Thursday, February 28, 2008
Overcoming limitations and anger
Lauren asks if she should try for more financial support from her ex-husband. She has been ill and hasn't been able to work. She doesn't want to be a financial burden to her children and wonders if she should revisit the divorce settlement.
This one is filled with anger. Tell her that she needs to take some time to heal her being. She searches in many direction to make her inner being feel right, feel at peace. She never allows it to move forward. She is in a state of no growth. She feels that there are burdens and hurdles in every direction, that she is limited. Her being, her body has even created a state where she cannot move forward. She needs to take time to heal her being, to go to the centre of her being, to understand what it is that speaks to her. This angst, this anxiousness, this fear that lies deep within her.
How does she do that?
This one needs to be heard. She tries desperately to speak of this but doesn't feel heard. She is afraid of burdening others. Tell her to find a trusted being, one that will not judge but one that will reflect her true sense. And to speak of all that she has and has been through. To speak to the very depths of the tears that need to be shed. To heal from the very deep part of her soul.
It's almost as if she has been through a war and is now shell-shocked. She is unable to understand the great pain that she has felt. It is something that she cannot unburden herself from and is trying in many ways to do so. If she heals from this, and takes the time to do so, she will have no difficulty asking of her world for the support she needs. But every time she does now she burdens herself deeper and deeper, making this deep injury greater and greater. Love of self is part of this. Oh, she needs someone to hold her, to love her, and she keeps everybody at a distance for she is in such deep pain. She is seeking this but not in the right direction. Tell her to continue seeking this and she will find her truth by healing. She is not burdening people; they want to help her, but she needs to find the one to help her that will not...well, she is otside of herself, judging herself.
So would it be a friend that she should talk to or should she seek a counselor of some sort?
At first it would be best to seek a counselor, someone who is non-judgmental. Someone who will help her to embrace herself. And as she grows in love for herself...almost as if she could put a mirror up. There is something in the physical world about hearing yourself, seeing and witnessing your own life...then she will find compassion for her being, and love it. At first a counsellor, and then she will start to love her being, and grow, and move forward. She is very angry with herself and needs to find a love for self again and not the anger. The pain, the hurt, the fear is all mixed up within her being and burdens her greatly. Dear heart, speak of love to her, that she will find it—for herself. I know she will say that this does not pay the bills, but in truth, if she does not fill her being with the love that she needs, she will find herself in more difficulty.
Has she created this state? In a way, yes. But tell her she is not responsible. She needs to separate from that and understand the pain, that it created its own being within her, and needs to be healed. She needs to cry a thousand tears. She needs to hear her pain. She needs to embrace who she is, a beautiful being, a gentle, wonderful mother that has helped her children grow strong. She is not a burden. She needs to take the time to pay attention to her own being, to love it. Then she will have no difficulty receiving that that she needs.
So in answer to her question about money, she does seem to need some financial support...
The state that she is in now, there will never be enough money to heal. Do you understand what I speak?
Not really.
She has a great need within her. A need to heal herself, a need to hear herself. A need to be seen and to be heard. In many ways she flails about in many directions trying to find something to do it. If she will do this for herself, then she will know that she has every right to ask for anything she needs. But doing it in the state she is in now only burdens her more so, and will draw to her all this angst that she is only feeling about herself.
So when a person loves themselves and values themselves then they are able to ask for what they need without feeling they are a burden or feeling guilty.
Yes, my child, that is exactly what I am trying to say. She has a whirlwind of pain around her, and some have pulled away because of it. And she does not want to lose anyone else, but she does not know how to heal that pain. She can do it by being still, by hearing that pain in the very centre of her body that is truly calling out. She does need to go back to old times, to old words, to find out how it insulted her very being. And that is why she will be sure that that will be thrown at her again. For she is still back there in that pain. Yes, she has assumed many roles and moved forward in many ways—but not in that stage of pain and that is what limits her now from having that that she needs.
And so to move forward she has to feel the pain? And cry the tears?
Yes. She had many burdens then and felt she had to move forward and not show anyone the pain she was in. And yet everyone saw it, except her. The bandages just get bigger and bigger until they prevent the ability to walk. The body is a wonderful tool, it will bring you to that place of growth, time and and time again. It is not separate from the spirit; it is an amazing union, each knowing what must be done.
There is a part of her very spirit that she brought forward into this life, that she had a promise with that being. The promise was unfulfilled, but she didn't know how to move forward. The promise can be done in another time. Growth does not stop. Sometimes in the physical world, through the conscious and subconscious mind, and the union of free will and spirit, things can get confused. She did not choose to be in this state of no growth but it has occurred. She needs to love herself as we love her, and then she will choose to heal.
She will say “well how will I pay for this?” There is a way. If she chooses, it will come to her. Tell her she is surrounded with love, to allow it, to receive it, to be it.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Guilt--its purpose and its difficulties
Could you address Kristine’s question about guilt? She has heard that it comes from a need to be loved and accepted and she wants to know if it serves any purpose.
Yes, of course it does. It has a great purpose but it should not stop growth. If a being is constantly feeling that state of unease within themselves, then it must be addressed, just as any emotion that is constant within a being. Unfortunately in the human condition, the emotion of guilt is one that is easily grasped, and it is because of a need for love. There is a desperate need for love and there is a condition, much of which comes from religions. Many religions used this as a tool for control. And so it has been passed down through generations and it is almost cellular at this time. Guilt has a purpose—it awakens you, stops you and lets you listen. “What is bothering me?” But it should not be hung on you as chains that prevent growth. So when we do something that was not to the best of our ability, and we realize “Oh, that doesn’t feel very good… You have an opportunity to change it and to grow and move forward. There lies guilt, an important part. You can also feel that when there isn’t a need to be changing anything—but to love yourself. That’s when it’s out of balance.
Could you explain that a bit more?
If a being is constantly feeling that they have done something wrong, that they have not been good enough, not been enough for some other being. Out of balance. It is something that you should feel only once in a while, not constantly. Sometimes mothers feel that, that they have not done enough. Are you not surprised by the communication in your world about what mothers should and shouldn’t do? They’re constantly being bombarded by these messages, from all sources. It’s not so much guilt as it is uncertainty about what is the right way to be. There is certainly some guilt, some from outside and from some inside, from too much talking in your physical world. Tell these mothers to listen to their heart, and they will know what they need to do. Tell this young mother to listen to her heart. She knows when she is choosing something that has nothing to do with the state of her being. She is a being of light and love. Gets caught up in the many needs of others, and often gets quite consumed by their need, confusing herself. Again, not paying attention to what she really needs. Yes. A fine balance, a delicate balance. An amazing balance! It is an amazing gift to be in a body.
Do you miss it?
There is not a single spirit that does not miss it. For it is while you are in the physical body that there is an amazing clarity, a decisive line. You see it all around you, in a horizon, in the sunset, in the sunrise; in the edge of the water and the land, in the edge of hot and cold. I miss that amazing physical…physicality. I do not choose to be back there but I will always love it. I know I must be where I am now and I know I have ahead of me yet great and wondrous things. And this opportunity is a great and wondrous thing and many are in awe that I can do this too.
Really? Well, I’m in awe that you do it too.
I love you my blessed one.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
What does it take to live a good life?
Kristine asks what it takes to live a good life.
To live a good life is to walk a good path, to see all that is on it. To understand that they be for what they be. They offer, you choose, you grow. At every opportunity of making a choice, to stop and think ask within yourself “What part of me feels good about this choice, or that choice?” In every opportunity there is a choice and it offers growth. And every being in this physical world, whether they be brand new or ancient, knows within a choice whether it is a good choice, or a less than good choice. They are all good.
Yes, I’ve often heard that there are no wrong choices, but maybe sometimes the path that they lead to is a longer one (laughs).
So to lead a good life we just need to listen to that inner knowing?
Yes—and to trust that you are magnificent--that you are not an accident, that you have purpose. It doesn’t have to be in any one understanding. Ah, to grace, to be grace, to be one. There are sayings of every kind to explain how to be it, to witness it, to see it, to embrace it, with joy. To understand that there is purpose for sad things. You can learn in them, but then you must choose to move forward. And that takes the greatest courage.
There is purpose in everything. Yes, there are accidents in some elements of chaos when great energies or forces have collided together. Accidents can happen and then beings have to make choices rather quickly. But always there are choices, for therein lies the growth. And your purpose here is to grow, to move forward.
Mhmn. In this messy world.
This beautiful world. In all its mess it is beautiful. For even in the moments of the greatest chaos you can see the beauty. The human being is an amazing thing. When it is filled with rage, it is vibrant, its energy shakes. It is beautiful when its tears run down its face. It is beautiful when it laughs from the very base of its soul. To live a good life is to see it, to be it--not afraid, not boisterous--but just be it.
I’m thinking of stories I hear about people who do terrible things to other people and when I hear about those it makes me afraid. Afraid for the world I guess.
Oh my dear, do not close your heart with fear. Open it. Fear has a purpose; it helps protect your being. But your being is safe for you are of love. You needn’t run; you needn’t escape. Your conscious mind struggles with old hormone elements. But in truth, you must trust that all beings will do what the need to do to grow. Some must murder, and it is with hope and love and trust that they must grow through that. Some must be murdered. They offer growth and they take growth. I’m not judging as to whether it’s good or bad. I don’t know if this is something you can write for many to hear, but you understand what I want you to know: fear not. Oh yes, if something frightens you of course you must run with fear and the adrenaline will pour through your body. But in just hearing how you world lives, open your heart for that heart is very strong. Embrace those that have closed their hearts and do not grow. Embrace them with the greatest love and light that you can. For theirs is the greatest struggle. A closed heart is not something you want ever to have. I use the word heart as the physical centre but in truth it is a closed spirit. And there are many. But they are very new souls usually--and they have just decided that it is only their way and they will not even listen or think of any other thing.
To live a good life is to walk a good path, to see all that is on it. To understand that they be for what they be. They offer, you choose, you grow. At every opportunity of making a choice, to stop and think ask within yourself “What part of me feels good about this choice, or that choice?” In every opportunity there is a choice and it offers growth. And every being in this physical world, whether they be brand new or ancient, knows within a choice whether it is a good choice, or a less than good choice. They are all good.
Yes, I’ve often heard that there are no wrong choices, but maybe sometimes the path that they lead to is a longer one (laughs).
So to lead a good life we just need to listen to that inner knowing?
Yes—and to trust that you are magnificent--that you are not an accident, that you have purpose. It doesn’t have to be in any one understanding. Ah, to grace, to be grace, to be one. There are sayings of every kind to explain how to be it, to witness it, to see it, to embrace it, with joy. To understand that there is purpose for sad things. You can learn in them, but then you must choose to move forward. And that takes the greatest courage.
There is purpose in everything. Yes, there are accidents in some elements of chaos when great energies or forces have collided together. Accidents can happen and then beings have to make choices rather quickly. But always there are choices, for therein lies the growth. And your purpose here is to grow, to move forward.
Mhmn. In this messy world.
This beautiful world. In all its mess it is beautiful. For even in the moments of the greatest chaos you can see the beauty. The human being is an amazing thing. When it is filled with rage, it is vibrant, its energy shakes. It is beautiful when its tears run down its face. It is beautiful when it laughs from the very base of its soul. To live a good life is to see it, to be it--not afraid, not boisterous--but just be it.
I’m thinking of stories I hear about people who do terrible things to other people and when I hear about those it makes me afraid. Afraid for the world I guess.
Oh my dear, do not close your heart with fear. Open it. Fear has a purpose; it helps protect your being. But your being is safe for you are of love. You needn’t run; you needn’t escape. Your conscious mind struggles with old hormone elements. But in truth, you must trust that all beings will do what the need to do to grow. Some must murder, and it is with hope and love and trust that they must grow through that. Some must be murdered. They offer growth and they take growth. I’m not judging as to whether it’s good or bad. I don’t know if this is something you can write for many to hear, but you understand what I want you to know: fear not. Oh yes, if something frightens you of course you must run with fear and the adrenaline will pour through your body. But in just hearing how you world lives, open your heart for that heart is very strong. Embrace those that have closed their hearts and do not grow. Embrace them with the greatest love and light that you can. For theirs is the greatest struggle. A closed heart is not something you want ever to have. I use the word heart as the physical centre but in truth it is a closed spirit. And there are many. But they are very new souls usually--and they have just decided that it is only their way and they will not even listen or think of any other thing.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Dissolving armour to allow love in
Marie has a question about a relationship she had with a man seven years younger than her. She told him she didn't want marriage so he has recently looked for someone to commit to and Marie is now realizing that she is in love with him.
This blessed being feels very alone. The most important thing for her to do is to love herself. She gave the information to the young man that she didn't want long term and so this conveyed that he could not be close to her for a long time. It is only understandable that he would choose to find this new one to commit to for that is what he desired. He did not do this to cause her pain. He did not understand that she would be in pain from it. But she has a great barrier around her. She is keeping all things away from loving her. She is hurt and never wants to be hurt again. But the true being loves love, loves life and does need to understand that she needs to love herself and allow others in and be close.
She chose this to ensure that there was no way this one would get that close. And the surprise is that she is greater than any age and can love again freely and simply. But first of all she must love her own being, thus allow that great armour or fence around herself that is keeping others out to dissolve. To allow them close, to not be afraid of the great wonder of loving Yes it does involve pain, sometimes great pain, but that's what love is. Always. All the pain, all the joy, all the wonderful companionship.
You talk about dissolving armour and how does one go about that?
By loving oneself, by accepting the frailties, the wonder of this. That in opening up, yes there is pain, but pain also has a good understanding in the physical world, to help you to grow, to move forward. To embrace that that was, that made her greater. This has surprised her a great deal. She doesn't know who she is right now. She needs to take some time to see the radiance of her being. I am not surprised that she loves him. Know that and he loves her. It is a good thing to love. But it is most important to love one's own being--for then you are whole to one another.
This blessed being feels very alone. The most important thing for her to do is to love herself. She gave the information to the young man that she didn't want long term and so this conveyed that he could not be close to her for a long time. It is only understandable that he would choose to find this new one to commit to for that is what he desired. He did not do this to cause her pain. He did not understand that she would be in pain from it. But she has a great barrier around her. She is keeping all things away from loving her. She is hurt and never wants to be hurt again. But the true being loves love, loves life and does need to understand that she needs to love herself and allow others in and be close.
She chose this to ensure that there was no way this one would get that close. And the surprise is that she is greater than any age and can love again freely and simply. But first of all she must love her own being, thus allow that great armour or fence around herself that is keeping others out to dissolve. To allow them close, to not be afraid of the great wonder of loving Yes it does involve pain, sometimes great pain, but that's what love is. Always. All the pain, all the joy, all the wonderful companionship.
You talk about dissolving armour and how does one go about that?
By loving oneself, by accepting the frailties, the wonder of this. That in opening up, yes there is pain, but pain also has a good understanding in the physical world, to help you to grow, to move forward. To embrace that that was, that made her greater. This has surprised her a great deal. She doesn't know who she is right now. She needs to take some time to see the radiance of her being. I am not surprised that she loves him. Know that and he loves her. It is a good thing to love. But it is most important to love one's own being--for then you are whole to one another.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Being unable to wear necklaces
Andrea asks about not being able to wear necklaces in the past few years. Even when she wears a shirt close to the neck she feels a constriction at her neck. She wants to know what changed and how she can resolve this?
She passed into the physical age of a similar time in a different lifetime. She has actually left a few lifetimes by…. There was one with the Guillotine, there was one hanging. There was also a very great yoke of metal that was placed around her neck in one lifetime. And she was having the huge responsibility of others, a need to protect and save them and it was a very difficult time for her. And this actually is why the metal is something that she very much does not like to wear. But trust that in time this will diminish and she will pass through this age that it bothers her. And she will again be able to wear these things without irritation. It is simply a voice that has come right through the cellular level, from her spirit.
Yes, I’ve heard of this before. That these memories come when someone reaches the same age they were in a previous lifetime when something happened. So, is there a purpose for these cellular messages?
Not so much this one. It is just simply who she is. She brings forward all her knowledge. That is part of part of who she is. You have the knowledge of both the negative and the positive—and both are wondrous. If she could take time, she could break through and remember all these pasts. But they are past; she has grown from them and moved forward.
So there really wouldn’t be any point in her doing this?
No. There are some—that are you might say haunted by their own spirit. Their own cells; in that case it is something that has not been resolved. But in her, this has been resolved.
So it’s just a kind of memory, and as time passes, it will disappear?
Yes, she should be joyous that her being is so evolved that it speaks through any body she walks in. This one loves to read but is feeling right now that there isn’t any one thing that is exciting her. Tell her to be patient with her own being. She is very impatient with her own being often. Yes, I’ll tell her that.
She passed into the physical age of a similar time in a different lifetime. She has actually left a few lifetimes by…. There was one with the Guillotine, there was one hanging. There was also a very great yoke of metal that was placed around her neck in one lifetime. And she was having the huge responsibility of others, a need to protect and save them and it was a very difficult time for her. And this actually is why the metal is something that she very much does not like to wear. But trust that in time this will diminish and she will pass through this age that it bothers her. And she will again be able to wear these things without irritation. It is simply a voice that has come right through the cellular level, from her spirit.
Yes, I’ve heard of this before. That these memories come when someone reaches the same age they were in a previous lifetime when something happened. So, is there a purpose for these cellular messages?
Not so much this one. It is just simply who she is. She brings forward all her knowledge. That is part of part of who she is. You have the knowledge of both the negative and the positive—and both are wondrous. If she could take time, she could break through and remember all these pasts. But they are past; she has grown from them and moved forward.
So there really wouldn’t be any point in her doing this?
No. There are some—that are you might say haunted by their own spirit. Their own cells; in that case it is something that has not been resolved. But in her, this has been resolved.
So it’s just a kind of memory, and as time passes, it will disappear?
Yes, she should be joyous that her being is so evolved that it speaks through any body she walks in. This one loves to read but is feeling right now that there isn’t any one thing that is exciting her. Tell her to be patient with her own being. She is very impatient with her own being often. Yes, I’ll tell her that.
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