Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Why are religions so antagonistic to one another?

We have right now, a number of different religious groups on this planet. And some of them seem to be so antagonistic to each other. I find it hard to see that when I believe that the principles behind them are the same. What can we do to keep those wars from happening?

There have been the great tribes forever my dear. And they will always (whether it be religion, whether it be a cow, or anything) there will always be those that wish to judge the other. And it is in the evolution and the great growth that you realize that the judgment isn’t needed. There is only one truth and that will be your truth. Do not expect another being to have it. Allow them theirs. That is the greatest truth.

So we should each seek our own truth?

Yes, so many beings have died fighting for something that is another being’s truth. And when they crossed over, they were so dismayed that it caused a great upheaval in spirit after some of your great wars and things that have occurred. There was a huge upheaval.

It’s interesting to note as well, that there’s increased spiritualism. You know, where they start doing all sorts of clairvoyance and interesting ways of spirit communicating into the physical world after these great disruptions. Because there is such disharmony in the spirit growth of those that do not wish to come back into the physical world to continue. I don’t know if you want to speak of this right now. But it is true that it’s nothing to be afraid of when a being is confused in spirit. Give them time. They may wish to stay there for a while, but they will come back.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Spirit growth for all life forms

Meluque asked a further question about whether spirit guides are involved in the life experiences of other organisms besides humans on our earth.

Each organism has its own path and so, their own structures in which to support them. The more evolved vibrationally, the more need there is for different support systems. As you can imagine, Mother Energy, this great force that moves through all of us--me, without a body, but a vibrational state, an orb or whatever you wish to call me-- I am one with this energy, but I’m still separate. I am not yet evolved to the place in which I can be one totally with this great and amazing energy. This great creator, this great life-giving force. It is the desire of all of the vibrational states to unite, to be drawn to this one energy. Total knowing, total simplicity. I can’t use words to truly explain what it is.

Do rocks have guides? Rock forms, vibrational forms. Do other planets have beings of life? Yes, oh yes. Other spheres, there are many of them. Other galaxies.

And so for each life form, there is spiritual assistance?

Yes, of course. You would not ever be alone.
And different organisms are on a different path, you said?
So a dog, for example wouldn’t evolve to be a person.
No. They don’t want to.

Yeah, (laughing) I can see why sometimes. So you’ve talked about how everyone desires that communion with Mother Energy. We have a glimpse of that feeling. I’ve heard the word “nirvana” used, or a feeling of oneness. Of course, we can’t really experience that while we’re in a body.
You can have seconds of that experience.
Yes, maybe just standing under a beautiful sky for a moment.
When you are filled with all that that is around you, when you are one with it, you are in this very moment.

And so, you spirit helpers then, are still evolving?
Oh, most definitely. Some very much. Some are universal beings you would call them, where they can be everywhere at once. Just like Mother Energy. Just like God, Tao, whatever name you wish to call that glue that holds us all together.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Eat foods close to the earth; find balance and harmony

The guidance for Kristine to eat wholesome vegetables made me think about what has happened to food in our society, especially those many products that have very little nutrition. It’s so difficult to eat well, and often costly. There are so many choices of unhealthy foods, refined products and chemical additives. I asked the guide how this happened. This was the response.

Evolution—not only of the food chain but of the spirit being. You know yourself there was a time when no food would lie rotting on the ground, when no fish would be tossed overboard if there were too much to be taken. Beings worked hard to bring forward what they needed. There was not the waste that we see now.

There is plenty of food in certain parts of the world and not enough in others. But it isn’t because the physical world cannot provide. There are those that have evolved great minds to create foods that taste very good but don’t have the earth in it. Your great Bible often spoke that you are made from the earth, and there is truth in this. But it is not so much the cells but vibration. To be present in the physical plane you must vibrate in a very harmonious energy with it. This energy is what feeds you. When beings move away from that vibration in feeding themselves, it will not nourish them. It sets up discordance with your earth--almost an allergy. So eventually with so many of these foods not close to your Mother Earth, there will be less ability to live from them. Do not worry about the toxins so much as the inability to live on emptiness.

Right, it fills your stomach, but it doesn’t actually provide much nourishment. Is that why there is so much illness now?

There is a lot of discord in the state of illness in your physical world. But for some time this has been the case. There is great sadness, a feeling of helplessness in the communion of beings. Many new souls feel very lost. They feel they are not mothered, that they are not loved. In this there lies a great amount of growth and a great amount of “no growth.” For you have seen babies that are on the brink of starving but because they suckle a mother’s empty breast they live--because they are loved.
And then there are people in a wealthy family who do not thrive, and end up being someone who causes harm, out of a great need for love.

I guess it’s always been like this?

It’s magnified now. A lot to do with your communications.

Yeah, we hear about all of those terrible things.

And unfortunately, those who are in control of this feel that this is what is needed to be heard. Instead of good things that occur, that help to lift the soul. The teaching of cooking and food, and gathering, and being together.

The media you mean? Yes, that would be much better. There is some of that.

You seek this and so you find it. Those who dwell in the negative vibration attract only negative vibrations. All things have a time in your physical world. All beings must
grow and learn all of these things. So don’t be afraid that things seem out of balance--you must be out of balance to strive to be in balance.

So if the world is out of balance, things will shift and come back into balance?

Yes. The most damaging thing is apathy. To not care is the worst state of "no growth" to be in. Deep caring is a good thing. If you choose to make harmony in your part of your world then you affect the whole. No raindrop is so small that it does not affect the vibration of everything.

Each of you is a magnificent raindrop. See the circles that go out around you. Each being you touch has part of your vibration on it. This is how you affect your world. This is true for everyone—and everything.

Guilt can create physical problems

Kristine wanted to know why ovulation is so difficult for her and what she can do about it.

There is guilt in this being. Guilt often comes from a deep need to be loved, to be accepted. There is a hormone imbalance, this is true. The master glands are very much tapped and exhausted so it is not surprising that ovulation can cause difficulty. There is some scar tissue and a small cyst is present. Mothers very often have difficulty in this area for they are filled with a desire to do more than is needed. Speak that guilt is not necessary. That she must verbally express her great need to be loved. Her heart is open. This one bleeds psychically for all beings. This is where the friction lies. The heat. Tell her to eat good wholesome vegetables and a certain amount of magnesium is important for her as well.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Overturn of Souls

You talked about the overturn of souls, could you explain that?

Present on this physical plane at this time is a great number of very new souls and a great number of very evolved souls. Great growth has occurred on your physical plane due to an amount of individual growth. This leaves a vacuum present, and a need for those that are the teachers, the lawmakers, and the ones that change things. So right in the middle, where many of these laws get changed and new thoughts are brought upon this world, there is a void. And so it is very understandable that old souls have difficulty raising new souls. And that new souls have difficulties being contained. And that old souls being born now are very often being lost in the shuffle as being obscure and different. Overturn of souls this. There is a great movement. It causes some chaos, caused great growth and great disasters. All of which are necessary in your physical world.

Just going back to this idea of changing the schools to meet the needs of young people now, the way these things change is so painfully slow and requires money. Governments worry about resources and are stuck. I’m not sure how we can become more creative and break through that. It seems almost impossible.

No, nothing is impossible. But it is up to the individual to seek their truth. You see, all things mirror the problem. All things must be. If you find yourself in a situation that no longer fits you, that causes you discomfort. That makes you feel you are no longer in the right place, then you must choose to move forward, to step outside of it. And that might be frightening at first. At first. But after you have evolved past that step you will question why you took so long to move forward. You all fear that such chaos will reign if people start to be that that they need to be. No. The opposite is true. There have been many surges of great growth in history. It did not cause the end of existence.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Children experiencing problems at school

Suzanne asked for help with her parenting. Her son is struggling with focusing on required school tasks and she wants to know how spirit views this.

This child is an amazing being. Much pressure has been put on him to be more than what he is prepared to be at this time. This child needs to play, to have fun, to giggle, to laugh. There are so many expectations and such deep love this one has for both parents. Wishing never to disappoint but needing a form in which to be free, to run like a wild, untamed being of great strength that he is. Tell the parents to not be afraid of this time, to embrace it. See it as a time for them to find some joy, some light, some love. They are filled with guilt, burdening this one on things that have nothing to do with him. Expression is an important part of this being. They have always taught him that and now that he is expressing in this way, they pull back with fear of what he expresses. Be not so afraid of him. Know that the centre of this being is filled with light and love and has great desire to grow forward but it frustrated by the stupidity of some of the beings that surround him. Be not afraid of them. I know--you want him to fit into a society that has certain expectations and norms. Well, I want you to see this child’s world is not the same as yours. He has different understanding of it and needs to express it. Give him time, give him space and most of all trust in his own ability to know what is right for him.

This frightens parents to hear this. They feel they do not have the control. Please do not see it as a control, but allowing a beautiful thing to shine, to be. Tell them to not condemn the child. Understand the child. Perhaps it is needed to come home, to be taught at home. Understand that the great need for this one to shine is within him as well. Parents worry a great deal. Trust is needed.

The guide's answer made me think of the great numbers of children in school now who are actually taking drugs to control their behaviour. So I asked why so many children these days are experiencing this attention deficit or hyperactivity?

It is an interesting thing that these ancient systems should still be trying to contain evolved beings. These are evolved beings that are coming into your world. They are very much surpassing the old system of teaching. And yet these beings are highly charged energy and need very different growth. Compassion. They shouldn’t be taught in great numbers, but singularly. They shouldn’t be drugged for that is only harming the great spirits that they be. I know—it is a difficult time to dwell in the physical world. Overturn of souls means changing all the old rules, the old books don’t fit. It is not chaos. It is calmly realizing that there is great growth at hand. And that these beings can teach what is needed, if you are still enough and hear what is being said.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Why are we so stuck on material things?

Many of us are worried about material things, so I asked the guide why we are so materialistic. This is the response.

To fill that space within that needs to be filled. All beings seek that deep love of self, of being, that connection with God, the universe, Tao, Mother Energy--whatever you wish to call it--your source, your center. It is radiant, it is large when allowed to be freed, but when held tight and limiting, and not allowed to be, to flow. The being in their conscious mind seeks to feed, to nourish, to clothe, to make comfortable all parts of their body. Sees from many things they’ve learned outside of it that these other things cause comfort for it and seeks them. Truth being, it is not food or clothing but the true spirit, its sense of being--the light, allowing to flow; the love, allowing to be. In your world right now there are many different concepts of love. It has manifested itself in much need and want, instead of in truth of being.

Be not upset by this. This is the probably the most natural occurrence and change to happen in the physical world. Some have spoken that this is the time of the devil. That is amusing to us. It is not the devil; it is just the human manifestation of growth. To find, to seek, the light—the beings’ greatest growth.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Breaking out of a circle of people who want you to always stay the same

Darcy asked when she would begin to make money like others above her do. She also wanted to know how to go about opening the circle that was spoken of. This is the response we received from a gentle spirit guide:

Firstly this blessed one must understand that the circle that was spoken of was a group of beings that surround her, a group of physical human beings. They be family and certain close friends that have a limited understanding of who she be. She is an amazing being. To break out of this, she might feel that she is constantly having to speak about who she is and what she needs to these ones. For they will have great desire to not want her to grow, to move forward, for it affects them in a different way. She does not need to break anything to change this circle. She needs to be that that she is.

It is a common experience that people are limited by others around them who want them not to change. It often is the way people find security, by making sure that all those stay the same. Nothing stays the same in your physical world, or in spiritual growth. You are not the same being you were but seconds ago. Every experience changes you--or it should. Your vibration moves at a certain rate and it quickens with every element of learning.

As to expecting money, it is entirely up to her. It is not the place of a being in spirit to say what that will be in the future. Grasped hands are very difficult to fill; open hands are much better.

Explain to her that she must be that that she wants to be, that that she is. To be it is to be it. To not judge herself or measure herself against others; to see them as wondrous creatures that can teach her in many ways. That she should glean from them instead of measuring herself against them. That in time, with her growth, that that is needed for her shall be.

This guide, like most we speak to, uses words in slightly different ways. They occasionally use archaic terms like "who she be" instead of "who she is" and we've decided to leave the words intact except in cases where it would be confusing to do so.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Musings on Dinosaurs and Growth

The answer to Meluque's question about why the dinosaurs disappeared spoke about the growth they offered others and the growth they accomplished themselves. This idea of growth keeps surfacing when the guides speak to us. No matter what the question or concern, the real core issue seems to be whether growth is taking place. Of course, it’s not just physical growth that they speak of, but growth of the spirit. So, I guess this means dinosaurs were here for their spiritual growth as well.

This answer takes us away from the physical or scientific reasons for the existence and disappearance of dinosaurs and moves us quickly into the spirit point of view. And that’s the amazing thing about the guides’ answers to questions. The core always returns to spirit, and to the idea of growth.

Most of us think about dinosaurs as scientific wonders; the guides see first their spirit and their opportunities for growth. Dinosaurs with souls--it's quite a new way of looking at paleontology.

Jane and I will take some time next week to address the follow-up questions that have been posted. Meanwhile, we'll all keep working on our own growth.
