Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Readiness to meet someone new?

Reya says she’s been single for more than eight years. She says, "I've done all the work I can think of to release the events of my last breakup. It was bad, but bad enough to haunt me for eight years? I would love to begin seeing someone again. 

Is there something that's still blocking me?


Dear, sweet Reya. She is such a darling one. Eight years is nothing truly. Beings have been wary against loving again for lifetimes. But you don’t need to wait that long. You are beginning to be ready to have another experience, another being in your life. And in truth there are two entities that are very close to you that would like to be closer. But you do in some ways keep them at a distance.

You’re very clear thinking and determined, and often when you get a little too focused you miss what can be right in front of you. So take a deep breath and allow the space to be made open within you to welcome someone. Don’t always have the answers; don’t always be putting yourself forward. But allow yourself to sit back and to receive. This is something that is a little different for you. You are a bit of a go-getter; you’re a very determined being. But you shall do well.

As far as the healing goes, healing can take years and years to do. You first of all heal the bleeding wounds, and then the scabs, and then the scars, and then the place where the scars were (as if to say it in a physical sense). But in truth, in the vibrational, every cell of your being takes time to absorb. You’re not really releasing anything; you’re integrating it into your being. What you learned and what you understand about that that you had. And know that every being that comes together with another has a purpose. There was good as well as there was negative.

When you can sense all of this you will understand the wholeness of healing. Does it mean you cannot meet someone before that has taken place? No. You certainly can. And often in meeting some new being the healing of the old takes place even faster—because it helps you to understand and put things in place.

You are an amazing being, full of light, full of greatness to give the world. You are doing just fine. And you are definitely meeting the right beings.

So there’s not something that’s blocking her in this?

No, she’s just a little impatient.

Ok, thank you. I’ll pass this information on.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A past life connection

Elizabeth asked if you could comment about Craig. She says she recognized him from a past life.

Yes, dear one. This being is one you have known before. And you had an interesting path with this one. I will not describe it now for it would be intrusive on his behalf and I will not do that. But I will say that it wasn’t the easiest relationship. And there are certain things that would have to be worked out with this one in time. The knowing, the familiarity is very good. It always brings two together to the place of learning, right again, instantly.

Dearest one. You tend to be very much in your head. You tend to analyze and need concrete truth and facts about things. It causes you distress when you don’t have something actually concrete. And this is your greatest test at this very moment-- trusting in something that is rather elusive. It’s a deep knowing within you that you want to believe and trust and feel comforted in. But your mind thinks if you said it out loud you would not be so comfortable. Take your time. Be at peace with it. Be comfortable with the stillness and the wonder of your pool. You are a truly amazing being.

Thank you.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Food intolerances

Elizabeth writes that she has intolerance to gluten and dairy and since she’s vegetarian, foods can sometimes be troublesome. She asks if this intolerance could be connected to something she’s doing or being. She says, “I want to heal it, but have been unsuccessful. Could you please help me with this? The answer is probably staring me in the face. Could you please also comment on Craig? I recognized him from a past life.”

Yes, this gentle being is very sensitive. She had a virus early in life. It created an imbalance in her. You are going to learn many things in your physical world in the next passing of time. You’ll understand more about viruses and how they create situations within physical bodies.

This virus created in her an inability to deal with this in her immune system. If she strengthens here immune system, in time she will be able to tolerate small amounts, but not now. The immune system must be made strong.

And how can she do that?

Fearful. Very fearful.

She is fearful?

Yes. Not just of food. There is anxiety in this body. Inability to breathe deep into her gut. Very important for her to take deep breaths to relax the lower part of her abdomen and to receive oxygen into it. So deep breathing first. She has to understand about the immune system, the blood cells that fight, that help, that attack things that are foreign. Since she was invaded a very long time ago by an unknown virus, the body has seen many things as something that it should attack. And when under attack the body does not digest or assimilate food properly. These are difficult concepts to understand. She needs to find a place of peace, a place of healing. There are many things that disturb her energy while she sleeps. Sleep is an important part of this thing. She must not have energy currents running across her body. It must be one of harmony—until she is stronger. She should work on the physical elements first. And that is enough at this time.

At this point in the conversation the guide left so the second part of Elizabeth's question remains until the next opportunity to speak with a spirit guide. The response to the question about Craig will be posted very soon.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Language of spirit (continued)

This is a continuation of the conversation posted yesterday.

So if a woman becomes pregnant with a child and then has an illness that creates deafness in the baby, would that be the choice of the child or would it be chance?

It could be either. There are times when that was the promise at hand and there are times when it wasn’t and it is an act of chance. Each thing is different; each evolution of being is different. Thus the growth is different and unique. But the conscious understanding of the spirit is as old as their vibrational state may be. And so when they arrive they are where they are.

I will say to you that it is very unlikely a new soul would choose to create a body that would have difficulties. There wouldn’t be a reason for it in their understanding of that place and time. If this was a very evolved being (as mostly they are) that chooses what might be thought of as difficulty (but is the greatest learning and often the greatest gift). Then this is an evolved being. And they are prepared. And people will say when they have been close to someone like this, “how could they be so strong or so wise or so evolved?” It is because they are.

So if a being should be blessed to be a mother or father or a relation of a child like this, know that this is a very evolved being. Nearly always.

It’s good to know.

I don’t know if it is.

It’s difficult though.


I’m still thinking of how we know things. You talk about looking into the eyes of a baby. And you can see such depth and know that they are seeing your soul. How is it that… why do we lose that?

Because it is often very difficult to stay in the physical body and have that awareness. At a stage in which you have no control over things, it is necessary for the conscious mind to dull that. It shall return.

It can return at the end of life.

Not always at the end. It can return at any point at which the child or being wishes to be more open, to feel it.

Or at moments?

Yes. There have been those that have chosen to have that and stay in that state from infancy. They have been your Einsteins, your being of great intellectual prowess. But sometimes it is too much for the physical world, for this is a place of learning and when one is very evolved it can cause great difficulty.

I understand that.

Early in life. It is usually acceptable by some stage. Very often the human condition finds it difficult to understand that the baby that you hold in your arms may be much more evolved than you. Has beyond you the intelligence. It is humorous the way they write theories about how young children can learn a language so quickly. It is because they haven’t the limitations of that that has already been decided.

Their world, their ability, at the point of being awoken in a body is that already-evolved state of knowing. They already know what a ball is. They’ll just figure out what you call it. It’s not a surprise to see a face. They’ll just see an old being that they knew before.

I felt that very strongly when my son was born.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

The language of the spirit

KF asks about languages. She says, “When babies are born, before they learn a to speak the language of their caregivers, they communicate and have thoughts and express their feelings and emotions. I would love to remember how I “thought” and how all beings “think” before they have learned a specific language in the physical world. How does a person who is born completely deaf process thoughts to themselves as they grow up, in the way I do when I think of things in the English language. Would you help by explaining this please?

In the process of birth there are many things at hand but the consciousness of the new baby is the consciousness from the last life, from the spirit. It one of calm and openness and receiving. And it is true you can hear any language and know it. So any language spoken you will know, for it is your spirit consciousness that you have. It is under the attitude and your new surroundings that you learn and grow, that your conscious mind is formed. And it takes on understandings of itself--of how it be received, of how it is approached, of what it is like to be in this body. All this is attained by the mind.

If there is something within the physical body that is created for the spirit as an element in which it must grow and learn that has already been understood. For if there is no hearing, the thinking is through sight; the thinking is through feeling. I cannot expect you to understand this when you have these concepts already formed. It is not like taking it away if it never was. And so these ones are also perfect in their growth and their thinking. They are not less than. They are whole.

I think that because we think thoughts, because we have language, we think in words. But I feel what she may be getting at is that there is something below the level of words, something deeper that we maybe have lost, as we learn the language.

The song. There is a vibrational song for every being. And it is not heard through ears; it is heard through the very cells of your body. The concepts are still the same, in the mind. You have what you came in with already there. It is why when many beings look into the eyes of a newborn, they see the world.

I know.

They see depth; not newness of a few days. That is truth. There is a forgetting and a relearning to use a language. But the language of the spirit is known, and it is a song. And the concepts are exactly that--of the song, of the sight, of the sense. Many beings without hearing hear music. But it is theirs. Each being hears each thing differently anyway.

Yes. It’s so amazing how locked inside our senses we are. To step inside someone else’s body would maybe feel totally different.

Yes, because you would be deprived of what you had. But if you never had it there’s nothing to be deprived of. It is a different matter when a being loses hearing after some time. Then there can be confusion and difficulty.

Yes, it would be very difficult.

But if entering into the body that they created to learn their lessons through and have no hearing of speech or eyesight, it is perfect.

They will learn through the senses that they have.

They will learn what they came to learn, and they will teach what they came to teach, and they will give what they came to give. You see, there’s no limitation, for it was created to be what they needed it to be.

The second part of this conversation will be posted tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Is there a special "love" on my path?

Kora was also told that she would meet an amazing being - the love. She asks, “Is this being still on my path? I have met a few people who I am learning from but are letting me down as I open myself up to them. I want to trust and to be open but am finding myself discouraged and hurt at times by disappointing behavior. I realize I am eager to find my “love” and possibly a bit impatient and need to just trust that all is working according to plan, but I could really use some reassuring words or guidance to help me along.”

There is an amazing being that she is going to meet. Her impatience has been noticed. But she is such a being of radiant joy and light. Enjoy meeting beings. Enjoy each one. Have no expectations. I cannot tell you how many you will meet before him, but there are many.

For she is encircled by many beings that want to be close to her. She is to enjoy them; relish each being with the light that they bring, the bond that they make with her. Have expectations not about what shall be in the future but be in the moment. Tell this blessed being to be in the moment. to reap it, instead of looking to harvest something that has not yet sprouted.

Dear heart, you are a good being. You have blessed, bright light. Many will seek to be close to you. Be. Just be in this time.

I shall tell her that, thank you.

She has helped many without even consciously knowing it. She has taught many. Be for yourself the teacher at this time.

Thank you.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Roadblocks in a career path and trust of a co-worker

Kora says she was recently told that a whole new career is going to open up for her. She asks, “Am I still on the right path for this career? I have also been very excited about working on a project but the progress on this seems to be hitting some roadblocks. I am concerned that someone I trusted with information has stolen it for their own use – can I trust this person to help me along? Would you please help give some guidance on which direction to go with this – whether to seek a new partner or not?”

Many questions. She wonders why this career is taking so long.

Yes, there seem to be some roadblocks and an issue of trust with someone she is working with.

Her natural state of being is to communicate all parts and all things with joy and exuberance. It is not surprising that she would talk of these things and it is not surprising that someone would take this information and apply it to their own path. But this being is a teacher and this will happen in many ways, and she cannot confine herself, otherwise she would stifle that great part of her being that is so free-flowing and exciting. And she must remember that within herself there is newness constantly, and her ideas will constantly be changing and evolving.

So do not worry about that, Kora. If someone takes something then they are growing from you and is that not what you would want?

She is seeing it in two different ways and needs to understand exactly the point she wishes to make.

So she asks if she can trust this person to help her.

Can she trust herself to trust her is what she wants to know.

Ah, the issue of trust is a complex thing because it should only be in one’s own dimension. She is judging this being as well as wanting to trust-- and that is where the confusion comes in. She cannot be responsible for that other being’s action and work; she must only be responsible for her own. If she puts her own forward as being the best of her choices, the best that she can do, she is doing the right thing for her being and her evolution. She must not make choices for someone else.

So she wants to know if she should seek a different partner for this business.

In truth, she must seek her own questions and choices. For each being will learn and glean from her. This is not new; this has happened before. This is what she speaks of. But embrace all these beings. Do no see them as someone against, but as someone for—working for the one truth. Be open about this. For all beings will want to learn and use these things. I know it has to do with information and other things at hand. But always something that is positive should move forward.

Yes, so it’s a good idea for her to continue on this path?


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Knowing about doing important work in the world

Pam says she feels like she is one of the 'evolved souls that have been called upon to come forward’ but she also feels like there is something else that she needs to do. She says, “I teach workshops and work in the field of metaphysics. Things have been very quiet for me recently. I feel so much better when I am working, not so much for the money (although that helps) but more for the 'knowing' that I have work to do. I am trying to stay in the present moment.” Any words for Pam?

Yes. This being is doing very well. The ebb and flow of the need of her work is part of that very great growth. It is the heartbeat of your physical world, the ebb and flow. She needs to speak the language that they will understand, to take part with larger groups. Even though they be different, they will help her to communicate her vibrational information. In other words to be in touch with those that need her. She does very well. She communes very well.

So is there something that she needs to be doing besides working with larger groups?

This will give her advertising, and that is the thing that she needs.

To get more...?

To communicate. Yes. Evolved beings are often timid about this. It comes from being an ancient being, afraid if they make too much noise it will overwhelm them and others will take control. It comes from an ancient knowing of being harmed because of that that she be. She must trust that that will not take place. She is much needed.

I will tell her that. Thank you.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Choices at a crossroads in life

Krista feels as if she is at a crossroads in her life. She says, “I'm unhappy with where I'm at and I feel restless most of the time. I'm transferring in the fall and have the choice to stay close to home or go farther away. I'm leaning towards starting fresh because of the people in my life. I've realized that people I thought had my best interests really didn't and that’s impacted where I want to go to school. Should I take my chances and start fresh and try to rebuild my life with new people or stay closer to home?”

These questions are too many.

There are too many questions here?


There’s really just one—she doesn’t know if she should go and start new…

She doesn’t know who to trust as well. She doesn’t know who to love. She’s made great growth and changes in her life. She’s been very brave and very strong, and has assumed that others were in the same place of learning and time as her. Which was not true. They were not against her in any way; they just have not grown as she has grown.

She has already made the choice to move. Should she fulfill it? It is up to her.

Any advice for her?

Oh, she is so unhappy. She’ s unhappy and she is tormented at this time. She seeks peace and calm and fulfillment but I fear she is seeking it in the wrong way.

Where could she go to seek it? Where should she look?

Within. She already has at hand the greatest opportunity for growth and learning. She is under an umbrella of…security that isn’t giving her security. There is a wild and free, amazing being within this one, that needs to experience more. It’s as if trying to tie down a wild, free stallion. She needs to experience more about the world that she has come to help. It is like trying to fit her into something she does not yet fit into.

Perhaps in time. How to speak of this to her is difficult, for she has made choices that she is determined will give her fulfillment. It’s as if trying to force a round peg into a square hole.

Yes, so if you choose something so strongly, then you may not be open to other things that come up.

Yes, so tell her to stop everything at this time. Take time now to be still. Take long walks and commune with your own body, with your own inner voice. Commune with that that is within you. My child, you are an amazing being, and you are not allowing yourself to be, to express it.

My feeling is that when people have a choice to stay or to move, it doesn’t really matter what choice they make, they’re still going to be facing the same issues.

Yes, because it is not within the land form, it is within the being. This one is trying to force an issue and is having difficulty. Bless this one.

Yes. Thank you.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Connections with ravens, wolves, whales and other animal spirits

I have a question from KF who says she has a raven close by and intense dreams about wolves. Previously she had a “connection” with whales. She asks, “What (if any) is the significance of these beautiful creatures and myself? Many people speak of their connections with their pets or animals in nature. My friend tells me of many interesting experiences with deer. What is the significance of the deer for him? How can we become more in tune or communicate better with these beloved creatures we have encounters with. People speak of animal guides, could you please tell us about their role. Thank you so very much.”

This gentle being is very evolved. When a being’s vibration is at a state that this one is at communication with all beings is possible. In fact it is impossible not to have it. All manner of beings vibrate at a certain rate that can be heard by her at this time.

The being with the deer (this gentle soul) is very, very kind and of course the vibration relates to this one to move gently, to not affect the world in any way that might harm it, to live in harmony with it.

Many ancient peoples have spoken of having spirit guides, totems, in animal form. Many histories have been written and stories told of the raven and its speaking in languages that were understood by the people. These myths and stories have truth, so the stories were told by ancient highly evolved beings. They used the stories in the same way as many religious books, to tell tales of good and bad, to teach how to be in this physical world.

As to guides, if you are of the human descent, in other words if your spirit is carried by a human body, your guide will have a form that is relevant and has most always lived a human lifetime. You can have the energy of a being that was not of human form be with you to teach you in other ways, but they would never be a spirit guide as we are. They would be a teacher.

I think I understand. The animal could teach them one aspect of something but would not be their guide?

Yes. It is good that there are beings that are touched by all animals. It is good.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Choosing to give yourself time

Lyn says she has a good job but doesn’t feel fulfilled by it. She has a sense there is something out there for her but she doesn’t know what direction to take. She asks if there is any help for her to make choices. She says, “Should I completely stop what I am doing before new doors open or will this happen while I continue my present work? It has been suggested that I write even though I do not see myself as a writer. I understand that you do not give specific answers because the growth on the journey is very important but I would be most grateful for a push in the right direction. With love and thanks.”

This is a blessed being. She has helped many people. Wants very much to have some time….to breathe, to see. But feels it is impossible. It is not. It is a matter of choice, in order to attain clarity. Because the fact is this being just needs time…to play, to rest, to just have time for self-healing. Does she create monsters? No.

But she is very creative—and they will consume her life if she gives birth to each of these things. Yes it is true, she can do other things that will bring her peace and harmony. But its important to establish time for her own space, healing, thought, clarity, whatever she wants to call it. She already knows this and is not surprised. She is looking for permission. She must give it to herself. This blessed being feels if she releases herself from this that she will drop like a stone into nothingness. That is not so. I know your world speaks never let go of something that you have that is positive. She would not be letting go of it; she would be releasing it, for it to take on its own life, and for her to take on hers.

And so she answers her own question. It is true we will not make choices for her. But if she gives herself permission, if she loves herself enough to allow herself to breathe, to be concerned about her own being.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Developing as a channel for spirit entities

RGP feels that there are big changes ahead spiritually. She says, “I’ve had sensations of a spirit coming in trying to channel through me. And also on occasion felt like I’m seeing the big picture, more from a larger spiritual perspective. Sometimes I’ve felt like I’ve spaced out completely. Am I just going a little crazy or am I on the edge of a big spiritual growth?”

You are not going crazy, blessed child. And you are not on the edge. You are. You have been for some time. Many of the things that have manifested on your path are part of it—all tools with which you will teach and help others. Channeling is not so foreign a thing. These beings that surround you are of great height and light. That means they vibrate very quickly and of course you will feel somewhat heavy or disconnected as they move to help you. Remember if they channel through you, it is your words as well. Nothing will come through that would be against that that you truly be. No one is taking over your being.

You have been angry in your past and you are being lifted out of this shadow into the blissful wonder of just…happiness. I know you want to find a way in which you can manifest all of this and bring it forward. And this is going to be. Do not be in such a hurry. Keep taking the notes, child. Oh I say not child in that you are small or less than. You are an evolved being. You have come with a very large promise to help many.

And it is true that you will work with others –in time. Let it find its place. You cannot force these things, for when you have you have found yourself amongst others that were not of your truth. They had rules and regulations that did not fit with you. You are doing well my child. Continue. There is much love around you. They hold you. You are not alone.

Thank you very much. I’ll pass this information on.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Concern about a partner's wellbeing

Kristine is worried about her husband’s physical and mental wellbeing. Lately he has been withdrawn and lethargic but claims he is happy. She says she knows it is not so. He often wants to be alone and turns to TV and alcohol. His body is also suffering a great deal. She asks for some insight into this and would like to know if he believes in a higher source.

He wants to. Blessed Kristine, I know that you know you cannot be responsible for his growth--but you cannot help yourself. Knowing this my child, you must accept that he must make his own choices. And it’s all right to accept what he says to you. He wants to believe in the higher realms. He is afraid. He is afraid of being like his father, of looking foolish. He is afraid it is a weakness. No, not for you. For he feels you protect all, so he is protected. He has learned a great deal from you and is trying very hard to be like you.

You know the virus in his body has caused a great deal of difficulty for him. And when one is not happy one’s immune system is not strong. And viruses cause difficulty within him—thus the pain in the knees, the joints. There is some in the spine as well; there is even some curvature occurring. He must find his bliss, his happiness. He is a good being. The choice of the escape—well it’s not unknown in your world.

He loves his children, and you. Be patient. But still be excited. Talk openly about not moving forward. Talk openly about feeling the need for change, no not changing everything, but the natural order of change as the children grow, as you two grow. Love him—as you always have—but love yourself first, my child. Love yourself that you might give to the rest.

I know you pretend a lot of the time; you pretend not to know that that you do know. And you wonder if you do yourself harm by this. Know that if at the end of the day as you lay down, you truly believe that that you be is right, then all is well. I love you my child.

Friday, April 3, 2009

The effects of thought in our world

KF asks about science and terms like electromagnetic fields and forces and waves to describe the actions of physical things. She wonders if these forces also affect thoughts and asks if thoughts can travel, create or manifest.

Thoughts have a vibrational quota just like every part of you. You create the thought and it moves out from you, just as you create a tone with your voice, or the sound of clapping your hands, or the heat of your body. All of these things create an energy force and move out from you. Thus it distorts another and is perceived by another—that is all. Science is truth. There is a need for it.

Oh yes, of course. So in terms of thoughts, if I have a thought about something…. I understand that if I have a negative thought about something it will affect my experience of it. Does it have a power beyond that?

Yes—the duration, the amount of energy put into the thought, the number of beings thinking the same thing—can create an effect in your world. Too much negativity can affect the choices of others. Too many negative thoughts around very young children who are opening and understanding their free will and choices, of course they will be affected.
Can it move mountains? No.
Can it create earthquakes? Yes.
Do you understand what I’m saying? Something that is fragile and can feel the energy, anything that has a receiver to receive it—yes, will be affected. Something that is very strong and would have great strength against it—not as much.

So it could actually have a physical effect. I certainly see the thoughts right now in the whole world being magnified into fear and anxiety because the media is spreading the news about how terrible everything is.

They receive attention from their negative thoughts and they spread even more so by verbalizing them.

I feel it’s important to turn that around.

This is truth.

Any advice?

Be that that you are. Do not partake in this negative thought. Whenever you feel it, correct it with a positive thought. Say it out loud if you wish or just think it. Do not allow it to be part of your path. If you take care of this, it will have an effect. Do not feed into those who wish only to discuss this. Do not pay attention to those areas of your communication that dwell only upon it.

And at some times and on some occasions speak it openly. As you know, you are one that is drawn forward at this time to help teach, to teach the new souls. This can be part of it—by speaking that there is always hope and opportunity for growth. To make the choices to the best that you can. Instead of just letting go and allowing this state to be, have an effect on it and change it to the positive. That is what is spoken of when we say that all the very evolved souls have been called upon to come forward.

Thank you. I’m just thinking of something that was said earlier this morning that there is a purpose for a negative—and that is to attract the positive. So the negative can bring forward a very powerful effect in all the positive thoughts.

There must be a negative in the physical world. It is only when it is out of balance that there is this chaos that you now experience. It is a sign of your times—you are out of balance. But it can be balanced.

Thank you. We will work on it.

I know you will.