this pain? How can I best help him? Thank you."

Blessed mother you often have a language not used in the vocabulary in this child. Know that the child is in pain and trust that he must find ways to bring it forward either by asking for help, or by healing his own pain.

This gentle heart (the son), is a creature of great love. She has always known this and in many ways has wanted to protect him from his own path, from his own world. She must just simply trust that he will find his growth. And that she is always open, to be willing to listen, not to fix or rearrange his path, but to listen. There will come a time that she must not judge, for where she should be then, or now, that she should just be--and it shall be healed.

Unable to continue in an emotionally draining relationship

Hetal asked a question about her current relationship. She says it is her second marriage and it has become impossible for her to continue this relationship any more. Her relationship with my husband & his family is turning out to be an emotional drain. She asks if to me leaving this person is her free will or if she is settling some karmic debt. She asks for guidance if she is taking a right decision.

Blessed being, trust that there is no debt. Accept that your being is a very strong energy to survive. You might even call it free will. Stay present in the body, protect it and your spirit will grow. Walk a path to learn and grow. When a being feels its survival cannot continue in a certain way, one must choose to grow, to be.

You have felt that you are in a state of no growth, that others were trying to take from you the very life that is yours to live. You must choose to live. There is no debt; there is no energy that you must balance out for him. You must be what you need to be. But before you do any of these things--be still. Listen to the true essence of who you be. The true message--are you willing to accept love for your being? And if you understand this, you will know what to do. If you love your being, which you must, you will know.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Loving someone who withdraws from you

Tugi asks about a man she met through work. She says “He took a liking to me the instant we met. I always knew he felt a special connection to me even though he never expressed it overtly (perhaps because of the restrictions of our work relationship) but I did not know I had fallen in love with him until he started to create some distance between us. As it is, we do not talk and while I feel I have healed from a broken heart, I am still struggling to understand what it was all about.

She asks, “What was the point or the 'spiritual contract' of our meeting? I have a difficult time imagining that we will ever recover the kind of closeness and connection that we had before it all fell apart. Thank you.”

There is great thanks for her to be the love that she is, to be open, to be ever-willing to love. To understand that all promises are not always held up, or completed by all beings. Her choice was to move forward with this, but she cannot control the other being’s choice, or his growth.

Speak to her that she has done very well. The love will always be there for her for this is what she chooses. The disappointment should be soothed knowing that she did exactly as she needed to do, To not close down, to stay open.

She does not understand the fears and the elements that are yet to be growth for him. She must trust that which is, that she can love and she has loved.

Thank you.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Finding your truth and loving yourself

Barbara asks for more clarification on the a response to her post about being confused by rejection from a man she loves. The guides told her to stay true to her understanding and she would like to know exactly what is meant. She says she still has contact with this man but no longer sees it as a long-term relationship. However she says she has an overwhelming feeling that she can do some good in his life now because he is going through a difficult time with health issues and family concerns. She says, “I feel that I bring a ray of sunshine into his life, he makes me feel that I do.”

The being needs to find her own truth. She does know it but often is weighted and affected by the needs and the thoughts and the truths of other beings. I believe she needs to seek for her own being, its happiness, its security. To not live from the edge but in the throes of wholeness of her own life.

For her needs are very good and important and she must receive love for herself. Oh yes, she abundantly gives it in many different ways, not just to this being, for pleasure and healing from her. But she must find it for herself for she drains herself to the point where she almost feels as if sorrow.

Blessed beings, love thyself enough to find that that you need, that which you so dearly want. For it is there for you. Ask for yourself. Self awareness, self love is honouring, is loving. If all beings loved themselves there would be no need for this physical world.
Know that each being has a struggle in this time of learning.

Tell Barbara to take time for herself. She has been through great upheavals. She is stronger than she has ever been. Love yourself my dear.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Feeling deserving of love

Donna writes that many years ago one of her guides told her that a wonderful man is yet to come to be with her and that they would sail together. She says she sometimes walks along the docks where sailboats are moored and feels lifted by being near the water. Can you please provide some further guidance on this as she has been waiting a long time. She asks if his wonderful being is still on her path and will the timing be soon?

Dearest one, you do walk in the light with care and love for all manner of beings. Yes, you will still meet this being. You have from time to time wanted and then not wanted. You have pulled back and forth because you were healing your being and how you needed to be. You are very ready now. I know you believe we guides do not have an understanding of time, but we do have an understanding of promises. And you have a promise with this being. You do not understand this completely, but you are afraid to meet this one. You are afraid there is something you will do or cause it to become chaotic.

This will not be the case. I would like to tell you the time and place, but that would take from your growth. It will take from your seeking and your asking and that is an important part of your growth. Your woes were very long and you didn’t want to ask of yourself. Often in your humility and in your grace, you put other people’s needs first. Tell her that she has had an understanding that for some reason that her guides are busy with someone else. But know that she is of are utmost importance to them, for as she grows they grow.

Tell her this with great clarity. Ask and you shall receive. Your heaven is at your fingertips. You need to ask for it. You have deep love. Bathe your being in this. Yes, my dear he is coming. You see love all around you, you needn’t feel that you cannot or don’t deserve it.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Coping with toxic people

Vonna says she has again attracted the focus of a person that she would call somewhat "psycho"...someone who likes to secretly create suffering and loss in another's life and watch the pain they have created as it happens, while the victim does not know exactly who caused it or why it happened.

She says, “This is the third time that I am aware of that I have attracted a "friend" like this into my life. I know such people are everywhere, and feel their own deprivation or loss entitles them to inflict hurt on others all their lives. I am not the only one with these intermittent experiences, but I am wondering why I have attracted this three times. And how best to deal with it when it happens? I have one sister who is deeply enmeshed in this behaviour and seems unable to change, she is not in my life any more. I had a roommate years ago who carried out amazing convolutions of cruelty on those around her secretly, and eventually she was exposed but only after years of successfully driving other people crazy. And now there is another in my life through a club I started up, and there seems no reason for her behavior. I have never been anything but kind to her as we mostly all are to each other. Is there something in my own choices and behavior I am avoiding looking at? Thank you so much.”

There are many things at hand with this being. You live in a time of great chaos. She must understand, firstly, there are many beings who are truly new to the physical domain. They are learning, searching, seeking and trying on many different attitudes and understandings. It is where they be. It is how they need to be. It is best for her to see them for who they are. Tell her not to judge them, and not to expectations of them. Tell her to understand that only she can affect her own path by the choices she makes.

No one is a victim to anyone else unless one allows it to be. It is also for her to learn with great clarity which she asked for. To see with clarity, to understand what is right for her. To not judge others for what is right for them, but for what is right for her. Beings like the one she talks about can cause great chaos. It’s important to know that with these beings, by continuing Tell her that by continuing to love them and allow them to be still affects her. She must learn that there are ways to be without having them in a state of chaos around you.

Sometimes it means excluding them from you life out of your need to simply be. There is nothing wrong with this. It is not your need or responsibility to change each being. But it is your responsibility to live your life to the highest of your ability, to make the best choices for your path. And thus, you will teach the being who is chaotic, who is affecting others. Be the light, be strong, be the teacher but in a silent way—by showing it, by being it. Ancient beings often do not want to stand in the place of teacher.

The greatest lessons are learned by living the life of the highest, of the best. She must see to this. Understand that her path is what she creates it to be, affected by what she allows it to be affected by. There is nothing wrong with these beings. They be where they need to be. They seek to learn just as she does. Love them. They are where they need to be. Tell her to love them. It softens all edges.